Monday, October 5, 2009

A boy and his toy and a paper towel

So we got new toys form PL2 at the girls shop.Mine is on the left, the cute little cuddly lambie that has about 1600 squeakers in it...and my brother's toy is the maniacal one on the right.It covers a ball that sounds quite ,how shall I say different. Now before I show you Archie at work with his toy I have to tell you something. This morning,PL1 left his peanut butter and jelly sandwich in perfect counter top position....AND ARCHIE TOOK IT,,only HE ATE THE WHOLE PIECE OF PAPER TOWEL THAT IT WAS ON as well.....

Here he is playing with this thing( I was quietly on top of the bomb shelter, gently playing with lambie...(hee hee hee I got it desqueeked in 12 nano seconds
..well actually I have a little more work to do as there are 1599 left)

Here is the toy without the crazy ball inside of it...

Here is Archie waiting to get rid of the paper towel........

Depending on how things turn out(hee hee hee) Archie is thinking of patenting can go and wipe yourself at the same time........


Gus said...

Tell Arch that we hope everything comes out splendidly.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
You two got very nice toys!
Your lambie is beautiful and the one for Archie is... interesting!
Good job getting rid of the squeakers and the ball!
I hope everything "goes out" well with Archie's paper towel thing!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

uh oh, paper towels probably don't taste very good!! Maybe if they were totally soaked in grease, but not just a little of peanut butter.

Those toys look fun, Archie's sounds disturbing.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Somehow those toys seem to match your personalities. Yes?

On another hand. Well. If the process works. And the paper towel comes out. And you decide to go for a patent. We'll freely give you an idea for the next one. Buttons. Eat 'em (the long wooden ones.... they look sorta like pole beans). Poop em. And button up the exit on the way out. Now. We're not recommending that you try it, but the emerging "hunter" of the two of us is starting to eat his prey. When no one is watching. Luckily, (he) has had no ill effects from (his) "fun." And Moma survived the shock. And now she's watching (him) like a hawk.

Just an idea.
Fergi oo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Oh man...Arch...that's the best ever...have ya hired a patent attorney??? (UM, are there 2 t's or just 1 in attorney...hmmmmm)...anyway, I could draft a patent sweat...

So...we're at the Marlowe I heard...and I'm thinkin' based on that shark stuffie ya got, that we'll be touring the Aquarium this weekend...and checkin' out the marine life??? I have the poker cards and have already ordered a bunch of beer and chips and stuff...

Oh...and they're havin' a special on paper towels...I ordered 6 rolls...

And for the contest ur now having...


I predict Tues. at 1021.


Lacie's guess...


I'm thinkin' at 1317..Tues..

Babystan's guess...

Um...I dunno...I'm thinkin' it will be at 1142 in the livingroom with the candlestick holder.

Lacie looks puzzled then comprehension dawns...

"Stanley, we're NOT playin' Clue...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh..Archie...what's the prize if we win????


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Tell Archie I hope he feels better.
Sally Ann

Dexter said...

I think that paper towel will make its exit just fine. I see no reason not to have eaten it since it likely tasted most yummers of peanut butter sandwich.

Such spirited playtime!


Duffy said...

Having eaten a lot of stuff that wasn't exactly considered food, I would say, Archie, that you were well within the acceptable limits of consumable stuff if there was peanut butter involved.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hope everything comes out well in the end.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Niamh said...

That Archie! He and Ambrose would make a good countersurfing team.

Your friend,

TwoSpecialWires said...

Ummm. We've got a problem. Jake won't stop attacking a box and barking and attacking and barking some more. I'm pacing, getting closer and closer to the box with each loop. And it's still an hour before the Girl gets home! The problem is ... we are rather entertained by all of this. Jake hasn't been this happy and excited since he pooped the buttons. (Yep. It was him.) Moma seems to think differently (but we know she's really smiling inside! That's why she hasn't picked the box up off the floor!)

heeheeheee! Fergi oo

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That toy sure makes a cool sound! Oh Archie I am right there with you stealing that PB&J sandwich...I might not have eaten the paper towel though. That's more like what Hootie would do.
AireKisses, BabyRD

Good job Arch! Oh Aggie, I'm proud of your desqueeking efforts too. You 2 are so cute. WelshieHugs-Hootie

The Black and Tans. said...

Archie we think you have got that peanut butter and jelly sandwich well and truly wrapped up!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee hee.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Kess And Her Mama said...

Did the paper towel taste as good as the P&BJ?

Eric said...

Oooh Archie. What a waggging review for sharkie.It's one of them soft boiled hard boiled eggies isn't it? I read about them the other day on A Merry Can site. Still squeeking? If so send the Flat one to get me half a dozen eggies hehehehehee!

Course you ate the paper too. Dog after my own scrounging. If you do a thing do it well. Now Step. Was it one piece of paper sheet or two? Haaaah!!! Makes a difference to a thorough job. As you'll find out.

Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxxxx

Dandy Duke said...

I totally applaud you, Archie! The napkin is the best part! I love my papergoods too!

Love ya lots

Huskee and Hershey said...

LOL!! Agatha you are a funny girl.. we can't stop laughing at Archie's patent idea..

So did Archie share the sandwich with you (not the paper towel)?

Princess Patches said...

What great toys! We hope everything came out okay for you, Archie! I bet that sandwich was yummy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Sophie Brador said...

Ags! My brother could use that idea. He is always trying to steal stuff off the counter. He thinks he's so cool, just because he can reach. I love that sound of that crazy ball. I wonder if I could use him as a pillow.


P.S. Have fun with Auntie Ami! I am super jelly.