Saturday, May 31, 2008

Part 2 of our Cambridge adventure

OK,so here is part two of our Cambridge adventure. To get to Harvard Square you can take the "T" or trolley, and it will let you off right smack in the middle of Harvard Square.


On the day we were there all the kids were moving out of their dorms.

This is what the new Cambridge is like,with shi-shi little places to sit outside, and a lot of the stores are the same as all over the USA(the Gap,ect) Once Harvard Square was filled with individually owned stores and they were all very different and all very individual. There are still a few remaining stores left which once gave the Square its individuality and made it fun.......

For example this store!! This store is still a hold out from the 60's and has been here forever!!!

And this one!!!

And even though this little bag was in a bigger store it made PL2 happy to see that the essence of Cambridge was still floating around!!!!!

This is a funky little building on the corner......

This is the Harvard Lampoon Building!! Look closely and you will see that it is a face!!!!!!

Now there used to be a gazillion book stores ( and this was known as the city with the most book stores in the USA)and there still are alot (but not as many)Archie was feeling like he needed a new book to read in his crate before he went to sleep.........I told him I would wait while he picked one out......


Oh yes,I see I'll take this one.......The PG Wodehouse "The Indiscretions of Archie" which I was named after.......

This is right in the middle of the Square.This man is a championship chess player and you can try to beat him..... and it is very very hard too!!!He is out there all summer long....


This is the entrance to the JFK park on JFK boulevard next to the the JFK School of Government.It was originally supposed to be the site of the JFK Library but the school thought there would be too much traffic(remember our tour of that last year??)Caroline Kennedy picked out all the plants and trees and picked all of her Dad's sayings and they are all around the park

Archie and I wanted to take a dip in this fountain but it wasn't on yet.You can just about see the Charles River in the background in the next picture....

Here I am contemplating how lovely it is here and trying to read this quote in the next picture....

Here is another place to grab a snack. it is a very very old house....and is the house from the Village Smitty that Longfellow wrote about in his poem "the Village Blacksmith"

Harvard Square from the other side.....

And now it seems what alot of people have been waiting for...the office of Click and Clack!! Now read the window very carefully.......

If you can't see what it says it says




Well Archie is going to start his book,PL1 is going to start his book,PL2 is muttering something about how she will never be able to get any clothes from Settebellos if she keeps going to Bartley's and eating like a pig, and I have to go get ready for a shift with Asta's Daddy. Koobie and Lacie and I are all taking turns. Please keep saying and sending all your prayers for them.....And so officially closes our first 2008 summer Boston Tours. If you have any requests please let your tour guides know!!!! Love A+A


Fenway said...

Thanks for the tour and it is most useful. I am taking my first trip this Thursday in my new Steel Crate on Wheels and we are going to Lexington, right outside of Boston, to Mr. Alpha's childhood home. Ms. Alpha adores Cambridge and maybe I'll get to roam around there. She plans a trip for us to Yawkey Way so I can get properly outfitted with a new collar. She told me there is a giant field named in my honor, but doesn't think they willl let me play frisbee there.

So there are doggie friendly stores??? Yay!

We are saying our mightiest prayers and mantras for Mr. Asta. Boo hoo.

Gus said...

Aw C'mon...Muzzer is terribly disappointed,,,,not because of the tour, but because she somehow got it into her head that we were going to see INSIDE Click and Clack's office. She has seen the OUTSIDE, but she thought you must be very important Bostonians if we were gonna see inside. Please arrange that for the next tour.

Thank you

Dandy Duke said...

We're drooling thinking about having one of Mr. Bartley's burgers! I bet they're really, really good!
What great tour guides you are! Harvard Square is sure a neat spot!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Thanks for the tour of Harvard Agatha and Archie. We always totally enjoy seeing all the different sights from around the world. It's especially good to see super famous places with lots of history.

Hugs and tail waga
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Dewey, Cheetam and Howe??? Oh Sweet!!! Our first house was built by Jerry Klutz, the second house by Frank Bozzo...Daddy always joked the third would be built by Harry Shaft....

That's Fab!! What's ur daddy writin' a book on?? Mystery? Involving 2 fox terriers.

Mumsie was gonna write a children's book bout a bug in the bathroom the other day that Scruffy was studying and playing with, but Stanley ate it. She thought it might be a bit too traumatic for younger readers.

Loved the tour!!!!!!! Have you ever been to that fish market that burned??

Oh...sorry bout the foxy stuffie misinformation...I was using a USED BOOK; the latest evidenced based practice wasn't in there...oopsie....


Anonymous said...

WOW A&A! Furry cool. I liked the hamburger joint. Did you get a tasty burger from there???

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Thanks for this second part of the tour!
Many more place to know.
Deli burgers!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I love your Boston tours. Maybe one day the Js will be able to visit. They live in hope! As for me, well, I'm happy just to look at the photos of that burger place! J x

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! What another pawsome you two terriers had! I totally wish I was there with you guys. I know I would have enjoyed it as much too!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Sure isn't the Harvard Square it used to be, but glad it retains some of the old flavor.

So that's where Click and Clack live. We love them!


Mr Samwise said...

Hello Agatha Hello Archie

What a fatastic tour of Cambridge. My Mistress loves the shops, especially the Tibetian one you went by and I really like Archies taste in books.

While I am here thank you both very much for reading my blog, we really appreiciate the support

Samwise x

PS Has Archie considered getting P. G Woodhouse on CD?. It makes great bed time listening x

Asta said...

I loved youw touw guys..Someday Mommi wants to twy one of those Bawtley's..they sound gweat , and what's wong wif clothes shopping???

Thank you so much fow all youw nuwsing..don't wowwy about the cap, you have youw pwiowities stwaight..and the boys just came back wif a hoooge bone fow Daddi..I don't know what kind of dessewt Koobie is making, but the kitchen is swimming in whipped cweam, hehehe

I'm still twying to catch up pn my awe lifesavews!
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess youw Mom would be pwoud of youw pwofessionalism Aggie

Eric said...

Cambridge looks fab! Mom is drooling all over the key board, yuck- disgusting. The cute flat iron type building, the one with the face,the books shops, oh Mom loves them all, I get to hang around outside them usually, how come you are allowed in to chose your book at bedtime? Gotta say the burger joint looks dogalicious. Could we have the half pounders as we don't belong to the Substantial Wire club ?(yet)

Wags, Eric x

Eric said...

Ooh forgot, bacon and Swiss with the burger and a large portion of fries of course...washed down with a bucket of fat coke . . .and an ice cream or three for dessert. With extra whipped cream on the side and maybe a cookie or too...??? What say you?

Eric X x x

Pee s - who are Click n Clack?

Toffee said...

I think that you should tour Faneuil Hall and the North End making sure to stop at Emac & Bolios by aquarium...oh yeah! And making sure to visit us!!

Great tour of Hahvahd! We are looking forward to going to Bartleys...maybe this week!


p.s. thank you for taking such good care of Asta's daddi - you are pawsome!

the many Bs said...

that was a most interesting tour. we liked all of that JFK stuff and of course, the offices of Click & Clack. we can't believe that have that painted on their window! that's funny. our mom would love the book stores. we like it when she reads to us, or shows us the pictures.


erin said...

Wow! Great tour! Thanks for sharing.

Niamh said...

Thanks for the tour. You go to great places.

Your friend,

Kess And Her Mama said...

Excellent adventures. You're the first reading doggie I know. Way to go Archie!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a really pawsome tour. And you doggies get to go into a book store. Woh...

~ Girl girl

BrandytheGreat said...

Well, i must say those buildings are rAther cute! And Mr Bartley's burgers sound absolutely delish! I'm feeling hungry!

Princess Patches said...

We always love to see tours of old, historic buildings! Well...our mom does, anyway. We prefer the tour of the burger joint! We don't have very many old buildings here, since most of them were burned to the ground in the Civil War. We've seen a few in North Georgia, but there are pretty much NONE in the Atlanta area. You do a great job as tour guides!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Deetz said...

I am back. It was such a joy to see your adventures while I was away. What great photos!!! That looked like too much trouble to me to pick up all those toys, but atleast you found your ball and stuff.

Dewey Dewster said...

Now how did my name get on that window in Boston? I must say, I am impressed....thanks for the JFK hurts ta remember...Gram and Pap got ta visit the Book Depository in Dallas...brings tears ta yer eyes even after all these years...can't believe ya can get so close ta the books fer sale...we woulda peed on 'em fer sure....that woulda made a good read.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Harry said...

Ma loved the tour. I think she told you before she went to Boston in 2004 and had a great holiday. Your photos brought back lots of hapy memories.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Kyanite said...


What a great tour, a little bit of everything.
Boston grows on me more & more.

And I do approve of Archies reading taste.

Love, pats & pets

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Mmmmmmm Cheese Burgers....yum...then book shredding! I would like a live tour please!!!!

Don't forget to post pictures of your goody exchange package!!! Go to Chef's blog and post it in the Album!!! Woohoo! Can't wait to see!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Toffee said...

Oh! That is too funny about the two toys that "jumped" out of the bag! A + A! I am sure that you were just "rounding them up" because I am sure those toys were making a run for the door - right?! After reading your post I bet they were off to get some burgers 'n rings in Cambridge!

pee-ess: maybe the four of us could devise a plan to rescue the UPS popcorn dispenser?

Stanley said...


Part 2 was as good as part 1! You are the best tour guides! Can't wait for the next one.

Thanks for taking care of Asta's daddi. You know, he could be my future father-in-law, so take good care of him. (By the way, he likes it when you give him noogies on his bald spot!)

Goober love,