Saturday, December 4, 2010

Archie's new case......

We have been very busy lately and have been obtaining evidence to back a case that Archie is working on which concerns areas that do not allow dogs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? NOT ALLOW US??? On  reviewing the data he has for his case so far I am not 100% sure he really has supporting data but it is a case in progress( kind of like him..hee hee)

    So our first feature presentation gives you a demonstration of what we are talking about......
Our next presentation is not really part of his case but a film demonstrating synchronzied squirrel hunting

Ok back to his case.......

I thought I would throw in a film of me trying a new way to file your nails

Finally he decided to give up because there was way to much to do (CHECK OUT THIS GIANT TREE HOLE!!!) than to build a case against goof balls...



Niamh said...

The nerve of all those places to ban dogs! We should all move to Europe where they are much more dog friendly.

Ambrose would like to join you on your squirrel hunts. He is obsessed with them.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Archie, I think you are going to need a bit more focus if you are going to combat these dreadful 'No Dog' areas successfully. Lawyers don't get paid zillions of $$$$ or even ££££ per hour to go round hunting squirrels and filing their nails you know...
Toodle pip!

Gus said...

ummm..if youussie need help with the sqrrrrlllls me and Teka would volunteer!


Dexter said...

I hate those signs! What a pain. Banned from the nicest walkie places.

Your movies were wonderful. I just love watching you two and of course the beastie will no doubt be practicing that new nail filing technique.


P.S. I am going to the special vet again on Tuesday. Did Archie ever go?

Kess And Her Mama said...

We get lots of those nasty signs over here in Malaysia as well. Sigh... Is there no justice in this world?

Jans Funny Farm said...

You two are really squirrelly ... uh, we mean really funny.

Noah the Airedale said...

Dogs not allowed...pffft what kind of dumb rule is that. Why are dogs not allowed????? It should say idiot humans not allowed! Whaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa

Noah x

Dandy Duke said...

You're doing them a favor by keeping those pesky squirrels at bay. They should be thanking you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

tula monstah said...

good thing woo don't know how to read or woo'd nevah go anywhere! geesh are woo sure you're in MASSACHEWSITS!



the many Bs said...

what? a place that doesn't allow dogs? THIS IS A HORRIBLE INJUSTICE AND IT MUST BE CORRECTED. since Archie helped us to not be labeled as bad dogs, we are on our way to tear down those awful signs. if the signs are gone, then the rules are gone. what the heck though, that's just WRONG.

your synchornized squirrel chasing is very good, but you really need to learn to climb trees.


TwoSpecialWires said...

We've got SO much to learn. What to tackle first? The silly humans? The rodents? The tree holes? The tree trunks? Just when we think we're making progress ...

(It's true. Other than my football, I don't destuff stuffies. Even the squirrel and chipmunk you gave me are still intact.)

Oh dear.
Jake (and Fergi)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

You've got to be kidding DOGS ALLOWED? Are they nuts? Those parks are so going to be part of the great rodent takeover if we are not allowed to participate in a bit of ratting, squirreling, chipmunking etc...sheesch...

Aggie, what a delightful new nailfile you've found!!! Um, how to you do the back ones?

And watch out for those tree holes...we had a chipmunk trot right out of there in front of our noses one day...AND WE MISSED HIM...

Oh...if you pick a thinner tree, it's really fun to run cirlces around it in three different directions...drives the hoomans crazy...



The Thuglets said...

Crikey..they ban you from being there! Are they mad?

Have you thought about a petition as part of your case building?

we never see squirrels.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Eric said...

Dogs not allowed in the park?Noooooo. Come on ovah we can do our foxy frolics in all of mine instead. We even have pesky squirrels but uh oh ...never seen a nail file that big. Is that a problem twinnie? Kittie bro mewed the stair carpet is a purrrrrrfect substitute.The bottom step of course so everybloggie who dares to come to my door can see it.

I'll ge the bunk beds in the shed ready. Oddles of wiry ones. xxx

Bocci said...

How did we miss this??? Are all those places that are banning dogs,burning books too?

By the way, congrats on your Patriots:-)!