Friday, April 22, 2011


Well it took its time but spring is finally here!! Look at this pretty island!!! 

And we LOVE forsythia!!!

So I was hanging out (on the pillow. It makes me look higher plus SO much more comfortable)and thinking what should we do on this lovely day.

(I have been in a bit of a quandary as one of my toys is on top of that bookcase and I CAN NOT figure out how to get it........)PL1 gave us a bath and a cut... so we had to do the following........

AND we got LOVELY new collars.You can't really see mine as I kept moving and PL2 gave up but it has peace and love signs on it...

Archie's has little bones on his..And of course what better thing to do on a spring day but PLAY TENNIS!!!! Archie as you can see below is REALLY into this....and I play in my own little way...

Another sure sign of spring?? THE BOSTON MARATHON!! Here are Archie and PL1 watching the runners.... Well PL1 is watching it.. Arch is kind of looking the wrong way... Some fellows from Kenya won and two of them(first and second place) in BROKE A RECORD!!!!(Archie says he trained them but I am not 100% sure about this...)

Well we are thrilled to pieces that spring is here... have lots to look forward to(the Red Sox getting better, the Celtics in the playoffs, and the Bruins.... GEESH who thought they would come back!!!!.......) We are going to do some earthdog!!!  and PL2 is going to look into tracking classes( it will be like Sherlock Holmes)WOOHOO so I must soon start my training with my coach/ brother.. if I can get him away from the  TV and the new show about cupcakes......


Gus said...

inOOHOOHHOOOO..I love that show about the cupcakes

(who always has his priorities straight)

Bocci said...

Ha! We're glad it's spring too! But it's still raining in our neck of the woods.
Good luck to all of your teams, A+A!

P.S. Love those videos-hehehe

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Your spring is looking pretty - we are havin' autumn - so the leaves on the trees are pretty - and it's much cooler. I like your new collars! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Amber-Mae said...

Hoomie Melissa watches that cupcake show too. Sure sounds like it was a great race! Hope you all had fun.

Angus said...

Cupcakes ? Sounds pretty interesting.

Dandy Duke said...

We love your beautiful flowering trees, guys! Forsythia makes us smile!
You and Mitch have the same collar, Archie! You could be twinsies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Oh Boy. I'm still in fantasy land on the farm.Did you manage to have a big old rock and roll? Looked smashing.Wish I'd been there.

Your spring looks fab and all.We have spring too. A tropical one - sheese it's too hot to even foxtrot. A bonkers 80 (where's the degrees key?)today.Put that farm funnel straight into my north and south can you -feel the need of a relentlessly huge Smoothie....

Wiry love and a squillion kissies.

Eric xxx

Eric said...

Cupcakes Archie? Yummmmmmmm......any rabbit ones going begging??

Asta said...

Awchie and Agatha
Wooo Hoooooo
Youw Spwing is most gowgeous
I love the flowew island and the fowsythia is soo bootiful. I just knew that Awchie was involved in twaining the mawawthonews!!! Congwats to him.
I do think it's pawfect weathew fow a bwisk game of tennis.not too cold, not too hot.
It looks like it was a 40 Love Game.
AWe you weady to come to England???
Awe you packed????
I'm in a tizzy
smoochie kisses
ASTApee ess it's gweay and wainy hewe again

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee glad ta hear that Spring has finally sprung.....yer right it took its good old time......we will miss the spring flowers this year 'n that makes us sad but we're glad ya got ta enjoy 'em......

Happy Easter....Happy Spring.....'n go Earthdog !

Dewey Dewster here....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow...that double backhand serve was somethin' you have your dress for the wedding??? The Royal Wedding,'s this week...Friday...Arch...morning coats required...

Your spring has really sprung...we have trees blooming BUT IT WON'T STOP RAINING...even the farmers are compaining...they can't get their corn in...

Kisses, and your are escorting my, aren't you Archie????


Lacie Spring Cakes

WFT Nobby said...

Archie, I believe that Andy Murray is looking for a new tennis coach. I'm sure the job is your if you want it. I can tell right away from that wee video that you have a sound grasp of the game..
Toodle pip!

Oskar said...

Oooh, cupcakes! I bet you'll have a blast with your new classes. I always do after bath zoomies.

Nubbin wiggles,