So PL1 and2 decided they were done done done trying to groom me... Hee hee it seems I have developed a little AVERSION to grooming.... even brushing( lets see WHY WOULD THAT BE???) and I seemed to have developed a little "thing" about even being brushed( hee hee if you let a terrier get the upper hand you lose buddy) My BROTHER who is a little namby pamby LOVES getting groomed.. and stands there all smirky and stuff... and wags his tail( I always tell him he is not a REAL terrier and was left on the doorstep...but I can't say it too much or he starts to cry.... So this new joint opened up around the corner from where we live.... It is called Dirty Harry's... Yep it is a do it yourself wash your dog place. THEN she gets this thing in the mail that says.... We do hand stripping..... I tried as hard as I could to hide it,,,, BUT IT DIDN'T WORK...... She went to talk to the groomer Mr Andre... and he used to have a terrier.. and he said I couldn't be as bad as Pl2 said and that he was SURE he could groom me...........DOESN'T HE READ THIS BLOG???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? below are ACTUAL pictures of my day of torture I mean at the hair dressers......
Here I am on the day... anxiously waiting.... paws crossed tapping my feet with nerves...I think my hair do looks FINE thank you very much... |
Here I am doing a little doga before my appointment to calm me down...... |
doing a little meditation.......Pl2 was a nervous wreck It appears that she was more worried that I was going to bite Mr Andre than worried about me... After THREE hours she called to see how I was doing....(couldn't have been that worried she waited THREE hours to call. He said I was doing fine but that I kept flattening myself out on the table...Hee Hee DID HE THINK I WAS JUST GOING TO TAKE IT??? I AM A TERRIER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD........but that he had all of his fingers and both hands...( hee hee not for trying...) |
Well here is the final result.... Not bad really...When he brought me out Pl2 was stunned.. her mouth dropped and she said(and I quote here) "She looks like a show dog!!!" LIKE I DIDN'T BEFORE??? I was snowy white and no gnarls....... |
She kept trying to take pictures of me..... |
I told Archie I told Mr Andre that I was really a Beddlington terrier so he cut my face like a little beddlington.. hee hee A little hairdresser terrier humor |
My nails were not totally dry so I had to put them up( I picked a nice spring color) |
I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought and I am feeling better..... |
OK it wasn't that bad but I am going to flatten myself out every time... I mean really I can't just sit there and just take it... like other people I know.... |
He said I looked great HOW WOULD HE KNOW HE IS SLEEPING? |
That Mw Andwe is cleewly vewy bwave, but honestly , I think the wesults awe gweat..pawfect unsnawled haiw, and a new bedlington style(i heawd it was all the wage, ackshuuly think Mommi should considew it fow hewself, hehehe) and pawfect spwing colow nails have given me stwength to be bwave and twy out this new guy in Boo da Pest this week.
Isn't this pawfect timing? I aways love to look my best when visiting bwand new babies and Lacie's little hu-niece is just adowabull...btw, AWCHIE. Could you pleez hold down that wacket? Sheeesh, I can heew you all the way hewe in Hungawy playing that biwfday song on yoow about a soft lullaby on the pie anny fow a change?
Smoochie kisses
Agatha, Trust us, we know just how you feel. If mom so much as extends her hand to pick up the comb, I, JH, run for my crate -- actually it's my brother's crate, part of my duplex arrangement -- my crate to eat in and his to retreat to because he never uses it, hating like all get out to be confined in any manner. EXCEPT, he's more like Archie when it comes to being stripped -- he lets dad do his face and most of his jacket before he goes ballistic.
But you do look gorgeous and even though we're guys, we do understand that girls are willing to suffer to be beautiful. We think you're beautiful anyway --so we're not sure why you had to suffer, but anyway -- at least you have a PROFESSIONAL who seems to know and like our breed!
Woof, that's a long e-mail for me,
Just Harry
Agatha, you do look very swish I must say. I am not a big fan of the hand stripping business myself, but Gail and I have come to an arrangement that I will let her tug away at me so long as she keeps up a continuous supply of chewy treats. I wonder is that how Mr Andre worked things?
I have noticed, by the way, that our humans do sometimes exaggerate our terrier behaviour. For dramatic effect, I believe. I am learning to ignore it.
Toodle pip!
Agatha you look absolutely gorgeous with your new hairdoo!
Have a great day
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
We approve of the results Miss Agatha. I will try to have a gentlemanly talk with Mr. Archie about the perils of cooperating too much.
You look fabulous, Agatha! It was worth all of the torture you had to endure!
Love ya lots,
Aggie - The process is terrible - but the outcome.....oooo la la girl.... what a beautifuls job the groomer did!!!! Mum says he should have got a tip!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
I am so sorry that you had to undergo all that dog grooming torture Agatha. I hate it too. Ambrose actually likes it like Archie. What is wrong with these boys?? You do look very nice though and I can see why your PL2 keeps taking your picture.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
Wow Aggie.....ya look kinda SUPER....after yer trip ta the torture the little hand stripper is gonna get some more business....somehow I think yer goin' back brave....ya could walk ta that winners circle anyday with yer head up high....fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here....
you look great !
You look great! I'm not handstripped. I'm completly clippered. Mommy knows someone who was grooming a unhappy welsh woman, and this doggie girl bit the tip of one of finger off. She has to this day, 10 fingers and 9 finger tips. You seem a lot calmer and nicer than this welsh woman.
Sally Ann
Oh Agatha, you look so fluffy and cuddly. There are always benefits to this kind of torture - it makes the peeps proud to know us.
You look adorable.
Oh, we are splitting our sides laughing here! You look marvelous, Agatha! That Mr. Andre is quite the "hair dresser!" Well worth the bit of pre-stripping nerves:-)
You look sooooo beautiful!
But I am sure you gave Mr Andre a hard time!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Twinnie you look super dooper, aproper perfect square after your strippers but then you always was anywas. Wagging shame Mr Andre doesn't do the scnauzer brows. Though that Bedlington thingy you have down your nose is the latest fashion.Did you notica the LAKIE at Crufts had the very same? Going to try that next week. Go with with the schnauzer brows allrighteeee?? Ooodles of wiry love n licks Eric xxxxxxxx
Totally worth it. you look fantastic!
Agatha you look utterly delightful. Pretty as a picture. So you booked in for your next session???? LOL
MOlly, Taffy, MOnty and Winnie
How in the world did we miss this post?? Probably 'cuz we spend so much more time on that stupid FB now. In any event, you look FaBulous dahling!!
Yup. Nice!
Agatha, you look absolutely gorgeous!! We've been having days of torture too. Piper is a suckup like Archie and just lies there letting Mom strip on him - he even falls asleep unless she's stripping his face. We girls have a bit more to say about things!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy
ITS YOOW BIWFDAY! (excoose the shouting, but I get excited) I'm coming wif a hooge cake(aweady booked the bwoome, yoow twinny Ewic will come too if those nudnicks(aka Stanley and Lacie) wemembew how to land)
smoochie kisses
HEY! Happy Birthday! Woo hoo! Get out and party! Dig some holes, chase some moles.
birthday? Ms. Asta said it was your big day-so happy birthday to ya!
Hi cutie kids
awe you still as bootiful as in those pictoowes stwaight fwom the haiwdwessews? I heawd today that Mommi has plans to baf me, sheeesh..anyway, I posted about yoow wondewful gift today
Thank you so vewy vewy much
smoochie kisses
Agatha and Archie, where are you?
Come on we want to know all your news. How naughty you have been, sorry meant to type how good you have been. Paws slipped on the keyboard!
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
It's been a while. Hope you're all well!
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Agatha, you look so wonderful after getting a nice haircut. It seems like a long and busy day. Maybe you just have to take a nice long nap afterward. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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