Here is the ocean and it smelled soooooo good........
We took a quick walk onto the dock...and peeked out at the ocean....
Archie is deciding which way we should go(well it was his idea after all.....)
Way over there on the other side is Boston.......
Here it is again....
Just a pretty shot during our walk....
While we were walking we met a black lab....and her owner told us that up ahead there was a little beach where we could swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!You know me and water!!!!(but I really have not actually been in the ocean yet..)
Here is a short feature presentation of my brother and I at the beach.......
I gotta tell you there were some RIPE smells there!! FABULOUS!!!! Like fish and clams and snails,,,it made a girl(but funny not a boy) want to ROACH RIGHT IN THEM!!!!) Note how quickly my neck is SNAPPED back by PL2 as I try to roach in the delicious fragrance..
I am trying to figure out the waves here...
I am looking across the ocean thinking of Jackson,and Eric and Molly and Taffy and Blue on the other side.....
SO they DRAGGED us out of there and we continued our walk and found this lovey gazebo...
We were getting a little pooped..all that walking and swimming and fish roaching... so we sat for awhile.....
Archie I said..look out across the ocean and send a telepathic message to all of our friends.....
(HELLOOOOOO you are looking the wrong way???)
PL2 found this shell so we will have a memory of our walk....... Archie thought it smelled the sea....
I sort of tried to eat it.....
While we were walking back to the car PL2 looked around and noticed that it was like being at the Cape(Cape Cod )with all the plants and then she realized that it was done on purpose because that was President Kennedy's favorite place......
So that is the tale of our wonderful day adventure on Sunday....before the guys came to the windows....before we barked for eight hours straight...but that is another story......