Monday, October 18, 2010

WE ARE GOING TO HARVARD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!! PL1 got a telgram  email asking us to come back to Harvard!! This is what it said:


As a graduate of the Harvard Canine Cognition Lab, 
your dog  Agatha is eligible to return to participate in our new series of studies because we know that she only did so poorly the last time because the test was really a beginner one and she is so far advanced that she thought why bother to do that,.  We hope you'll consider returning to Harvard so we can see your dog 
that unbelievably brilliant wire fox terrier again! 

We've set up an online poll you can use to choose an appointment time that's convenient for you.  Please sign up using the following link:
 Once you've chosen a day and time to come visit us, we'll send you a confirmation email with details and directions.

If you have any questions or would prefer to 
schedule an appointment offline, please feel free to email us at this address or call us .  Thank you very much for your past participation, and we hope to see you again soon! Oh yeah if you want to you can bring your brother along so he won't cry or anything. And remember we think that he was so good on his exam because of course he has you to prep him.

Gordon Kraft-Todd

Canine Cognition Lab
Department of Psychology
Harvard University


Oskar said...

The brilliance in your family is awesome! My furiends the scholars!

Nubbin wiggles,

doyle and mollie said...

o'er the secrets inside your mind...

Asta said...

DeewPwofessows Agatha and Awchie(
may I just call you AGgie and Awch still?

How mawvelous..i knew soonew ow latew Hawvawd would have to wely on youw exquisite bwains again..fantastic!!!!1
btw, thank you fow looking into my case wif the fwaudoolant canine good citizen committee..they wewe obviously bought off..did i mention that the testew gave Mommi hew cawd..she's a twainew , sheeesh what a way to dwum up business..cleawly a conflict of intewest case Awch(of couwse i wouldn't pwesoome to tell you how to appwoach the case)
smoochie kisses
youw less bwilliant fwiend

Dexter said...

Good luck Miss Agatha! You will knock them dead.


P.S. Better leave Archie at home. He is more a vocational school kind of guy, like me.

Bocci said...

Oh this is fabulous! You are one brilliant babe, Agatha!
Love that picture:-)
Hey, let's give a lecture together-of course, I will defer to the more esteemed Ivy league institution, so you would be the lead professor...

Your buddy,

Lorenza said...

That is pawesome!
Let us know about it, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow the two of ya have become a couple of intellectuals......hope ya do swell on yer test.....go get 'em Aggie....

Dewey Dewster here........

WFT Nobby said...

Agatha, how exiting! I am of course deeply interested in canine cognition, and am considering it a subject for one of my future science lectures. Perhaps we could collaborate? (The association with a graduate of an institute like Harvard would surely give my class a credibility that it still sadly lacks in the eyes of certain cynics...)
Toodle pip!
PS OK, and you can tell Archie he can go back to playing the Beatles now. Geology class is over so no need for the Stones.

Kapitein Haakje said...

your to smart for havard!

El'bow & Hauwii

The Black and Tans. said...

Wow we are so impressed. Gosh our pal Agatha is going to Harvard.
Can we come to the Graduation ceremony in x years time please?

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Dandy Duke said...

This is fabulous news, Agatha! We can't wait to hear all about it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Finally, the recognition you deserve! We will look forward to a full report.

gussie n teka

golden said...

Fantastic photo!!!

We miss you!!

Golden Clo and Mama

The Thuglets said...

OMD..this is pawsome news!

Thank you for your lovely message and words of support on our sad loss of Ellie.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Niamh said...

You will stun them with your brilliance Agatha. Let us know how it goes.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

TwoSpecialWires said...

For reals? Wow! We need to go back (while we're reading and reading like crazy trying to catch up) and see what we missed the first time around. We knew you were a Hawvad graduate, but we didn't ever learn the history.

Hey. Do you think they maybe can do some Al Errr Gee treatment testing while they are doing all those brainy studies? That might be a good thing.

Duly impressed
Jake and Fergi (remember us? from Colorado?)

Noah the Airedale said...

Harvard is priveledged to have you there Aggie. We've hung out with you remember, we know how smart you are. Archie too!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy (we think some of your smarts rubbed off onto us hehe)

Eric said...
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Eric said...

Of course they want you twinnie.Brains and beauty...what a perfect combination (seems it runs in the family too... haaaaaaa!!!!!) Give us a full report when you and Archie have completed the advance study won't you? Sounds super dooper interesting. You'll pass with flying colours. Orange? Crickey not purple ones.

Wiry love and a billion kisses (oh twinnie is still ok to kiss a professoress?) Eric

tula monstah said...

geepers aggie & arch, more testing of the brilliant WFT minds! don't let all woo's secrets out though. keep them guessing!

ok, put your PATS gear and coaching whistle on.. it's tom brady time!! woot woot!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... did you do all that fancy crossin' out stuff? Wow...if we'd gone to Harvard we'd know how to do that too...

So...did you read about us ALMOST catchin' the chipmunk yesterday???? should seen Stan with his aireface jammed down the hollow log as Scruffy and I dug and we ticked that dude off...found his nut supply too!!

It was georgous...and today...RAINED AND RAINED...yeesch...

So you're goin' back and PAWKIN' THE KAR IN THE YAWD?

Do they give ya cookies?



Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

HAHAHAHAHA...the next wordie verrie is RALES...

Is this a test, Nurse Aggie...

Of course I know what they are...why they changed the name to crackles I'll never know...

Lacie Girl Best SN ever

Unknown said...

I see you two scholars have been super busy. DOn't forget about us average brainballs over here.
PS- hey arch- if I line my bloggie with hot doggies will you still come?