Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 2

Archie says,in true terrier fashion,what kneecaps?I'm fine,and believe it or not he is getting alittle used to being held in captivity in his little space. When PL2 woke up this morning he had somehow moved one of his beds to another postion(well he didn't like it where it was and it is SMALL in there)He went on line last nightand ordered a flat screen TV, a mini bar, 200 soduko books,had food delivered to his bedroom,and joined Netflix(PL2 doen't know yet he "borrowed" her credit card.He is walking much better( in fact fine!!!) but on "bedrest" he remains just like the Dr ordered. He is being carried to go outside( I think he is REALLY liking this and tries to lick PL2 on the nose when she takes him)
Although the girls are all here and we have been having a lot of these.........

I really want to run around the house with my brother.......


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Agatha...he ordered what with PL2's credit card?? It's gonna be hotter at ur house than in the bomb shelter with the firepit burnin'...hmm...I guess she wasn't too keen on the roastin marshmellow chocalate is SOOOO much better if the marshies are toasted...

Actually, several of the pups have been entered in nurse's aides programs already...(I think many of them are female, but they won't admit it for fear of being cut off from their Absinthe supply...) I have my eye on one of them for you...he/she can take vitals, hook pts. up to a moniter, zero and calibrate an art line and can dx. all but the most complicated heart blocks on an EKG. They aren't certified to pass meds yet, but I'm assuming PL2 is probably doin that for Arch when we're not there...

Gotta run...Babystan is goin crazy and Daddy's trying to sleep...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. I hope Archie gets up and play with you soon

~ Girl girl

Hammer said...

Hi Archie
Try to rest, mate. You've got 2 broken knee caps. It's good you're so bright and bubbly though. However, take it easy so that you get better real quick. We're thinking of you, mate.
Love from Hammer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Archie, glad to hear you're on the mend. Must be kinda boring for Agatha though. At least she's got the nurses to play with, when they not busy with you! J x

Headgirl said...

Great that your feeling a little brighter Archie - that sounds some internet shopping spree - prepare to look exceedingly pathetic when it all arrives.
Chin up Agatha, he'll soon be driving you crazy again, so enjoy the 'girl' time!

Love, Pat & pets to all

wally said...

Aw--poor Archie! Well he probably deserves all that stuff. And you probably need some stuff for taking good care of him, eh?


Dandy Duke said...

It sounds like Archie is happy and thriving, even with two bum knees! You girls must be doing one awesome job! Keep up the good work! He'll be racing around driving you nuts in no time at all, Agatha! Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can!

Love ya lots,

Harry said...

Glad Archie is staying comfortable. Cassidy has hurt her knee too. She is at the vets today for x rays and tests. Does Archie fancy a hospital room mate?

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Bebe said...

I hope you get better soon. I once took out a loan from a neighborhood dog for dog treats and he said something about my knee caps if I dont repay him but I dont think it the same thing.

Hang in there buddy. Rent some Thin Man Movies for me.

Jake of Florida said...

Hmm, that gives us an idea about improving our own lifestyle!!!

Archie, you are one cool terrier. If we were of the female persuasion,we'd be right there!! But, as it is, we're just sending you some high fours times two!!!

Stay cool, pal,

Jake and Just Harry

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

ARch, maybe you should also order some really good scotch to go in your new bar. You could sip it while watching your new tv.

Lenny said...

It sounds like Archie is setting up quite the bachelor pad and is getting quite used to his bedrest!

Sorry you don't get to run around much either, Agatha. :(

Your friend, Lenny

Amber-Mae said...

Mmm, martinis...Archie, hope yu will feel no more pain soon then you can play with poor lonely Agatha.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus said...

Wow! Archie shops faster than muzzer and that is one accomplishment for a guy with bad knees. Hope this is not a blooming obsession, and that he is recovered enough to help from the sidelines at the bowl game.


Maya and Kena said...

Oh Agatha!!
I know how you feel!! When Kena just got spayed, she wasn't allowed to move much, and I kept on pushing her to play with me.... I really missed the fun, but soon after I could play all i wanted with her!
Keep up the good work on the recovery Archie!
Wags and licks,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i know u miss all the fun time u had with ur brudder...

but juz bear with him a little while longer...maybe u accompany him to watch some DvDs...

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Agatha, Maybe your PLs could get you another WFT to hang with. If Arch gets all those goodies he ordered, why shouldn't you get your very own doggie?


Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey sorry to hear about the kneecaps. Hope Archie will soon be better.

Is that you at the bottom Agatha? What a beautiful picture.


Jan Price said...

Hmmmm. We can tell you from experience, humans don't like it when we borrow credit cards - or in our case, their car. Sure hope you don't get found out.

jans funny farm

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Agatha, don't be sad, Archie will be better soon then you two can play to your hearts content. We've our paws crossed that Archie is better very soon. In the mean time take that credit card away from him or PL2 is going to have a fit!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess and Lucy

Anonymous said...

I hope Archie gets better. I had a dislocated knee cap and had to have surgery on it! That hurt!! So tell him to rest it so he doesn't go through that!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
My mom says that buying things makes her feel better sometimes. Maybe that is happening with Archie!
I know he wants to make his normal life but, please tell him to follow the doctor's advice!
Don't be sad Agatha.He will be playing with you in less time than your think!
Kisses and hugs

Maya and Kena said...

Hey there Agatha and Archie,
We just went to Joe Stains' blog and you're right, the doggy at the dog park we went to looks so much like him! Thanks fur the comment!!
Have a great day!!
Hope you feel better Archie!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Joe Stains said...

uh oh I sure hope he signed those credit card receipts as John Hancock!! His crate can be on Cribs now!! Sorry its such a tough time for you Agatha!

erin said...

I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to dislocate your kneecaps?
Enjoy your sweet potatoes and I hope you get well really fast Archie!
PS It's funny that your humans have to carry you out to pee though!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Your Mom is doing a great job of taking care of you.. You just hang in there you will be running and playing in no time...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! The Mom said I dislocated mine so wouldn't go back in place! That's why I had surgery. I have something called...ummmm...patella luxation? My knee caps had to be reshaped! I had this cool cast that I chewed off....The Mom wasn't happy lol.

Hopefully you'll be up soon and playing!

the many Bs said...

Poooooor Archie. we do feel very sorry for both of you. being on bed rest sucks! Benson has been limping for 2 months and mom has to take him to the vet again. she thinks he might have osteochondrosis, which means x-rays and surgery and bed rest. he's only 7 months old and ... well, you know how hard it is to confine an active dog to bed rest. geesh. we can only imagine how painful this is going to be for all of us.

so we are hoping for Archie's speedy recovery. we hope that you, Agatha, don't go insane without your crazy brother to play with. it's tough.


Lillie Valentine said...

I have 1 dislocated knee cap and I am feeling sad you have to have surgery? I am going to have to because mine won't stay in place. Maybe we could be room mates at the hospital?? I hope you feel better REAL soon.

Stanley said...

Ohhh. Agatha! It's like you're on bedrest right there with the ArchMan! So sorry you have nodog there to run aournd with, but it sounds like that will be remedied very soon!

Give some healing goob smooches to Archie (if you can bare to) and to your peeps too. Sounds like they're on duty 24/7.

Goober love & smooches,