Friday, August 6, 2010


Hi everyone!! We have had an unbelievable week which has been ACTION PACKED because PL1+2 were both on vacation AT THE SAME TIME!! SO we did a THOUSAND things all of which we will show you! First up on the agenda FOOTBALL!!! Now you know we are major sports fans here( after all I have a red sox leash and Archie has the Patriots) So PL1+2 read that the Patriots( that is our football team here), were starting training camp and you could go and watch them( some of you may remember that Archie has been of GREAT help to our coach here and coach always calls on Arch for help..)Here we are at the stadium...

They had these signs up in case you forgot it was training camp..

The SECOND that they heard we were there( well really Arch is the big man here..) we were escorted to the VIP section...
That is Tom Brady our quarter back.. All the ladies( well maybe me too) have a little crush on him because he is so dreamy... but he just got married and has a little baby boy now...

Look there he is again and now COACH (in the shorts and gray sweatshirt) and Tom Brady are coming over BECAUSE THEY SEE ARCHIE and haven't seen him in awhile...

This is the actual stadium where they really play in season...

We made PL2 take a picture of our feet in case she was going to buy something for us and needed our measurements..
After we watched them play for a while we went to the pro shop and bought stuff( we got placements for under our bowls so when we spit stuff on the floor and then pick it up to eat it it is on that.. really we do not know what the big deal is.. doesn't everyone do that??)

We had a really fun time and now we are all excited and pumped up for some football...LET THE GOOD TIMES BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!! We will tell you all about our hiking trip to New Hampshire next!!!


Dexter said...

Master told us that those fake pre season games will start soon. Oh help! I already have to watch baseball 24x7.


Gus said...

Wow...we knew you guys would get into the VIP section. Keep those placemats shiny in case Mr. Tom or that coach fellow come for dindin.


Bocci said...

Wow, I'm sure impressed, you two! And they even took a break from the action to come over and say hello:-)

As you might guess, we're big football fans here in Ohio too, but no Professional football team for Columbus...we're obsessed with those Buckeyes!
We'll look forward to seeing pics from your hike-you two are sure the active (and popular!) ones :-)!

Your buddy,

Dandy Duke said...

Dad has been so busy with the Crump barn that he hasn't even thought about pre-season! We love football season and having fires in our fireplace and lots of yummy dindins! Bring on football season!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Koobuss said...

Wow!! You guys know Tom Brady! Oh, boy! I am so impressed. I love Tom Brady. (You said he was married? Oh, well... Maybe Mark Sanchez is available.)

How nice for the fans that the Patriots have their preseason training camp at their regular season home. New Englanders gotta love that.

As for the Patriots, they are going to have their hands full with the Jets. Should be fun. Sorta like Yankees-Red Sox. Here we go again!!!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Lorenza said...

That was pawesome!
I wish I could be there with you!
I am a Yankee fan... and a Patriot fan...
I guess it sounds funny!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

we're so happy that you will be watching football soon! we think football is kind of blah, but we love hearing you bark to us about it. you have the best way of telling us stories!


The Thuglets said...

Hmmmmmmm..we haven't seen football played like this! Looks kind of interesting.

Do you fink you will get a game? Are you expecting some pawbooties?

Have a good weekend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Football? So THAT'S what you guys call 'football'. Weird.
As for those placements, I don't know, these humans can be so pernickity. What's wrong with eating off the floor? But then humans don't seem to fancy eating sheep poo either, which I think is yummy. There's no accounting for tastes.
Toodle pip!
PS Gail is telling me that I shouldn't go boasting about the sheep poo thing. Sorry.

George The Lad said...

Wow VIP's, thanks for showing us, I'm waiting to see what you got for your paws.
see Yea George xxx

tula monstah said...

Oh A & A woo are Luuuuucky! Tom Brady! crush, woo me? and a million kazillion othahs!!! i so wanted to go to training camp-- glad Arch made it. his coaching skills are needed 2 get the team back in shape!

can NOT wait 4 some FOOTBALL!& fur Brett FAVRE to make up his mind:)


Oskar said...

It must be nice to have a good football team. Our team here is the Detroit Lions...they're not really known for being the bestest I guess.

My mom person did like your training camp pics, cause when she was little she would go to training camp with her dad person & then they went to all the games.

That was probably about a million years ago!

I bet this Tom & the coach were glad to see Archie there to help out!

Unknown said...

Hey A team

Arch I'm surprised you weren't in the huddle. I mean you are the pawfect QB coach for tommy tom. You throw passes with the best. Look at the pass you threw at me last weekend-getting all fresh!

Too call... I want mom to take me to training camp- no luck. Did you ever see her video from Gillette stadium.She did a run on july 4th and the finish line was the 50 yard line check it out.

Rudy said...

Hey Mom said your Patriots are welcome to beat up the Redskins this season! She does not like them and wants 'em beat... we don't watch football but she gets so tired of hearing about them! Like they win one game and everyone talks about going to the Sooper Bowl! One one game????


Princess Patches said...

We sure hope some fall temperatures come along with all that football! I, Penny, always drop my food on the floor, right in front of my dish, and then pick it up and eat it! Our mom used to have a mini Schnauzer that took a mouth full of food all the way to the carpet, drop it and then eat it one piece at a time! Patches doesn't take the time to even smell or taste her foodables!

Penny & Patches

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

So fun! Lucky pups!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh wow... you two got the royal treatment at the VIP section!!

(Psst.. we have placemats too cos we do the same thing with our food.. it's so fun to spit it out and watch our mom recoil in horror cos it dirtied her pristine floor!!)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Frankly, there are way too many males in this house who have FB on alllllll the time...boring....

But, Victoria's Secret unveiled their new Steelers lingerie collection...yes, they asked me to model it...Mumsie doesn't know about that one yet....

Kisses kids...fallin'
asleep typing!!!

Love ya lots!!
