Friday, November 30, 2007

An extremely important matter

I have taken verboten the words from our friends Jake and Harry and Axel(who brought this all to attention) and Asta and Bussie and Gussie.This is such a horrible thing and we MUST do something about it. There are so many of us we can make a difference.Come on our blogger friends,let's all UNITE!!!

Here's the story, with thanks to Axel and others who have put all this together. Marc-Andre Laporte, 59, was found guilty of two counts of animal cruelty at the St. Jerome courthouse in Montreal this week, following the seizure of 97 fox terriers in November 2005 from his Blainville puppy mill. Judge Jean Sirois rejected Laporte's argument that he loved his dogs too much. When police raided the property, they found dogs matted in feces feeding on dogs' carcasses and stronger dogs preying on weaker ones. Click here -- if you have a strong stomach -- to see the photos: 40 animals had to be destroyed. Laporte's home was later condemned and demolished in March 2006. The surviving dogs were cared for by the SPCA and later, with the help of devoted fox terrier lovers, found wonderful foster homes where they have been living for the past 2 years. Despite his horrendous treatment of these innocent creatures, Laporte, who wil be sentenced on February 22, 2008, is facing only six months of jail time and up to $4,000 in fines. At the same hearing, the judge is to decide if Laporte is to get any of his fox terriers back!WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. The surviving mill fox terriers took months to recover physically, medically and emotionally from their ordeal. To even consider removing ONE wire from the safety and care of their loving foster families back to Laporte is OUTRAGEOUS!Today we are launching a two-fold campaign to prevent Laporte from getting his dog/s back. We know we can count on you to take action and spread the word:1: Please go to to sign the online petition that has been set up. Once all the signatures are entered, it will be printed out and given to Elizabeth Pierce who has been instrumental in saving and caring for the Blainville wires, for distribution to the media (unfortunately it is illegal in Canada to hand petitions to the court).2: Please take a few minutes to write a letter to Judge Jean Sirois imploring him to prevent Laporte from ever taking possession of his former fox terriers or of owning any dog again. If you can, include a photo of yourself and your foxie/dog. All the letters received will be put in a file and also handed to the media.Letters should be mailed to: Elizabeth Pierce, 119 16th Street, Roxboro, Québec, Canada. The sentencing hearing is February 22, 2008 – so write those letters soon. Please disseminate this information on your blogs, to your fellow dog owners etc. Thank you for your support in this important matter.Remember, this could have happened to any of us or our friends. It's not just about wire fox terriers. It's about treating all animals with the love and respect they deserve


Gus said...

Thank you for putting your paws in the air and helping out.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We went, we signed and we'll write. Yeesch...this is shouldn't even be a consideration. It makes us MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scruffy and Lacie

Thanks for posting on it...!!!!

Asta said...

Agatha and Archie
Thanks for joining us in this fight against the monstew!
I'm sowwy Archie is afwaid to leave home..does this mean he won't come to my pawty eithew??? I suwe hope not
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

This is so sad and it makes me MAD and ANGRY!

Faya said...

He should be .... and .....
.... well leave me five minutes with him....
Véronique had signed...
Kisses, Faya

Harry said...

Disgusting. We have signed.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Amber-Mae said...

I read about this in Buster's blog yesterday & I was extremely upset about it! How can the judge allow him to have back his neglected dogs??? I don't understand this judge.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Headgirl said...

I was so horrified about this!
Felt a little better having posted about it & signed petition/written letter but it still seems not enough!

Pats & pets

Dandy Duke said...

This guy deserves the gas chamber! He's a monster!
We signed!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

We signed the petition. What a disgrace.....grrrrr makes us upset, sick and angry.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

la said...

Oh my god, these poor dogs! I will never understand how people can be so cruel to animals. Of course we signed the petition.


Jake of Florida said...

Your blog has gotten even more paws involved!! Great work.

Jake and Just Harry

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

We signed on line yesterday.

love and licks, Marvin xxxx

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
Sure this is too bad. How can he could just think about getting them back!
I've signed the petition!
Have a good night

Balboa said...

Just absolutely horrible. We signed the petition and will email all our friends and family to sign it as well. We will also write a letter.

I just makes us so sick!!!!

Balboa and MOmmy

the many Bs said...

we hate this kind of stuff. he's a very BAD man and not even deserving of the 3-legged salute. (but we want to)


Stanley said...

Hey, guys!

We've signed, and we'll write a letter to. Can't believe the guys has the guts to ask for any of the pups back. My girl has been spitting mad since she first read this!

Glad you two are loved & snuggly!

Goober love & smooches,

fee said...

dear a+a, yes!!! i've signed the petition and also put up a blog post to spread the word too! laporte musn't be allowed custody of our poor blainville friends again. he has done enough harm.


Sophie Brador said...

A&A, I met lots of those WFT at the SPCA walk. They were really sweet, but that guy needs to go down. I signed the petition and then sent it to all my Montreal friends who may not already know about it. Thanks for your help.
