Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day at the Arboretum by the Great Safari Hunter Agatha

THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE......even when I tell you this story YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!! So sit back and hear what happened to ME Agatha the Greatest Safari Hunter of Boston

It was another lovely day,not 70 but 54 still better than what it has been and PL2 was off and said she did not feel like being inside today at all...so off we went to the greatest place the Arboretum of course(we can't wait to show you Lilac Sunday pictures when all of the lilacs are in bloom..we want to get smell o vision too if we can)So each time we go we increase the length to get Archie back in shape(the Boston Marathon is this Monday but we don't think he will be ready)and we were on the grass walking.........and I stopped ....and jumped way back and cocked my head.....and pounced...and jumped back and cocked my head........and pounced again.....PL2 said why are you so freaked Aggie???? and went over to where I was jumping back and forth to

AND SAW THIS.....................

PL2 here..Aggie it actually wasnt a rattle snake but more like a green garter snake like this.....

Oh like she would really know because once she and Archie realized what it was..

THEY WERE OUT OF THERE DRAGGING ME ALONG!!!!!In fact I don't think we have ever seen PL2 move that fast.......If she had only stayed I think I could have had it....it was raising its head and looking RIGHT AT ME.At first I will admit I was a bit stunned,I mean I have never seen one before.and now,now that we are all home safe and sound this is what Archie is doing

PL2 said that for the rest of the walk I looked like I was laughing and kept looking at her and Arch .. I WAS what a bunch of wussies..........And so begins my hunting season.........


Fenway said...

Wow! You sure are a brave little ARF! I will tell you a secret only if you promise not to pass it on...

...This morning I was startled and scared of a plastic bag that was blowing down the street. Ms. Alpha coaxed me over to "study it" and I felt a little foolish once I realized what it was.

Yikes...I can't imagine what I'd do with anything slithery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dandy Duke said...

Holy Moley - we almost fainted when we saw that rattlesnake! Thank GOODNESS that it was only a garter snake but they bite too ya know! Mom and dad used to have a Springer Spaniel years ago and a snake bit Freckles' ear and hung on like a snake earring! It was scary! ewwwwwwwwwwwww

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Oh my! I have only ever seen a snake that was taking its eternal nap! You must have been scared. Thank goodness Archie is a snake charmer.

Hang in there guys, more good weather tomorrow!


Kyanite said...

What a brave girl you are Agatha; like Archie & PL2, I'd have been running, as I did on seeing an adder snake. They've a mean bite.

Your discription of the adventure had me in stitches.

Love, pats & pets

PS - the lilac's sound wonderful, can't wait

Toffee said...

I seriously ran under the pillow to take cover when I saw your blog! Oh! My! Dog! My mom was brave enough to read on in your blog and she told me that you were safe from the wascally wascal. I always thought that Archie was charming; now I know part of the reason why!
your pal Toffee

Sophie Brador said...

Aggie, That's so exciting! I would have jumped back to. It's just what cautious hunters have to do to fully analyze the situation and decide how to proceed. I do the same thing everytime I see a Bernese Mountain Dog, unless mom let's go of my collar. I so rarely get the chance to go straight in for the kill.

Agatha Snake Hunter! You need your own TV show.


Koobuss said...

YIKES!!!!! That first snake picture was very scarey!! You real had me going ther. Actually, I didn't like that second snake picture much either. I've never seen a snake in person (if that makes any sense at all), so I don't know what I would do. I'd probably want to check it out, but I don't think my mom would like that.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Those snakes are scary! I'd be running too!
Some time ago my mom had to use crutches. One day she saw a little snake. She threw away the crutches and ran like crazy! My grandma says it was funny!
Take care.
Kisses and hugs

Gus said...

Oh great and Mighty Hunter:

Be VERRRY careful when approaching ssssnakes. They tend to be rather solitary and do not like to be awakend when they are napping in the sun. BUT...it was good of you to protect poor, weakened Archie and the human.

kisses and gold stars


Amber-Mae said...

Ugh, a snake! I don't think I can ever go near it. Curiosity can kill!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

You are SO brave! I sure have never seen one of those snake things. We have real rattlers out here so I don't EVER want to see one, well maybe if you were around to kill it! Then we could eat it, or make boots out of it!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Aggie, Aggie, Aggie....Oh my dogness!!!!!!!!!

And of course we're proud of my Archie too...I mean he didn't faint or sob or anything!!!

I don't know what I would have done!

Ya made Mumsie laugh! One day when Big Bruvver was like 8 years old, he was ridin' his bike while Mumsie was walkin' her last foxy, Sarge. Well, Sarge did some sniffies and came up with a snake in his mouth...he nabbed it right in the middle, so he had equidistant ends hangin' out like a curly mustache.
Well...u can imagine the scene. Mumsie screamed her head off...Sarge dropped the snake and tucked his tail...she turned to Big Bruvver and found he was halfway home on his bike pedaling like all hell was after him. Boy, did she tease him for that one!!

Poor PL2...mice, snakes...hmm...all that's left are SPIDERS!!!!!


PeeEss...didn't go to Italy cuz I was on a homecase nursin' Noah after his later in life fixit surg. These male dales.....

Asta said...

Oh Agatha
I am in AWE!!!!!!
I cewtainly believe you..that looked like a ginouwmous and vewy dangewous and deadly snake, and you awe the bwavest huntew of them all...Ithink you should give safawi touws in the awboweatum..awe thewe lions and tigews too??
love and smoochie kisses

youw humble sewvant

Patience-please said...

Ohhhhh! We play with a ssssnake but it's a giant stuffie squeaky variety. You are the braverest, completely, for now and forever amen!

wags from the whippets

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Ahh you saw a snake?? That's so scary. You doggies sure are brave

~ Girl girl

the many Bs said...

omdogness Agatha, you are such a brave hunter. that's an amazing story. your PL2 and Archie were trying to protect you by making you run away with them. those snakes and scary and evil. running away is the best way to deal with them. that's what our mom says. we've never seen a snake, but we've seen slugs. are they the same? hee hee


Lacy said...

woofies and burfs A n A...wowzers agatha...u iz a verwy pawsome huntress...protectin archie and u mom like dat...me wooda runed...

b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)

pp's Bear here, hmmm i like to play with snakes...

Lenny said...

Hey Agatha and Archie! Are there going to be Olympics? How do I enter? If nobody is hosting them yet, I would love to host DWB Olympics this summer. How fun!

I am a little behind on things so let me know if I'm missing out.

Your friend, Lenny

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, you are either very brave or very nuts, depending on which type of snake it actually was. But still, we will be quite happy to never come across any type of snake.

Anonymous said...

Use is sooo brave, I would have runned right home, I still a wittle afraid of other doggies, especially Harley next door, he is sooo huge, like a horse. Glad use tooks care of PL2 and Archie.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow guys....what excitement...and tell yer Mom to call on my Mom, Asta, next time ya encounter a snake....all my Gram does is say "Snake, Asta, snake !!" and my Mom comes a runnin' and grabs the thing and shakes and shakes and shakes it 'til it is in little pieces layin' all over the place....funny how they break apart after terrier shakes....but I tell ya...there's no way Gram would be within 50 yards (or maybe 50 miles) of a rattler cause those things scare her to death......stay safe guys...and Archie...glad to hear ya are on the mend, man...hope that back is soon all better......

Dewey Dewster here.....

Deetz said...

Agatha, you are sooooooo brave. I have not seen one of those, but if I do, I will be sure and scare it away. It is taking me forever to type this, cuz my mum read the story and she was laughing so hard, snot was coming out her nose...she is gross! High Paws for being so brave, I am going to go check on mumzy....

Faya said...

I saw one like this a few month ago...but he was dead already....but Véronique was afraid of it even dead....well ok I was afraid also....
Kisses, Faya

William Tell said...

I plant my feet and make noise when I see a snake. That always brings My Boy running to dispatch it. Mom doesn't like it, though, when it's one of her rat snakes (which eat smaller snakes). She would rather have one BIG snake she can see coming than a lot of little ones underfoot. But me and My Boy, we bury them all!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Agatha!!! The great snake finder outter!!! I bet if your human would have let you, you woulda killed it and saved the world huh!

I'm glad the rattle snake wasn't there, it would have been a shame to get your cute schnozz snapped at!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

We don't get many snakes over here and I've never seen one. I'm sure you could have taken him on Agatha, but I'm awfully glad you didn't! J x

Mango and Party said...

what an adventure! We had never met any of those ourselves. Way to go for checking it out!

Mango & Party

Persephone and Buster said...

snake hunting at the arboretum??? wow agatha you are a GREAT WHITE HUNTER! uh.. great white wire...whatever you're GREAT! very brave to taunt the snake -- very smart to run the other way too! we've got those little snakies up at the cottage on the lake and my hu-brother picks them up and "relocates" them so we don't throttle them -- he said they are "good" snakes....NOT!! we keep hunting for them too...
theBUSTER & Ms.Persephone & ms.Blue too!

Noah the Airedale said...

Lord are those snakes dangerous?? Agatha, you are one brave pupootee.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Boston buddies, Those Habs totally blew it last night. They always do this, you know. They play pretty good up to this point, and then they choke. If I were a betting dog, and I'm not saying I'm not, my money would be on the Bruins.


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey buddy,

you have been nominated for Awesome Blog Award over at the Bone Zone - head over and cast your vote :-)


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Oh, my God! I've never seen one of those. You were very brave. Cooper

Eric said...

Sssssssssssssssssscary snake Agatha, you are my heroine and Archie makes a most charming sssssssssssnake charmer,he he.

Wiry wags, Eric

Stanley said...


You are the great and mighty big game huntress of greater Boston!

I can just imagine you laughing at your wussy brother and mama. Can't wait to see what you bag next!

Goober love,