Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well I am feeling much better and thankyou to everyone for all your kind words.Excuse me a minute..Archie could you change the channel to the Animal Planet and get my tea and cookie?..OK here I am again....Since it is a rotten day out and because PL2 is off and feeling a wee bit sorry for me as I have been sick..hold on..Archie not that one,get me the other one,,tee hee being sick is a blast..She took us to OUR FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD...


Here is a picture of the outside...really cool purple huh!!!!!!!

And this is in the window..........

Not only is this the GREATEST place to shop ,if you are a little stinky you CAN GET A WASH AND BLOW DRY THERE!!! Your PL does it!!!How cool is that!! I got a bath there after my great skunk adventure(it wasn't pretty... )The "bathing area" is under the Pet Caberet sign in the next picture

Next to PL1+2 these 2 women are our FAVORITE people...This is Lisa(PL2 caught her in the middle of working and off guard!!!!)

And this is Lisa also( same names...COOL!) (PL2 caught her working hard too) Plus PL2 had a hard time getting pics as we were MANIACS in there(I know,hard to believe)

Lisa wanted me to show everyone this FABULOUS new toy they got in(we didn't get it)

Lisa and Lisa just got a new puppy named Panda.She is a FABULOUS product tester as you can see below.ALL that stuff IS OURS!!! Look carefully she is on the counter!! and Panda is checking the toys we picked to make sure they are appropriate.

Noow check this out....Let's see.what could be the advantages of having your owners have a pet store...hmmmmm let's think.....LOOK AT HER BED!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to take you on a quick tour of our heavenly store.......Look at all these treats!! And all the stuff is healthy stuff and good for you!!!!!

Yummy healthy food........

Look at these cool a rainbow!!!!!

Here we are deciding which toy to choose.......

Look at all these toys!!!!!

Now this is Archies FAVORITE part of the whole shop..a virtual smorgsborg(or doggy cafeteria as Lisa and Lisa call it)PL2 usually has to stand back because he has been known TO STEAL THINGS from there!! Not only that he gets REALLY possessive about it and tries to fight me over it( I know I know hard to believe)

PL2 got so much stuff it was in a GIANT shopping bag!!!!

Our sweet potato snacks( a pup just CAN NOT be without them)

And these are new treats just in...Lisa made PL2 eat one because she said theywere so delicious and THE 2 OF THEN WERE EATING THEM!!!!!!!(PL2 here...It's true I did and it was really delish!!!

Here are the toys we picked out(well I picked them Archie was too busy trying to get to the bully sticks)Didn't Panda do a great job???

PL2 wanted me to add this( geesh it's our blog) and anyway I can't help it I'm having "issues"

PL2 got us these cookies just for being good kids..LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THEM!!!!I have enclosed videos of us eating them and I am hoping that the delicious crunching sounds will entice you..

And if that wasn't enough she took us to our favorite Jamaca Pond so we would get a walk in before the torrential rains.....Now she forgot the camera in the trunk but she took a shot back in the car.Can you see all those cars up in the left???It was a ton of police cars,police, and police divers and an ambulance. Being the avid British mystery buff that she is she thought there had been A MURDER!! But they were really doing training exercises(a murder.....geesh....) When we walked by, one of the policeman patted Archie and said "Hi little fellow"Ha Ha hee hee Hi little fellow,I was rolling. When they saw me they said"Inspector........." Now that's better.......

So if you ever come to visit or if you live ANYWHERE near The Pet Cabaret YOU HAVE TO GO! Go check out their web site!!!! We are taking a serious nap.........................


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

wow! the pet cabaret place looks totally amazing!

Thank you for telling us all about it!

Great fun you must have had there!

I liked your video too!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Dandy Duke said...

OMG! I wish the Pet Cabaret was in our neighborhood! What an awesome store!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

I think I want to get sick what a tweat!
That pet cabaret looks pawsome!
you guys awe so lucky to get ot go thewe!
And Archie waiting on you hand and paw...pawfect fow a yuckie wainy day!
I'm so glad you'we feeling better!
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

wow,,,i am on my way to that website and I am havin muzzer's plastic card in my mouf!

Amber-Mae said...

Wooooow! Pet Cabaret looks like a fun place to be I mean, look at all those stuff! Look all those tennis balls! OMdoG! I just want to swim & sleep in them. I wanna do anything & everything in those tennis balls...Woohoo!

You both are soooper lucky dogs...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

We are in awe of the Pet Cabaret. What a great place. You two are soooo lucky.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Harry said...

I can imagine the ezxcitement levels of going shopping there, it looks fabby! I'd make a beeline for the treat isle!

Happy weekend. Keep up the nursing Archie!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Lenny said...

That place looks AMAZING!!! My mom said she wanted to try the sweet potato cookies. :)
Kids 'n' Pets is another good cleaning product - has natural enzymes like Nature's Miracle. I have "issues" too, Agatha!

Your friend, Lenny

Mango and Party said...

What a delicious & delightful day out! Hope this is keeping your wiry spirits up! Three cheers to Archies too, for waiting on ya!

Mango & Party

Joe Stains said...

holy crapoli that looks like the best store in the whole entire world! I can't believe how lucky you guys are! Mom goes to a store kind of like that here but it doesn't have nearly as much stuff!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

thx 4 showing us wat a cool petstore u had really makes me envy of you...

is not only a also a paradise...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

That Pet Cabaret place looks simply pawsome. I know that I'd never be allowed inside though as I do have a tendancy to go on a snatch and grab raid inside shops! Are those new pumpkin treats better than Sam's Yams? I'm asking cos I'm allowed pumpkin as part of my horrid diet and I LOVED the Sam's Yams. J x

Stanley said...

I am totally worn out just reading about your shopping spree! That pet cabaret looks like my kind of place!

Your new buddy, Panda, is a cutie! Wish we could all hang out!

Watch out for your mama. She just might start busting out your treats when she's looking for a snackie for herself.

Goober love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

That's it...we're moving...we want one of those stores! What cool stuff they have....

So glad ur feeling better, Agatha....yes...keep working it Girl!!
