Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What to do on a snowy day

Well we have had a bit of snow lately( well it is January)and one does get a bit bored in the we thought we would show you some FABULOUS things that you can do to fight off boredom......

Nothing like a bit of a zoom around the old house.....This can be done until the point of exhaustion or a fight...whichever comes first......

You can pretend you are in the tropics.......

Another round of zoomies( note our playful sounds when we are off camera....)

You can try sleeping on a pillow this way......

Or this way..........

You can dress up(note my beard is all orange..I have been getting sweet potato and I won't let them clean my beard...hee hee)

You can run up and down the other hall and then get right in PL1's face.......

This is not my idea of fun but his.........

You can rest your legs this way......

Or this way........

If you happen to hear a PLOW and it is not this kind.....

BUT THIS KIND........................

You can go in here.......

What's here you ask?? the kitchen pantry.....

We have hundreds of other ideas which we will be sure to show we think it is going to be a long winter.......


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Phewww, that is one lot of snow A&A!! Love the little 2 & 5 sec clips of you running after one another. We are reaaaalllly ready for some all out running now since being back in Phx in a condo. In a few min. mom'll take us to a dog park to run. Hopefully not any cfreepy dogs...that's what scares mommy. Like the music!!
Love you,
BabyRD & Hootie


Hi Agatha and Archie,

We luv your creative ideas on how not to be bored on a boring day!

Very smart of you to hang out in the food pantry. Now why haven't we thought of that?

Riley and Star.

Dexter said...

Zoomies are only fun for so long. Glad you finally got out to face the snow. I hope they plowed your sidewalks.

I think the hidey place in the pantry is perfect. Maybe the snow plows are not so loud from in there.


Gus said...

Welll....we somehow managed to miss one of your postings, and we apologize for the hooman, who hasn't done anything worthwhile that we can tell since she got sick in St. Loulis over Schmauss weekend.

But, maybe we are back, and we have carefully perused your hints about what to do during a snow-in. We may need them tomorrow, since Mayemphis is supposed to get snow late tonight, and even a half an inch can shut this place down BIG TIME. Something in the Southern Psyche does not like snow. So people either hibernate like bears, or they go out and do crazy things, like the one last year who made an accident because she was speeding on some icey roads. Her reasoning...she told the officer that she wanted to get off the ice as quickly as possible.

She ended up in the grassy divider between the two halves of the freeway. Unfortunately, she made some other cars go bumper car crazy too.


There is no understanding them


Angus said...

Your ideas on avoiding the snow plough have been taken on board by W&D.

Bocci said...

Ha! You two are great! I love sweet potatoes, too. We do have snow here in Ohio, but it's not real deep-but gosh it's cold! Parental Unit is on break from her school, so we go for a long walk everyday. Truth be told, she takes me on a long walk no matter what cause she wants the exercise and it's the only way for me to settle down....and sleep. I have 2 beds of my own, but her bed is my first choice!

Eric said...

You two are excellent teachers. I practised all those moves between reading. We have snow too. Some teenage wag pointed to me this afternoon as I was being snowed on and shoued ooooo there's Snowy. Ha funny ha.

Yeh did they all apart from sleeping in the servants quarter pantry. Now. That's the perfect place to chill. And SUPRISE!!! There's a bed in there too. But yap at PL1 to lower the shelves for you. Most inconsiderate. How's a jumping bean able to reach the peanut butter?

Wiry loves n a snow storm of kisses Eric xxx

TwoSpecialWires said...

Now THOSE were some impressive zoomies! You are such good coaches! You might've been proud of us ... we ran crazy laps as soon as we got home, and now once again ... just now ... right after the shower that was just imposed on us as part of our homecoming. (Hrmph. Stink? Us? Never!) Gotta burn that energy.

And! Sleeping in all sorts of places in all sorts of positions. We're practicing just like you show us. Home sweet home. Never better. Never mind it's snowing. It simply feels GREAT! Wouldn't you agree?

Trying to catch up. We've missed ya!
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Dandy Duke said...

The pantry looks like a great idea! Can you reach anything yummy in there?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

This is kind of a good guide for us for the summer when it is 110 degrees outside, even at night!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Yes, it is going to be a long winter!
Glad you two have interesting things to do inside your home!
Looks like the pantry is a great place to hide while that snow plow is outside making noise!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I think the pantry is a great place to hid, and you can eat whenever you like. It is perfect.
Sally Ann

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi guys!

So sorry for not visiting sooner! Hope your New Year's celebration went great...*grins*

Those are definitely cool things to do on a snowy day! I'll keep that in mind if I ever get to visit a snowy country! *wink* Love the zoomie videos too...*grins*


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

WOW!! Our snow is just a baby snow compared to yours - and we do a lot of snoozing but are very excited to see Mom get on her boots and insulated overalls because that means we are going for a walk.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Teesha and Bindie said...

Oh wow a pantry sleeper, must tells mum to gets all the buckets off the floor, cause I likes that idea

William Tell said...

Whoa, a dog could get lost in those snow drifts! And that plow, why, it'd cover a pup right up and they wouldn't find you til July. Better to stay indoors and make the best of it. Spring can't come soon enough for me.

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Hector and Lola said...

Hi A & A! What fun ways to keep yourselves entertained! It looks awfully cold where you are! Stay warm! -Hector and Lola

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD...your pantry doesn't have anything on the floor???? Where does PL2 store her Coke Zero?? She does drink Coke Zero obsessively doesn't she??? Hmm...our panty has so much crap on the floor we couldn't dream of havin' a bed in there...sheesch...

We can't believe that's the same street Mumsie saw in scraping in all that snow would be a MAJOR job...Stanny's good at scrappin' cars...Mumsie just had his nails grinded for an outrageous amound due to his scrapin' the side of the car...we're good doggies...Scruff and me...we just run away and bite.

Kisses, dear ones...stay warm and that orange beardie look, Aggie...that's pretty close to my shade...'cept I'm natural, of course...


Faya said...

Ok, I'll tell you what to do :
Put some snow in a box and send it to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
It is snowing everywhere in Europe exept in Switzerland. This is not fair.....
Kisses and thank you in advance, Faya

Kess And Her Mama said...

The 2 of you are ever so creative to find ways to spend indoors. Me, I much rather spend my time snoozing!

Unknown said...

Hi A and A
looks like mr archie got himself his own bomb shelter. Well I think zoomie fun is the best. If you drang PL1&2 along, they get their workout in too!

I hope your entering mango's contest. I've seen you two live in person and think you make perfect cracker dog insane participants. ahem... despite being the cutest

Bobby said...

Hi,Agatha and Archie. Thank you for dropping by, you even have more snow than us. It seems it is going to be a long winter. We hope we get a good summer. We play well Pip and any foster dog we have. I usually lie down and watch or get right out of the way. I can hear you playing and see you resting that is my best position.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are cold. But you have SNOW! Brrrrr. Good thing you know how to entertain yourselves.

Sophie Brador said...

A&A, Look at all that fabulous snow. I just don't know what they do with it in the cities. It was so clean and pretty in Vermont and it's so dirty in the cities. It's the same in Montreal. Mom won't even let me roll!

Don't worry about those plows Archie. Just bark at them and trust your PLs will keep you safe.


Lacy said...

w0-0fs, all me snow has rained today..but wasnt to cold...mama says she ready for spring, so we can dig in the dirt..

b safe,