Here we are again. We have missed everyone . We would like to say it was a long hard winter but we only got snow twice( we were really sad but PL2 said she was a little happy Sure she doesn't stick her head in the snow and blow the snow out so why would she miss it?( Archie says maybe she does but we just haven't seen it.) We would like to present two ways to play with your toys.. My way and his way.. Decide which you like better...........
Of course after playing that hard one MUST take a nap.. This is the stare down nap... |
Don't look at my scruffy appearance My next post will be my hair cut with Mr Andre |
He is all squooshed up Note that blue thing It is PL1's shirt that he stole and brought to bed with him |
I sort of fell off of the bed.. hee hee |
We like the scruffy look! That's what we look like too but we heard a rumour that we'll be getting our furs cut off soon too!
Sam and Pippen
Both ways of playing look great to me, guys!
Love ya lots,
That must have been some exhausting play session if you fell of the bed. Ambrose likes to play just the way Archie does. Glad to see you back again.
We feel both of you have highly individual but mutually effective methods of playing. However, we support Archie in his selection of bed time accessories, and are now off the laundry basket to act on his inspiring choice.
gussie n teka
What a couple of sweet fur balls!
We must confess that we like both ways of playing, A+A. and you are both adorable a little on the scruffy side!
Hi A+A
GRRRREAT to hear from you again! Your are looking fabulous as ever. Sorry I can't stop for long but I am on a wee break in the Highland, and sitting on Gail's lap illegally in the hotel foyer where we can access the wifi for free! But outside there are woods and mountains to explore so must be off!
Toodle pip!
I much prefer the old squeak the toy until the humans lose their mentals approach over the bouncy cracker dog.
I vote for #1 ~ squeek ball numerous times, then chew the squeeker out! Perfect form!!
I vote for #2. Dig-a-dig-a-dig-dig-dig...Then attack the ball. Also like taking a good nap after such strenuous exercise. Love the photos.
WelshieHugs & Kisses,
Oh, what a tiring session that is! Looks like rest is needed. :D
Dog Fence
While I'm looking at these photos.,I remember my stuff toy. You look my old stuff
Dog Fence for Any size yard.
Pet Solutions
Great to see you back. Looks like you are having lots of fun playing.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Can we come over and join you and play with your toys? What fun that would be.....
Dawling Agatha, I think Awchie doesn't seem to gwasp the idea that you have to get the toy befowe you can play wif it, sheeeesh..anyway, I do think he was quite clevew in taking a nice comfy shiwt to snuggle wif in his bed.
Sowwy about lack of snow, but yeah fow less snow blowews and hoomans slipping and twisting things and huwwah fow spwing!!!!!!
smoochie kisses
peee esss , I miss you
You always need a great long nap after a really fun play session. Love the sleeping photos the most. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals
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