Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lilac Sunday and sweet potaotes

Well things have calmed down here after my big event. I found out that when you enter the Junior competition you have to pass 2 times to earn your J.E. (which means Junior Earthdog) so I am only Agatha J. for now...Last Sunday was Lilac Sunday and despite Archie working like a mad scientist to discover smell o vision for the blog he couldn't come up with the top secret to do it so you will have to imagine the smell of these unbelievable lilacs. There is a path in OUR ARBORETUM which is nothing but lilacs so you can imagine the smell when they are all open. Here we are going up the hill( pay no attention to what Archie is doing)

Just tree after tree after tree of lovey lilacs........

Taking time to smell the........

It was quite lovely...maybe next year we will get the smell o vision.Now some of you have been asking about PL2's quest to make us sweet potato chips(actually we wish she would give it up and just buy them again but she is on a mission....) here they are dehydrating....

And here they are.......she made ridges with a fork to make it like the real things but when she saw this picture she thought they looked really gross.....(we sort of agree with her...) She is back at again..... only now she is trying carotts(oh please please please help us here)and she got a recipe for jerky from Sam's PL'2 to try.We'll keep you posted........


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh my - those potatoes completely zeroed out my zen lilac moment!

Bussie Kissies

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Mumsie says to forget about the smellovision and just stuff the whole bush through the puter...she LOVES lilacs (havin' been known to carry scissors around this time of the spring for some illegal snippin'...we have lilacs...BUT THEY HAVE NO SMELL...yep...right in our yard...there sorta babies yet...

And those sweet taters look just like ours mumsie they make us um well have to use the facilities rather copiously, frequently and fragrantly...yum.

Mumsie wants to know if she can walk with you by the lilacs...think she's tired of us!!!


Sit with me on the plane this weekend????

Niamh said...

Those sweet potato chips may look gross but I find that gross looking things usually taste delicious. I'd give them a try. You never know.

The lilacs smell good but can you eat them??

Your friend,

Amber-Mae said...

Those Lilacs are gorgeous & your sweet potatoes look delish! I haven't' had one of those for many months already.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Toffee said...

A & A!
wow! the lilacs look so pretty I wish I could smell them...alternately, the sweet potatoes look...umm...well they very ahh they look very much like hmmm...will get back to you on that...

Gus said...

OOOH...Lilacs grow outside E.Rabbit's room here, maybe the only blooming lilac bush in miles. Muzzer tends it carefully while the rest of the yard goes to poop. But Meyamphiss is better for lilacs, right?


wiredogs said...

Lilacs are lovely, but they're not as lovely as a tri-colored wire!
Gimlet and Sam

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Those potatoes look yummy.. Are they for hoomans or doggies?

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

I love lilacs... we have them near to us in a field, the same with the cows in it. I've never tried sweet potatoe looks nice though...

lots of licks


Dexter said...

A&A -
They might look yucky, but you should try them anyway. Who knows? The arbor eat 'em looks lovely. Keep working on the smell o vision.


Shmoo said...

Agatha and Archie! I just found some time from my adoring fans to come over and congratulate you both on our Awesome Blog award!

Its a shame that Charlie had to get a bionic heart, but this means we'll be on the DWB site for a while :) BONUS!

Congrats on your award, well deserved.


Jake of Florida said...

We agree with Bussie -- as we often do!!! Wire to wire!! We were inhaling the sweet smell of lilacs, which we've never smelled, but Mom has, when we saw those dehydrated sweet potatoes and the lilac smell went bye bye!!!

Lilacs are one of the spring events that Mom misses the most down here in our almost seasonless sub-tropical world. We're glad you can enjoy them and we can then enjoy them vicariously.

As for those sweet potaties -- we get ours roasted and they are yummy!!

Congrats Agatha J!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Deetz said...

The potato chips look like bark from a tree.. kinda cool! My mum loves lilacs and she wishes she had them again. Hopefully she will plant soon. What a really cool place to walk

Sophie Brador said...

A & A, Clearly your PL has lost her mind. She must be all drugged up and freaked out by those lilacs. What is she doing trying to make bark? She's clearly not thinking straight.


Faya said...

Oh Lilac is Véronique's favorite flowers. We have one in the garden... it smells soooooo gooooood....
Are you realy going to eat those potatoes ? Ok ...alors "Bon appétit"!
Kisses, Faya

Princess Patches said...

Those 'taters look yummy! We have a Lilac bush in our front yard and when it blooms, we can smell it all the way in the back yard! It's all done for this year, though.

Poppy & Penny

Dandy Duke said...

We have lots of lilacs in our yard and mom says they're the most Heavenly smelling flowers on earth!
Mitch and I are thinking that the sweet potatoes rule!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Hey kids, better tell PL2 that when she makes 'tater treats, they dont' have any coloring in them, the way store bought 'uns do. That is pretty much how ours looks. They still taste good, and almost all our friends love them! Except for one doggie, he spits them out. Mom is ALWAYS giving him one so she can see him spit them out across the floor. BOL.

And, we all love lilacs here@@

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow, A & A those lilacs are wonderful...we have 'em too but ours got cut way back last year so not many blooms this year. Ya know, dehydrated stuff doesn't always look good but it sure tastes good....Gotta get Gram to make us some....she never has anything ta do 'round here anyway....ouch Gram...not my ear please......

Dewey Dewster here....

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Agatha and Archie!
Those lilac's are the prettiest things ever!
And those potatoes look good! At a quick glance, we first thought they looked like stake. Yumm!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
All those lilacs look beautiful! I guess we don't have those here!
And the sweet potatoes.... they look great to me! I hope they were yummy!
Kisses and hugs

Patience-please said...

Our servant LOVES lilacs. She just planted one TODAY that she got for her birthday. But, duh, she planted it outside our fence, so we can't christen it or anything.
Archie must have made progress on his invention, because we could just about smell those lovelies.

The jerky sounds promising!

wags from the whippets

Joe Stains said...

Mom's nose is running just looking at those photos of the flowers, but that is the best part she can enjoy them with no allergies.

I think the sweet potato treats look delicious!

Life with Ozzy said...

Hey you two,
Those lilacs sure look nice and probably smell pretty. Grandma says she's coming to Boston next year to smell her heart out. Go figure. I have to say the earth dog trials looked like a blast. Good job Aggie. Better luck next time Archie. You'll show them what us boys can do!


Mr Samwise said...

Hey, those lilacs look sooo glorius especially the white ones.I can just imagin the smell of them. Glad your enjoying your down time

Samwise x

Cassidy said...

I can't decide what would smell nicer, lilac or sweet potato!

Cassidy x

Eric said...

Lilac time looks loverly...I would pick some for you Agatha J but it's very unlucky to bring it inside...but I was sort of more interested in all the yuminess in your new header. Mom buys dried carrots treaties for me - totally dogalicious, get Pl2 to do them for you - they don't have the, err , umm, you know, effect, as sweet potatoes either.....

Wags n licks, Eric.

Noah the Airedale said...

The pinkies saw a dehydrator at a department store the other day. They should have bought it so they could make us some yummy sweet potato chips. You very lucky that your mum makes them for you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, I thought the sweet potato snax looked pretty pawsome! Where they the same texture as the Sam's Yams? How long do they last you? The Sam's Yams ones lasted me about 5 seconds! J x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u must be really excited about it, earning ur 1st title....

all the best, agatha...

Fenway said...

You've got a beeyoooti-fullllll lilac path to run through!

Ms. Alpha learned that the smell of lilacs has a calming effect on excitable dogs. Do you feel blissful after your walks?

As for sweet potato chips, Ms. Alpha perfected a tasty and non-fattening version: tell your mumsie to slice 'em thin, not too thin or they'll disappear, and spread 'em out on a cookie sheet. Spray that PAM olive oil flavored stuff on 'em and pop in the oven for 10 minutes or so. She thinks convection works best. But she urges your mumsie to experiment with the slicing thickness to achieve blissful crispiness. And don't forget the sea salt!