Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Greatest Day of my Life

Well we woke up and it was cold and dreary and and we found Archie zonked out like this...........

He said he was EXHAUSTED from all the training he has done with me,plus PL1+2 thought it might not be so much fun for him as he would only be standing around and PL1 stayed home with Archie and PL2 and I went to the great event.................

Here I am checking out the scene......

When we got out of the car( PL2 made a little mistake on one of the roads and sort of went the wrong way but we got there in time) this is what we saw....

Now this is the little booth where you get your numbers....NUMBERS!!! I got to enter into TWO EVENTS!!!!!!!! The first was Introduction into Quarry which I have done and passed before and it is to learn how to do it and then I got to go into the JUNIOR EVENT !!!!!!!! WHOA!!! now we are talking big time...... This is the beginning of the big enchilada and there is a real Judge and you get graded and everything.....and if you win it gets sent to the AKC!!!!!!!!!!!PL2 thinks you get to add something to your name but we don't know what that is,because we don't really do it for that reason we do it BECAUSE I LOVE TO CHASE THE RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok this is where you go down this little road............

Then you sit and wait for them to call your name.This is a pretty funny area because there are a lot of terriers there ,who are PUMPED UP, and it is a bit noisy with barking and ahem how shall I say,near scuffles.....but not me...I am hearing Archie in my head...deep breathe.....say om to calm your self...stay focused...... This is my earth dog friend and mentor Bella.Some of you may know of her from the WFT email network..her and her Mom Lucia.She is on the last leg of her SENIOR EARTH DOG title!!! she is a show dog(that is why her coat looks so lovely) I am sitting close by( but not too close and we ahem like to sparr....)

OK here we have to go and wait in this little area when you are next...This was the Intro to Quarry test...PL2 could barely hold me!!!!!


WE ARE COMING OUT!!! I DID IT!! Pretty fast too!! I was a bit hesitant at first going into the tunnel because I heard PL1+2 talking about how I had gained two pounds this winter and what if I got stuck in the tunnel??!! I WOULD BE MORTIFIED

Now ...see the green area past the blue area???That is where I had to go the next time..FOR THE JUNIOR LEVEL........ We didn't get any pictures of this event but I can tell you about it....The Judge gave us directions,and when it was my turn PL2 put me down at the beginning and we had to stand there a minute(OM OM OMMMMMM) and then PL2 could only say one thing.....and you know what it was....3 magic words...GO TO GROUND AGGIE and off I went...Straight into that tunnel...and remember my stealth bomber secret technique? I employed it again,,,,quietly sneaking up to those suckers....UNTIL I GOT THERE( time.....30 seconds....) then after another 30 seconds........I did what I was supposed to do...........AND PASSED THE TEST!!!!!! I did what you are supposed to do pass!!!!!The Judge said I was a scrappy little fighter( Archie agrees....)

And it that wasn't enough.....guess who came to watch me???!!!!!! My Boston blogger pals Toffee and Riley!!!!!!!!!! OMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here Riley and I are making introductions as we have only met virtually......

And here I am telling Toffee and Riley about Earth dog Competitions as it was new to them...Toffee would really like to enter and she loves to chase rats....but they told her she had to be a Terrier..that is the part of all of this that PL2 doesn't like too much......and I am thinking of having my own contest open to all....I just have to figure out where....

Well then I had to stay and get my ribbons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one says I passed Junior.......

And the second one is a congratulations from the Greater Boston Earthdog club on winning a title

But the greatest ending to a most fanstastic day was this....along with a ribbon I WON A STUFFIE!!!! AND I GOT TO PICK IT OUT!!!!

Signing off ,a very very happy little junior earth dog rat chaser who made 2 new lovely friends and if that was not enough got a stuffie out of the deal. Oh the sun did come out!! Thanks to all who special ordered it!!!!

As for Archie?????


Toffee said...

A stuffie!? You won a STUFFIE?! Now that is just the icing on the cake, seriously...what a terrier-ific day!

Congratulations again and again!
your pal,

The Black and Tans. said...

Wow, well done Agatha. Oh how we would have loved to chase after those rats with you. Is Archie still sleeping ????? lol

Molly and Taffy

Fenway said...

Wow....this looks like a really worthy activity and I'd like to know if I can become an honorary terrier so I can tunnel and sniff and run in the dirt!

Congrats on your most impressive ribbon and win. The Stuffie is the best and I could show you how to dismantle it in no time.

Anonymous said...

Well done to you Agatha.. all those awards you should be soo proud of yourself.... AND you also got a stuffie how lucky are you.

lots of licks


Noah the Airedale said...

Bravo Agatha, what a good job you did chasing those rats. Congratulations on your awards!!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

BrandytheGreat said...

Congrats to you AGATHA~! Must have been a fun day for you, and a erm..relaxing day for Archie? Cool green stuffie!

Kyanite said...

Well done Agatha!
You smart girl, I'm very proud of you - what a terrier fun day.
Nice new stuffie too.
I can only presume Archie was saving his energy to pawty!

Love, pats & pets

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Hehehehe I like how Archie sleeps...that's my kind of four legged human! Where do I gotta sign up to be an Earth Dog! I'm totally an Earth Dog! I dig up the earth all the time...and I love to chase cats!

Congrats on your award! You totally deserve it!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Hero said...

Congrats on winning your new title, Agatha!!! You really deserved that stuffie and you made a fine choice of picking a really cool one. Too bad Archie missed out on all the fun. I'm more of a bird chasing kind of dog, but maybe I can try chasing a rat for a change.

much love,

Gus said...

great fun....but looks like Archie had a good day too!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Aggs, congratulations! What a pawsome day. Looks like Archie had a good day too! Jx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
Congratulations! Toffee told us about your performance there!
Sure you had a great day winning all those ribbons and the stuffie!
I am sooooooo proud of you!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations, Agatha! We are just thrilled for you! The ribbons are such an honor but the stuffie is even better! Make sure you don't destroy it, okay?
Was Archie excited for you?! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

ohhhhh, Archie looks so comfy in that last picture.

congrats on your achievements, Agatha! those ribbons are pawsome and the stuffy is a true prize! we are proud of you. that looks like a really fun contest. it's too bad that it's just for terriers. you are sweet to want to have your own contest for all of your other friends.

and speaking of friends, how cool that Toffee and Riley came to cheer you on. that is really nice of them. it's like your own fan club!


Asta said...



Archie did his job well, he desewves his snooze, he was a gweat coach..I am so happy fow you
smoochi ekisses

Sophie Brador said...

Aggie, You rock sista! That photo of sleeping Archie is pretty cute.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Aggie...I knew you could, I knew you musta gone off after those nasty little rodents and told them what's what!!! I feel faint with excitement just thinkin' bout get to CHASE A RAT!! To smell a rat...(and not just figuratively...smells like rats round here all the time!) suppose you don't get to EAT THEM??
Didn't think so...but did they have any rat stuffies ya coulda picked??? Lacie is totally jelly!!! Babystan is yawnin'...he said he couldn't have fit his big Dale head in the hole, much less his big Dale butt!!!

Tell Arch that trainin' made all the two are the bestest!!!!

Love and Kissies,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Archie...dancin' with you at Blue's pawty was just a dream...and when you shouted "GO TO GROUND, LACIE!!!" um...well, I thought you wanted to like smooch or canooooodle like some of the other doggies....I had no idea you were practicin' your coachin' for Aggie...I'm sorry I threw my paws around you and gave you that ginormous kiss, but I don't think you kept sayin' stuff like..OM OM OM!!! I did figure it out when you told me to SMELL THE RAT! Ahem...I thought you said I smelled like a rat...and my paw accidently smacked ya across you nudnik head...I mean your bootiful foxy cranium...Thankfully for you, Ags explained it all before I killed ya....

It was a magic night, Sweet Arch!!!
Your Lacie

Daniella said...

Well done Agatha ol' girl, but I'm with ARchie, I love a good snooze.
What do you mean you are NOT ALLOWED on your parents bed??? How OUTRAGEIOUS!!!! You must rebel immediately and do many happy pillow dances for them before they retire!! They dont know what they are missing!!
PS my itchies have not returned since my miracle cortisone shot almost 2 weeks ago....hopefully it will continue to last....

Asta Marie said...

Agatha you are pawsome!!!!!....I hope we get to do the same as the earthdog meeting is next weekend and my Mom and Dad said we could go and try it out again...I can hardly wait....congrats on your ribbons....what a great day it was for you and your Mom. We came home today from our week in the country and we're getting ready for all those great rat smells....

Asta Marie, WFT and hopefully earthdog.....

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What pawsome ribbons you won and that stuffie is great too, did you share and play with Archie?

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, i tried to chat to you's in the message box but yours isn't leaving my message either, ohh dear.
I did check my site too to see if there is any problem but everything is working fine. I don't know what could be wrong.

take care


Anonymous said...

Just thought i would let you know, there is something wrong with the chat box mine as well, it's not even letting me chat on it.

hope it gets fixed soon

lots of licks


Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
Wow, Agatha,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an amazing job you did and we loved the stuffie you picked out.
I know you must be so thrilled.

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

OMD... OMD... OMD... I am so prowd of u Aggie. And, Arch too, for his superb training.

You deserved getting both of those ribbons and stuffie!!!

I get those stuffie's too, only for agility. they don't last long. BOL!!

Princess Patches said...

Great job, Agatha! That stuffie made it all worthwhile! What a great day! Too bad Archie had to miss all the fun!

Poppy & Penny

Niamh said...

Yeah Agatha!! You did a great job to corner the rats. So nice to get ribbons and letters after your name for your earthdog title. Setters can't do earthdog - we would definitely get stuck in the tunnel - but I hope to get a title for tracking some day.

And good job to Archie for helping you with all your training. Enjoy your stuffie.

Your friend,

Eric said...

Can you hear me yipping with excitement - you won,you wOn,YoU WON!!! Terrierific!!!!I knew you would win with all your pawctising and Archie's training. But my twinny,I did think that it would be great to be Mr Ratty cos then you would be a-chasing me, he he!!

Wagging in happiness Eric

Asta said...

Ihope the cool cloth did it's twick and that you'we wested aftew that pawsome weekend..congwatulations again on youw must be vewy pwoud!!!
smoochie kisses to bof of you..Ihad a ball at the pawty wif you..I'm glad the fiwewowks didn't wequiwe Val-ee-umm..

Deetz said...

Archie...LOL....tooo funny!!! I heard about your competition at Toffee and Rileys blog and came right over. That was cool they came to watch you. I was thinking about you all weekend wondering how you did, hoping you didn't get stuck in the hole...I am so happy for you. You must have worn Archie out with all that exercising.

Faya said...

Congratulations Agatha ! I am very proud of you. Nice stuffie that you won (is it still alive ?).
Kisses, Faya

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is just awesome, we are so proud of you. keep up the good work we are rooting for you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Eric said...

Check this link out Agatha to read about ratting in the UK!!

Wagging in happy land, Eric

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! THat is so totally pawesome! Archie did a great job training you! Too bad the poor dude was exhausted! We are so proud of you Agatha!

Patience-please said...

Wow oh WOW!!! You got your title THAT QUICK??? Are you part whippet to be THAT QUICK??? Huge happy dances and zoomies and spins for you and congrats congrats congrats!

wags times nine from the whippets

Dexter said...

Oh Agatha! What a great day for you! Those ribbons are nice, but the stuffie looks extra good. Just for you, too (no sharing).

Momma says it must have been insane with all those amped up terriers smellin the rats close by.

What's up with Archie sleepin with the stiff leggies?

Urban Smoothie Read said...

well done, we are so proud of u...

earthdog is really fun, they let us dog do what we did best...

i'm glad u didn't get stucked in the tunnel as what your humans worried....hahaha...

i bet u gonna work harder to earn a title soon...

Stanley said...

Aggie Girl!

Congratulations! You are ONE AMAZING WIREY GIRL!!!!!

Now, you're going to have to mentor Stella on this area of her life too. My girl is thinking of taking STella to an earth dog fun day (it's mostly Jack Russell Terriers) later this month. Stella's never done it before, but I personally think she's a natural. But, she'll have to work if she wants to get anywhere close to your level!

Do I have to call you Dr. now or anything?

Goober love & smooches,

Deetz said...

Do you have your ribbons all put up in a safe place? I would have your mummy frame them and put them on the refrigerator..Thats where stuff goes ya know.
You must still be tired from all the agility and Archie's training.

Harry said...

Gosh, you did so well Aggie! I bet mum was bursting with pride, as I'm sure Archie was when he woke up!!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie -

Congratulations on your awards, Agatha. We schnauzers are known as ratters but we probably wound do as well as cathcing them as you.

I ( Hershey) love your stuffie. Is it still intact or do you break the squeakers like I do and take all the stuffing out?

Archie, wake up! You are missing out on all the fun.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. Too bad you are not allowed to sleep on your pawrents bed. We love sleeping with our pawrents.

Mr Samwise said...

Belated congratulations. Well done Agatha, what a fantastic day and what a terrific stuffy. I look forward to seeing you in action again soon. Until then rest up and enjoy your sucess' with all your hard work you deserve the break.

Vdery best wishes
