Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A book,T-Touch,a torture instrument and A MASSIVE SUBTERFUGE

Well,this has been QUITE an interesting week. We received a package in the mail and it had Lacie and Scruffy and Stanleys adress and smell on it, so we got all excited and ran to open it,ONLY TO FIND THIS........and they did not send it MUMSIE DID....WHAT THE @(*&#(&^$(that is an HBO word) is this??????????? Look at it closer.......

JAWS OF DEATH Right?? It is called A RAKE(not at all what I called it) and it is used for dogs like us that have 2 is an instrument of torutre... do not use this ... IS SHE CRAZY??????????? Lacie sent us a box of treats to go with it because she was apoligising for Mumsie sending it as she KNOWS it is a torture device........
If that isn't enough PL2 got this book about T Touch. What is T touch you ask?? PL2 is not really sure SO SHE IS GOING TO EXPERIMENT ON US.... it has something to do with massage and calming dogs and helping with dogs that have "issues" YES WE HAVE ISSUES HAVE YOU BEEN READING THIS POST??!!!!Then we got a fun thing in the mail form Butchy and Snickers(thankyou B+S ) You read it and take some tests and then it tells you what kind of dog you would be......HAH PL2 took it... We thought she would be some whacky carzy kind BUT NO......She would be ....
A siberian husky!!!!! Ha HA and she is sick of snow so I guess that was ok...(to get back at her for the rake....)
Here is the all time WORST PART..... See this?? You all know what this is right? MY CRATE!!! See all my stickers from my earth dog games???? Well all my stuff was on the top and PL2 said don't worry Aggie I am just cleaning it.....How about we 3 go to Jamaca Pond and Pl1 has ALOT of stuff to do so he will stay home and do it...OK we said....

So off we went....
Walking along checking out the scenes.......
Looking in the water........
Trying to drag PL2 into the water.....

Checking out the ducks......
Found this extrodinary interesting branch.......

Sat for some apple......

Saw these 2 kids( talk about having a temper...geesh.......a little touchy these 2...
And what the heck are they doing here????? Upside down??
So we came home and I went into the kitchen to take a nap in my crate..AND FOUND THIS...WHAT THE (*&^%&%#^ IS THIS??? THIS IS NOT MY CRATE.....
He SWITCHED my crate when we were gone to this one.. DID HE THINK I WOULDN"T NOTICE?????????????? And WHY you might ask .. WHY WAS my crate switched????? For this kid............. I know I know he is a cute kid and all that but will he know how to take proper care of it?? You see when we arrived here as puppies PL1+2's friend Leah (who is a vet) lent them MY CRATE...and now she just got that kid and a rescue dog and she needs it back.... Well I suppose it is ok, and my crate is the same as Archies and he said it is great for flat screen TV's and I could get TIVO...which wouldn't really fit in my old I guess that kid can have it..... We will tell you more about these 2 kids later,I have to calm down a little....

Now we have to figure out how to hide that rake and the T touch book....we'll get back to ya.....


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey guys, You will like the T Touch. I promise!!! Mom has a video of it. It's good for most animals. Anyhoo, you will like it. The rake won't hurt either. Mama says when she groomed, it was invaluable. So that's good right??Sorry about the crate, you prbably had gotten it broken in just right. Who is the little black and white kid? The one who is in your old crate now??

Asta said...

That howwid thing was used on me today along wif evewykind of towtoowe device invented..and now I'm NAKED! how am I supposed to appeaw in a move all NAKED? I'm leaving on location tomowwow..and am hoomiliated, and on top of that I had pwojectile Di a REA while on the grooming table..
I think youw new home looks vewy spiffy, and that kid looks cute enough to give youw old one to..I'd say you won on this one
love and smoochie kisses

Eduardo said...

I like your new crate! Let us know about the T touch! I don't like that other thingy too much, it looks scary!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lacy said...

w00f's A and A, hmmm dat does look like a torture tool...but dat book mite b coolies fur a likes dat sumtimes...thats a cutie pie puppy...and ur new bed looks spiffy to me...

b safe,

BenTheRotti said...

OMDog.. what is that instrument of torture? Please tell me they are not going to actually attempt using that thing on you? If Mum came near me with one of those she would walk away with less fingers than she approached me with!
Do you need me to phone the puppy welfare people? surely there are laws against such abuse?

Those wierd upside down critters frequent my lake too, whats with that?? we don't want to look at your butts! sit up for ducks sake!

The new crate looks good.. I'm sure you will make it like home in no time at all.

If you need a place to hide from the torture gear I can clear a space in my basket.. it's big and I can hide you under my blankie

Ben xxxxxx

Joe Stains said...

Sounds like things are slipping out of your control over there!?!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You two had a fun filled day.
Tell your mom that the T bone would follow the T touch, otherwise, no bone, no touch!

the many Bs said...

hi A&A, you two have the most interesting lives. we want to come live with you, but not if you have that torture rake in the house. thank goodness, we only have one coat, but it's really curly and even a regular pin brush is a pain. we don't even know how that torture rake thing works, but it looks awful. and that long handle. it just doesn't look good at all.

we got that book from Butchy & Snickers too. we are gonna test our mom and then we are gonna test ourselves. we wonder what kind inner dogs we are. hee hee! that T Touch should be called B Touch. then it would be cool touch.

we're sorry about your crate, Agatha, but that kid sure is cute. maybe your PL2 will put your earthdog stickers back on the new crate. then you can dig around inside of it to get your scent going and fluff up the blankies a bit.


Gus said...

lets see..I don't like the torture thingy, I don't like crates, but I do like massage.

You and Arch better get busy and get back in control


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Lots of things are happening at your house!
I guess I have to be thankful that I have short hair!
Let us know how it goes, ok?
I am sure you will do a good job decorating the new crate!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Eeks. that rack thingy scares me.

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

That torture instrument looks pretty, torturous. Yeah... I hope it's not used for slicing you into pieces or something like the pizza cutter ya know? But I don't think so.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Faya said...

Hello friends !
Véronique use this rake on me every week and .... I like it. About T Touch, Taky's Mom is now going at school because she wants to learn T Touch to other people. I was there when she used T Touch on looks very very cool !
And thank you so much for the package ! It is fantastic ! Véronique first looked at the roster to see if she can take out the battery but NO BATTERY !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
Thank you my friends and kisses,
Faya & Dyos

Urban Smoothie Read said...

tell us about the transformation after being TOUCH

The Black and Tans. said...

A and A

That was a bit of a shock coming home to find your own personal space had been taken away.

We have one of those torture rakes here in our house. Have to say when the hoomans have the central heating turned up to Caribbean temperatures in the house and we are sporting woolly coats it is a bit of a relief to have the old rake through our coats. Honest! It doesn't hurt, trust us!

Molly and Taffy

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, we have that same torture device at our house and mom just used it on me a couple of days ago! It wasn't so bad - it didn't hurt too much!
Ya mean our mom was supposed to take the doggie test and not us?? Why would we want our hooman mom to be a dog?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey that tool looks dangerous. My advice to you is run.....Or you can lock yourself in your new crate.


Dexter said...

I think that goose was mooning you. How rude.

I don't know about your new bedroom / bunker. Looks more like something for a wild gal like Lacie rather than your lady-like self.


Sophie Brador said...

Agatha! I wish I could have gone to Jaimaca Pond with you. I would have shown those gooses. So, that new bed of yours? It kinda rocks. I like it. I bet I couldn't fit in though.


Eric said...

A travesty.Fancy taking away your Home Sweet Home twinny. I'm sure with you female touches you will make it as snug and cosy as the bomb shelter and the other 13 beds in your house, he,he!!

Mom has the T touch book. I think you might like it. When I was a pup- ok last year- I didn't like being groomed much on my face or paws but then Mom used the T Touches before she groomed me. Woosh!!! I'm now chilled, and laid back so I don't relly have them anymore...but then I don't have that torture instrument used on me!!But NO!!! She has just spied it on your blog so I fear I might have it soon....

Wiry wags, Eric x x x

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That rake looks really scary to us heelers. We have an undercoat too and it probably would tug it all out. Although Dad has a furminator that we really enjoy.
You went to the lake and you didn't get to go swimming? What is up with that? That is just unheard of at our lake...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Agatha...I tried to stop her from mailin' that rake, but NO...she used it and the COMB on me yesterday. UM...I sorta bit her. Then we played this totally cool game. She bought this thing that clicks...she calls it a "clicker"...well, da..

She put the wrong side of the brush on my beard.(Not the hurtie part)if I don't bite her I get a treat!!!... If Stanny doesn't jump on It is totally cool!!!

About ur new crate...if ya want, I could come up and sleep in it and make sure it's not dangerous or anything...let me know!

We're sooooo glad to be back up on line!!!

Love ya..Scruffman

Patience-please said...

Oh Nooooooo! When we saw that RAKE, we were glad we are hair-challenged whippets yes we were!
Don't throw away the T Touch book - oooooh that is heaven! The servant learned it from doing it on the horses in the old days. We like the energy medicine meridian work she is learning even better, but the T touch is AWESOME, too.

ags from the thankfully barely hairy whippets

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Archie and Agatha,
Gee.. that torture instrument should be banned!!
OMdoG... the little black and white on looks adorable. It looks more harmless and docile than MY black and white one (i.e. Hershey). More pics please!!

The Musketeers said...

Hey there ! Do come by our blog often yeah (:

Niamh said...

I can testify that that rake thing is evil!! We have one at home and I cannot stand it! I am so sorry that you have one.

However TTouch is wonderful. I have even been TTouched by Linda Tellington Jones herself (there is a post on my blog from earlier this year about it) and it is the most marvelous feeling. It really helped me a lot as I did not like my back legs touched or grooming at all and now I am much better about it.

Your friend,

Unknown said...

Madison has one of those torture devices to. She hasn't gotten brave enough to try to use it on me.

Shmoo said...

Um... the picture of a husky that you have there is actually a malamute... we huskies are much fluffier and smaller and WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING A HUSKY?


a fluffy pretty husky

Toffee said...

ooooh! Aggie! I like your new digs! At least you get your OWN - I have to share with (sigh) Riley.

That is a very cute pup at the end of your post!

We hope to see you is sorry that she has not made the computer available to allow me to visit your blog...I want you to know that we think of you two a lot!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie -

You will like the T Touch book. Mama has an older version of that book. She used to do massage on my older sister Bosco. It really works. Have a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci