Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nothing in Life is Free

Well we have been MIA for awhile and now we will tell you why.......Remember how my brother had that scare with the snowplow??? Well the turkey and roast beef helped but he started to get really nervous over alot of things and started to act funny to certain noises( a spoon on a glass, a certain door opening, the washing machine etc) I tried to help by telling him to snap out of it but that didn't do the trick,and PL1+2 and I were starting to get a little worried. Now we are very very lucky that we live in a place where we have access to a lot of wonderful things... this being one of them.....
Now you know in Massachewsitts we have a lot alot of colleges and schools and the Tufts Veterinary School is one of them and along with the school comes a wonderful Animal Hospital that happens to have a Behavioural Clinic run by this man... Dr Dodman. PL1+2 spoke to our Vet and he recommended this Clinic for Arch so PL2 made an appointment and off we went.Now I told my brother that this is a very very important place and that we had better dress up for his appointment .......He wanted to wear this......

But I told him I thought we should tone it down a little and we opted for this......

SO off the 4 of us went to Grafton Massachewsitts to go and visit the clinic where we met a wonderful woman named Dr Moon-Fanelli. Archie on the ride over told me that he is just worried about everything, the economy, people losing their houses and jobs, dogs that are in shelters, dogs that don't have wonderful lives like all of dogs in DWB,dogs and people that are sick,and it was worrying about all of this that was bothering him. I told him that Dr Moon-Fanelli was going to help him . He was little afraid that he was going to have to lie on a couch and put his legs up but I told him that was only for people who go to behaviourists. SO we walked in and the first thing Dr Moon-Fanelli said was" Well it certainly is clear who is the leader of this pack...Agatha" HELLO.......Did PL1+2 need to pay for this information?? This is pretty clear to me............

But I went along with it because I want Arch to fell better. So this is what she said...Nothing in life is free....We have to work for everything( INCLUDING PATS AND HUGS) at this point I was starting to wonder a little about this lady and made a note to self to check up her credentials on google when we got home)She also said that I had to be treated like alpha all the time( NOW WE ARE TALKING I LOVE HER), and that we were to do clicker training and some conditioning training and for a while Arch will be on some medicine to help him not worry so much about the world. We already were doing alot of the things that she was recommending( nutrition and exercise)Dr Moon-Fanelli said it looked like the weight of the world was on his shoulders( at this point Archie did get on the couch and started telling her everything he was worried about) She also switched us to these leads(which he may not be able to wear because of his bad back but we will have to look into that)

She said not to worry that this will all work out for my brother and we hopped back onto the car.Archie said he already felt ALOT better.Now I am going to share something with all of you my best friends but you mustn't let this get out.......or my reputation will be ruined....... I have sort of been letting Archie do something to help him feel a little better.........Look closely at the next picture of my bomb shelter bed......

No that isn't me, it's Archie......He says it is making him feel better to be there so I have been letting him stay there....PLEASE don't let this get out..........

I have been staying in the bed next to PL2's computer(where he usually is) ....... All I want is for him to feel better....

It probably won't be permanent.......


Gus said...

Oh Aggie...we think that was one smart Dr.! And we think you are a wonderful sister to let Arch use the bomb shelter while he makes this adjustment.

I did not like those leads, and I can tell you how to get out of them


(going down stairs helps.)

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys! Glad to9 hear from you both again. Sounds like you two have been busy!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lacy said...

w00f's A and A, me iz sorry archie iz having troubles...yeah, it is trying times now, cant blame him fur being worried...u think dat dogtor cood help my mama, shes been worring a lot...agatha thats nice of u to share ur bomb shelter...me hopes he gits well soon...

b safe,

Stanislaw said...

You are so lucky to have such amazing resources nearby! I hope your training goes well. I myself have been Severe Naughty Boy lately and shall have some training forced upon me as well. I guess it's a good way to earn treats, right? Right?...

Enjoy that fancy bed while you have it!

the many Bs said...

hi Agatha and Archie, you are such a nice sister, Agatha, to let Archie sleep in your bomb shelter bed. we can tell that you care a lot for your silly brother. your dr. vet lady sounds wise and we hope that her advice will help poor Archie get out of his funk. our mom is like that too - maybe she should visit this vet.

are you wearing a gentle leader or is it something else? i, Bailey, used to wear a gentle leader, but now mom says i don't need it anymore cuz i'm so good. i didn't mind it really, it was better than not going for walkies at all.

have fun and good luck, friends.


Deetz said...

I sure hope Archie starts to feel better. I know the weight of the world is on many of us these days..
I am sure when Spring time comes things will get better. Maybe he just misses the fishies or something. Wishing you all the best

Faya said...

I wish I could have my own Agatha....
Kisses, Dyos

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Agatha, thank dog you have smart peeps and smart medical peeps.

Tell Archie not to fear, I have been scared too, and I overcame it all.

Been thinking of you both.

And your peeps.

Tell your Archie he does not have the weight of the world on his shoulders, only me.

I went to the Vets yesterday and he said I had the weight of the world all over my body!

I have to lose some weight, and I am not happy.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxx

Eduardo said...

That is a great doctor! Your one sweet girl to let your brother sleep in your bomb shelter bed! I wonder is Mommy is going to make me work for hugs & kisses?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Asta said...

I knew youw sissie-nuwsie jeans would kick in..letting him stay in that place whick i won't mention..that is twuly genewous. Mommi is like Archie..she takes some medcin othewwise she cwies all the time ovew evewything..maybe I should get hew one of those leads.
I'm glad you wew able to be hewe fow Chiese NewYeaw..I think it cheewed Archie up a tiny bit..medcin and pawties..that's the pawscwiption
smoochie kisses

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Guys...

Sorry that Archie is havin' emotional problems......seems like we all have 'em at some time in our lives....my Mom is afraid of silverware and while we (Me 'n Toby) want ta clean off the plates and silverware fer Gram 'n Pap....my Mom won't go near the plates if the silverware is still there....silly, huh?

But with ya as the ALPHA forever, Agatha, how is Archie gonna feel like a contributin' member of canine society ??? Why everyone knows that the male is the breadwinner and head of the family......but it sure is nice of ya ta let Archie use yer bomb shelter fer now....we won't tell anyone......'n we hope he feels better soon too....

Dewey Dewster here....

Dandy Duke said...

Awwwwwwwww, what a sweet sissy you are Agatha! We sure hope Archie feels more comfy with things soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

I need get an appointment with this doctor so my Mom realizes I am the KING. er, the Alpha. It is very nice of you to let Archie go into your shelter, we all need to escape from the worries of the world sometimes.

Cassie said...

Poor Archie.Did the dogshrink say what brought on all his distress? Was it gradual? BabyRocketDog is kind of a case sometimes but I just think she is vying for Mom & Pop's attention.I don't let anything bother me. xo-Hootie the Welsh Terrier

Niamh said...

Dr. Moon-Fanelli is famous in dog training circles! You are so lucky to work with her. I am sure Archie will be more confident soon. You are a good girl to be concerned about his condition Agatha.

Your friend,

Dexter said...

My Beautiful Raja went to that Moon lady too. She got one of those ugly leashes and a clicker. To be honest, we never did get her over her heebie jeepbies. She walked great at Tufts, but it was impossible to control her environment on walkies. Just when we would make progress, a big truck or school bus would come out of nowhere and freak her out.

I hope you do better with Archie. I admit to not having much patience with training.

Mango Momma

P.S. More snow coming! Poor little Archie!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
You are so nice letting Archie to stay in your bomb shelter! Sure I hope he feels relaxed with his new treatment!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow...Archie...ur in oh...ok...I get it...ya didn't have to slap me so hard Lacie...I'm not totally stoopid!!!

Archie..whenever I get really upset um I just hafta chase a tennis ball like I just hafta...if that doesn't work, I well fart. That at least makes my stomach feel better...

So I'm thinkin' if you stay in that place ur in, chew on a tennis ball and fart really loudly, your psyche will improve in no time. Oh BTW, in enclosed places a little goes a l o n g way...Aggie may not appreciate it so much...

Dr. Scruffy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


We put that pic of PL2 at 6 months old that you sent us on our bloggie! She looks fab in it!!!

HAPPY BARKDAY, PL2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Stanley said...

Agatha & Archie!

My girl has Dr Dodman's book, and she tells me that you guys sound like you're in good hands!

I feel some of your pain, Arch. My deal is with bugs, but still, anything that makes you jumpy is annoying. We're sending you some soothing goober smooches to help you absorb all that you will be learning from your new training. We're totally behind you, man!

Ags, thanks for taking care of my bud, Archie so well. You're one stinkin' good sissy (and a great example to my goobette of a sissy too)!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh Archie, we're really sorry you're going through a hard times at the moment. We sure hope the trip to the special vet place will help.
Aggie sounds like she's really helping you out too. I mean letting sleep in the precious bomb shelter...how cool is that.

Take it easy matie. We're thinking of ya.

ps. Happy birthday PL2

Princess Patches said...

Happy, happy barkday, PL2! We hope you have a great day! Archie, we hope you get over all your worries soon! We're sure that being in the bomb shelter will help!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Faya said...

PL2, joyeux anniversaire (Happy Birthday...) and bisous tous doux (sweet kisses), Faya & Dyos & Véronique

Cassie said...

Happy Birthday PL2. XO-BabyRocketDog & Hootie

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello Agatha and Archie

We are keeping our paws crossed that Archie feels much better very soon.

Molly and Taffy

William Tell said...

I'm not too sure about that muzzle/leash thingie. Can you still sniff with it?

Otherwise, I hope all is on the right track for Archie to start feeling better soon. You're a good sis to share your bomb shelter like that. :)

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Eric said...

Twinny and Archie, How fabbie there's somewhere so wonderful not too far away from you. That Dr Moon sounds pawfect (as well as having a wagging wonderful name)in all the things he is doing to help you Archie. It's super doopa your PL's are doing everything to help you and Aggie, you are the sweetest kindest twinnie letting Archie into your bomb shelter. I bet he feels safe there and that's good good good. I hope those leads help you.(Sort of calming ones?) And the clicker training too. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better soon Archie.I'm here barking you on.You can hear me can't you? I'll bark really loud to drown out the sound of the you know what. Get better very soon pal.

HOOOGE load of love and kissies, Eric xxxxxxx

tula monstah said...

Archie.. what happened 2 u?!! Come visit our blog-- our latest posting is our attempt to cheer u up.

kiss kisses,

Unknown said...

A & A-
Oh boy.. I've been over to Tufts but only to run around on the trail across the street. My mom's last dog had a cardiologist at Tufts and they helped him out alot too.

I am more troubled by the desire to wear a cowboy hat to the shrink's office than anything. But If that makes him feel good more so than a gentle leader and a clicker.. I'm all for it.

I wish I could help Archie! You are a great snuggle bug. Norwood

Bae Bae said...

Agatha will make a pawsome doctor. ;)

~ Bae

Rudy said...

Wow that sure is a famous vet place you went to! I hope Archie gets better soon, he's in good hands, but how do you stand that new kind of leash??


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, sorry to hear that Archie is feeling down. My prescription is more treats and toys and keep 'em coming! It works for me every time! J x

Sophie Brador said...

Ags! I'm so happy Archie is on the road to recovery, or self-discovery, or wherever it is he is going to get over his silly fear of noises. I used to be scared of real-estate signs (ssssh...don't tell anyone), but I got over that, so I'm sure Arch will get over this.

Mom says to tell you that she really wants to move to Boston and teach in one of those colleges, so can you maybe bark around and see if you can get her a full time job with really good benefits. She is sick to death of this cold and snow and you guys don't seem to get as much of it and you have that big golden necklace. I don't know why she wants that. She hardly ever wears jewelry. If you ask me, the best thing about Boston is the parks.

Lenny said...

Hey Agatha and Archie!
My mom wants to learn all about the Tufts clinic because she has been reading about it. She is a big Dr. Dodman fan - did you know he is on that Dogs 101 show on Animal Planet? She is really interested in animal behavior stuff and maybe wants to go to Tufts for vet school!!! I will tell her to email the PLs when she gets a second. Agatha, I'm glad they finally figured out who's the boss! (Hang in there Archie!)

Your friend, Lenny