Friday, October 10, 2008

The Case of the the lumpy Detective Agatha

OK here is what happened.........PL1 and I walked into the bedroom and found this......lots of shredded paper in front of this bed.....

Then,I took a closer look at that looked really lumpy and something was sticking out of it....
This is how it would look on a normal day..........
Then...out the corner of my eye I saw this ........ a blur of a dog racing to that bed as if he were going to hide something...........QUICK PL, QUICK I breathlessly under the bed.....

AH HA!!! We found one stuffie squirrel,one shoe shining cloth, one set of shoelaces, two dirty socks, and two tee shirts that were ready to go in the laundry..........UNDER THE MATTRESS
Why who sleeps here you might ask?????????You got it.........MY BROTHER!!!He went into a little shoe box where PL1 had some stuff in and took it out and stuffed it under his mattress pillow and then he jumped up on the bureau and got the tee shirt and sock!! AND my squirrel stuffie....... He just doesn't realize that things are so much neater to store in a bomb shelter......

PL2 and I are a little worried that he is becoming a kleptomaniac(well he is a maniac so maybe just a klepto) but he says I put stuff all the time in my bomb shelter so as Tanner says...WTF...and he also said ALOT of other HBO words that I didn't think he had in him... Then I told him that we were going to the TOWER of LONDON for Eric's Halloween Party and he fainted....I knew he would...You know what a scaredy he is!!!!!!


The Musketeers said...

Haha , Archie is so cute . & of cause so are you Agatha !!

Toffee said...

Agatha - your story made us smile! That Archie sure is one sneaky dude isn't he? Do your pawrents have to put a lock on the fridge now?

I like how you have organized all of your stuff in your shelter. is interesting how Archie feels that he needs a lint roller - is he sprucing up prior to the Halloweeny pawty?

Faya said...

Agatha, I think I like the little Archie a lot ! He is just like me ! If you don't use them anymore, please send him to me ! Archie ! I am waiting for youuuuuu!!!!
Kisses, Faya

Eduardo said...

Archie! You just never learn! Good Job Detective Agatha!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle

Dandy Duke said...

What a packrat that Archie is!
So will he be going to the halloween pawty or does he have to stay home with his mommy??!! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Oh, my, you have a sneaky little brother! Me needs to take lessons from him.


BenTheRotti said...

As soon as I saw the title of this post I knew Archie was going to be behind it hehehe

He is a little hoarder isn't he? Maybe he WAS a squirrel in a previous life! Or a Magpie!

Have a great weekend,

Ben xxxx

Princess Patches said...

Great detective work, Agatha! Archie's getting to be just about as bad as Patches! It's a good thing Patches doesn't fit under any of the beds or we're pretty sure she would have a bomb shelter full of stuff too. See you at the pawty! Is Archie coming...or is he too scared?

Poppy, Penny & Patches

the many Bs said...

Agatha, we have to compliment you on your bomb shelter. it looks lovely and you have a wonderful collection of stuff in there. now for Archie, well, the poor guy doesn't have a bomb shelter and you won't share it with him, so he has to shash it where he can. we think you should both come to live with us. we have a bomb shelter and lots of stuff to steal.


COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

BOL. I should not laugh at Arch, as I have the same problem. As soon as Katherine turns her head, I steal whatever she has. This normally ends with Katherine screaming at me and biting me. But, it is well worth the try.

Joe Stains said...

uh oh, you tell him in some places they would cut off his paw for stealing! I hope he doesn't get too scared at the halloween party, I'd hate to see him pee his costume!

Eric said...

Oh Archie -uh oh,but yes I was right about you being a kleptomaniac. What a worry. Maybe a good old retail therapy shopping to get your own things will be benificial? But no shoplifting Arch ok? And Twinny you have turned into Miss Agatha Chrisie herself! WOW! A proper Miss Marple! But don't have the blue rinse on your fur or wear the wrinkly stockings with the dodgy shoes ok?

Oh and Arch. The pawty. No worries,only going to my usual haunts, crickey nothing spooky is there? ZONK....Um we can hide together K?

Wiry wags my squarie pals,Eric

How did you measure up - 16" square?

Lacy said...

w00f's T and T, heehee dat archie iz really bad...hehee agatha u just as bad, he just goted caught...

b safe,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...Archie took all that stuff and hid it under the bed? Um...Agatha...isn't there another bed that Archie could use for HIS OWN bomb shelter? I mean...maybe he's feelin' a bit jelly??? Stop growlin' Aggie...I was just joking, Girl!

So...he collasped when he heard bout the Tower? And I KNOW you broke it to him gently??!! MMM>>>>

OK...hey...did you hear the rumor bout the Gentlemen's Club they have in London...formal attire??

Yes...I thought that might get ya going...

So what are you two being for Halloween?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Um..blush...I'm glad you liked my picture. Blush...

And I got to post today all by myself. Blush...


Niamh said...

What was Archie planning to do with all the items he stashed away? He is such a character. Good detective work on your part Agatha.

Your friend,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
Yes, I think Archie needs a bomb shell too!
Maybe if you share your toys with him, he will not have to steal anything!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I just don't know about Archie(asta waggs head backand forth, and sighs loudly)
What awe we going to do wif him..on the one paw he's getting bwavew and becoming a cwiminal who ooses 'HBO wowds, on the othew paw he faints at the slightest scawy thing..this is getting sewious.he needs we-habitatation ow something
wowwied smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Madison had another puppy here last year, a smooth fox terrier named Moneypenny, who hid her dog treats all over the apartment. Beta found a lot of them but I found one under the TV stand. I never hide my stuff I just roll on it until it submits to my will. Then I eat it.

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, Archie sure has a lot of treasures under his bed. I think your bomb shelter is nice...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer


Woof Agatha and Archie

Pawsome story, we're glad you solved the case. Sherlock Holmes would have been proud. Anyway, hope all is well with you pups.

Desert Pups

Dexter said...

Poor Archie. He just wants a safe place for his treasures like you have. Either that, or you should see if he's opened an eBay account recently.


Sophie Brador said...

Agatha, I think your brother might be more related to the fox than the terrier.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

What a little sneak Archie is! I do think he is jelly of your bomb shelter....
Hmmmmm-wonder what Freud would think of this...HAH