Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Beds

Well we have of course been very sad, and have been thinking a lot about our pal Snickers and her brother and the rest of their family. PL2 said that she thinks this is a really special group of people at DWB and she wanted us to tell all of you that we all love you very much and are glad you are our friends.

So we really didn't feel like playing a whole lot, and it has been yucky out and we were trying to think of what we could do that would cheer us up.....

And then this came in the mail.........OMG look at the cover!!!! It is a WFT!!!!! (I wonder if they pay a lot to model? I will have to talk to Lacie)

And PL2 and my eyes lit up and we said "that's it!! We will go shopping!!" Then I noticed something...

Oh my gosh PL2 LOOK AT THIS! THIS is where Archie sleeps at to PL1's side of the bed..It has been cold and PL2 gave us blankets...BUT LOOK AT HIS!! IT IS FILTHY

This is mine...It is on PL'2 side.. and I have a crate to one side of it...It is a litle smushed and it does look like I was... ahh thrashing around a little....Actually it looks a little under the weather as well....PL2 and I will have to do a washing today I think...

But then Pl2 started to look through the magazine and said "AGGIE!!!!! Oh did I find something for you!!!!!! "


So of course we HAD to order it....... and then she said "but what about your brother(who cares I was thinking)Oh I said you mean him???

SO we got him a bed too..He is not as into your own personal bombshelter like I am but he likes the coach PL2 got him this one..AND SHE PUT HIS NAME ON IT!!!!!! (what nudnick??)

SO now we have to wait for it to come..I mean I know you think we have 14,000 beds( well really 13,500 as some have gone the way of wear and tear) but really I have never seen anything like this one.........

SO now we wait,,and bark even harder when the door bell rings( if that is really possible..I mean to bark harder)

If you are wondering what I am looking at in this picture?

Oh yeah..remember him?? He is really into reading...


Gus said...

We think the new bomb shell bed is a great idea. But we prefer the king sized one we have at home, and we willingly share with the hoomans.


Niamh said...

You can never have too many beds! You never know just where the urge to take a nap may strike you. That bomb shelter bed looks really cozy.

Your friend,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

That wheelie has HOOOOOGE he reading bout wheelie takeover? Or just a fairy tale? hmm...

More beds...retail therapy is the best, isn't it Aggs???? We got new tennis balls today and a tiny stuffie for me...I like the little ones to romp with....

We're going to bed...Mumsie can't even type words right...she's a bit sleepy...

Y A W N!

Kisses dear ones and have a wonderful holiday and don't eat too much turkey...

Kisses, dear Aggie and Archie...


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
That bomb-shell-bed is pawesome!
I am sure you are going to love it!
And the one for Archie is very nice too!
I know you can't wait to get them!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

New beds, how lucky. . . I share a big one with Mommy and Mack. Happy Turkey day.
Sally Ann

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wowzer! Those beds are amazing! And we thought we had it good! Think of the nap your could take after a big Thanksgiving meal! Or Christmas. Or anytime.

And those glasses. Kinda reminded Moma of her first pair. ( HAHAHAHA! She hated them!) They're just a tad different than Winston's. We'll sneak a picture one of these days.

Happy Thanksgiving you two. We'll be counting you in our blessings!
Jake and Fergs xxoo

the many Bs said...

that bomb shelter bed is perfect for you, Agatha. what a cozy nest! you are giving us some good ideas about what to ask Santa for. Benson likes to sleep in his bomb shelter too. maybe he would like one of those cozy nest beds. we love to bark at the UPS man when he comes to our house. the more stuff that we can order online (when our mom is at work, of course), then the more barking we can do when it is delivered. wow! double bonus - stuff for us and barking too!

we've been feeling kind of low about Snickers too. we just don't understand why some
of our pals have to leave us so soon. it's not fair and we are sad for Butchy and Snickers' mama and papa and the kitty kits too. then we think about how some of our bird friends went to the bridge, and missy Chloe just flew up to heaven last June, and little Bijou was only 3 months old when she went to the bridge. we wish they didn't have to go and we just don't understand why life is this way. it's too much for dogs to comprehend. even smart ones like us - can you explain it to us? maybe your PL2 understands since she is a nurse and all that stuff???? sad sad.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Those beds look fantastic. We know you can hardly wait to get them.

Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

SHOPPING! Those beds look great. I do not have nearly enough beds. In fact, my beds are all in the dog cave because they would "ruin the decor" of the living room. As if (actually, that is Master's rule, sigh).

My blankets get really dirty too. I don't know how.

Why does it keep raining????

Happy Turkey Day.


Unknown said...

A and A
Wowwee you get new beds! Bomb shelter design and all? Lucky.. I get a left over floor pillow that I share with fun aunt dee... she's not that good at sharing either. My bed box is filthy I'm gonna make mom read your post to give her ideas.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, new beds. What fun you'll have getting them dirty too.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Joe Stains said...

That bed is super fantastic, its like my sleeping bag only BETTER. You guys are so lucky, you just can't have too many beds!

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow new beds, that is awesome. Of course we are looking forward to some piccies when they arrive. Aggie, your bombshelter bed looks very interesting. It will be very cozy for winter.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xx

Dandy Duke said...

We can't wait to see you trying out your new bomb shelter bed, Agatha! It's so cool!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

WE do hope the beds don't take too long to arrive.

You will be so snuggly in them when they arrive you wont want to go out!!!

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Toffee said...

Oh! I cannot wait to see your new beds! Maybe you can have a girlie sleepover sometime?!

Happy turkey-boxing day.

Sophie Brador said...

Ags! That bed is so cool. I wonder if they make one big enough for my flat brother. He gets chilly at night. I am a tough girl and I don't get cold ever.

Mom is very worried about the G-man. It is going to be impossible if he needs back surgery, YOu guys know what stairs are like. So she is freaking out, of course. I was thinking maybe we could just send him over to you place and we could just slide him into your big bomb shelter and then maybe hook up some sort of drainage system and then you can nurse him close up and personal like.

Smoochies to Archie. Did he see Joey's new fainting couch? He needs one too.


Eric said...

Ahh Twinny and Step, it's good you are back to full quota of beds. I only have one. The special one with me and you all over it. Can you blogging believe? The bomb shelter bed looks wicked but will hiding stuffies be a problemo? Perhaps PL2 can get you one of them terrier tunnel beds too like Jacksons.Just in case.To be prepared.

Now twinnie, I can see Cecil is smart. Cos the glasses are resting on his nose and interferring with the old spy hole!!!! Get 'em off him Archie and remove that copy of War and Peace. Not suitable reading for a wheelie.

Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxxx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Ya new beds, that is so wonderful.. We can't wait to see you in your bombshelter..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said...

Hi A and A
I bet you made good kites today! Whew that wind was strong! I had to take off my bandana b/c it made me take flight.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh loving that bed!

tula monstah said...

Hey Arch, having a filthy bed actually paid off. high paw! oh, wait, your short.. let me bend down, lay down. umm.. agatha, that beddy bye has your name written all over it. take a pic and send it to Fetchdog..maybe you'll make the cover!

big game monday nite!

woot woot let's do somethang,

Oskar said...

It looks like you have great new beds coming!