My brother..........

To say it has been quite the time these past two days is putting it mildly.....

Now we all know my brother is a bit of a goof

And he does silly things at times.... and is a bit naughty.......

But this time he went a little too far...You see he went over to PL2's knapsack...which was on a chair.....ZIPPED UP... and unzipped it... took out the little paper bag....and took out the pack of gum that was in it..ALL WITHOUT KNOCKING OVER THE BOOK BAG......
(sorbitol and xylitol which is in sugar free gum dramatically lowers dogs blood sugars and causes liver damage ........and can lead to death)

After the fact.... he said all he really wanted to do was this....

Now once before he did this and when PL2 called the Animal Poison Control Hot line they figured out that that last pack did not have a dangerous dose for him....But not this time....This time they said "He has to go to the Emergency Room RIGHT NOW" We all got very very scared......PL1 stayed with me and PL2 rushed Archie to this place....... She rushed over the EW part where they scooped him up and took him to the back...and left PL2 there and she was kind of crying.......They made him throw up and then they said he had to stay there because they had to monitor his blood sugars and liver function tests and give him an IV..... SO PL2 went into the back to say goodbye to him and told him to be brave without the three of us with him( he gets a little scared by himself) and then she left and cried all the way home.....

Now we all know my brother is a bit of a goof
And he does silly things at times.... and is a bit naughty.......
But this time he went a little too far...You see he went over to PL2's knapsack...which was on a chair.....ZIPPED UP... and unzipped it... took out the little paper bag....and took out the pack of gum that was in it..ALL WITHOUT KNOCKING OVER THE BOOK BAG......
(sorbitol and xylitol which is in sugar free gum dramatically lowers dogs blood sugars and causes liver damage ........and can lead to death)

After the fact.... he said all he really wanted to do was this....

Now once before he did this and when PL2 called the Animal Poison Control Hot line they figured out that that last pack did not have a dangerous dose for him....But not this time....This time they said "He has to go to the Emergency Room RIGHT NOW" We all got very very scared......PL1 stayed with me and PL2 rushed Archie to this place....... She rushed over the EW part where they scooped him up and took him to the back...and left PL2 there and she was kind of crying.......They made him throw up and then they said he had to stay there because they had to monitor his blood sugars and liver function tests and give him an IV..... SO PL2 went into the back to say goodbye to him and told him to be brave without the three of us with him( he gets a little scared by himself) and then she left and cried all the way home.....
We were besides ourselves at home.... PL1 and 2 said I could have as many toys as I wanted to keep my mind occupied.....

All I really played with was this toy( Scruffy gave it Archie and it is one of his favorites..and he never has ripped it apart either...)

But my heart really wasn't in it and I took Archie's other favorite toy(his little chipmunk) into the bed with me.....

It was a long night bu they didn't call us( they said we would only get a call if something was the matter) and in the morning they said that his sugars were fine and that he was eating like a piggie( that's my brother!) and we could pick him up at 3pm.He has to have his liver tests done today and tomorrow and has to be on a liver medicine for a week( It can take up to three days for the liver to be affected......THIS GUM IS BAD BAD STUFF)
So we three went to pick him up...AND HE LOOKED LIKE A SCHNOODLE!!!!!!!
( Archie said he told them that if they had to cut his hair for IV's and blood work then make him look like his friends the Schnoodles We don't have the heart to tell him that those kids really don't wear their hair like that so we are pretending)

He is very tired( he said he didn't sleep because there was a lot of stuff going on in that place ...)

I mean I know I kind of complain once in awhile but the kid does tell a mean joke......

He is just really happy ( as we all are) to be home......

And the PL's have outlawed gum in the house and realize that he is so smart they can't even keep things on chairs..... So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell all of your PL's this is bad bad stuff.....sorbitol and xylitol in any form can kill dogs so BE CAREFUL...... and be aware.......adn tell everyone you know with a dog about it.....
All I really played with was this toy( Scruffy gave it Archie and it is one of his favorites..and he never has ripped it apart either...)
But my heart really wasn't in it and I took Archie's other favorite toy(his little chipmunk) into the bed with me.....
It was a long night bu they didn't call us( they said we would only get a call if something was the matter) and in the morning they said that his sugars were fine and that he was eating like a piggie( that's my brother!) and we could pick him up at 3pm.He has to have his liver tests done today and tomorrow and has to be on a liver medicine for a week( It can take up to three days for the liver to be affected......THIS GUM IS BAD BAD STUFF)
So we three went to pick him up...AND HE LOOKED LIKE A SCHNOODLE!!!!!!!
( Archie said he told them that if they had to cut his hair for IV's and blood work then make him look like his friends the Schnoodles We don't have the heart to tell him that those kids really don't wear their hair like that so we are pretending)
He is very tired( he said he didn't sleep because there was a lot of stuff going on in that place ...)
I am very happy he is home and have my paws crossed that all his blood work will keep coming back fine.....
I mean I know I kind of complain once in awhile but the kid does tell a mean joke......
He is just really happy ( as we all are) to be home......
And the PL's have outlawed gum in the house and realize that he is so smart they can't even keep things on chairs..... So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell all of your PL's this is bad bad stuff.....sorbitol and xylitol in any form can kill dogs so BE CAREFUL...... and be aware.......adn tell everyone you know with a dog about it.....
What a frightening story - you must have been absolutely on tenterhooks about what might happen. Glad to know that Archie is fully recovered.
Lesson learned!!! We are so so so glad you discovered what he had done so quickly and were able to get it out of him super fast.
Our furry ones are so super clever that it takes all of our human brain power to keep one paw ahead of them.
No gum, no sugar-free candy with the bad stuff -- and no pills that can be dropped on the floor or gotten to by inquisitive paws.
With tons of love to Aggie and Gum Boy and Pl 1 and Pl 2.
Joan and the Barkalots
OK, BUBBLEBREATH....SAY NO TO GUM...what else is that stuff in...we're gonna hafta look it up...we think it's in mints too...
Um...I guess I hadn't realized that they um shaved BOTH his front, I will be grooming Scruffy today and sending some 'spensive foxy fur extensions immediately...unless you'd like Dale or Lakie for for him...your call...
That's gonna take a long time to grow out...bilateral poodleitis...sheesch.
Ok...I feel better now...
Kisses and more zen for the liver...just in case...
Agatha, We are so happy Archie is home and doing fine and he looks super ridiculous with those shaved paws -- don't tell him I said that. Mom says it looks adorable.
Archie, Bodyguards don't chew gum. Knock it off!
We are soooo glad Archie is ok and back with the pack! What a scare for all of you. We will tell all the pups we know just how bad gum is for them.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
OMG, what a scary experience for all of you! We are so glad that Archie is okay!
I grabbed a pack of Doublemint gum from a visitor's purse one time and Lauren had her whole hand practically down my throat to rescue it! She got it, thank doG and did I learn my lesson? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I'll go through anyone purse looking for anything yummy, especially kleenex!
Your Schnoodle leggie furs will grow back, Archie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
a lot of sweet kisses to you,
Golden Clo
We are still AMAZED that Arch managed that zipper all by himself, and so happy that he is feeling better and happy at home with you and the PLs.
Tell him we hope he keeps acing his blood tests, and much as I admire him, I think I will wait a while before I copy his haircut!
Oh my...what a scare. Dont worry we know all about gum but D & B dont eat it so we're safe.
We are so glad Archie is ok and we hope his liver function hasnt been affected.
Archie...dont do that again ok.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
OH No, I hope everything turns out OK. Your name badge is almost ready, and your brother has to be OK because he is your personnel assistant.
Sally Ann
We are so glad you are home safe and sound. I will try and resist the temptation of bubble gum!
This time Archie went too far!
I am happy that he is at home now!
Paws crossed his results will be fine!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
So glad to hear that Archie's on the mend! No wonder you signed as "Gum boy!" We're behind on our reading.
Parental Unit choked up -she remembered the many, many trips to doggie emergency room with her wire, Carson, waiting up all night for docs who were performing emergency surgery ( to remove bad things from tummy) to call. Whew!
Just went and took gum from purse and put in cupboard-thanks!
Your buddy,
Oh poor Archie! I had a similar was very skeeereee and spensive too. We don't have any sugar free stuff here anymore.
Whatever is in the xylitol stuff sure smells good though, cuz I will root around in purses if they are were I can reach them. SHE is very careful when the ladies come over and asks them to check to make sure their bags are either closed or empty of sugar free gum.
Everybody please check yer pantries and fridges and purses and that place in the car where you put yer packs of gummies...and look to see if it says SUGAR ALCOHOLS on it anywhere and if it does..toss it out...or put it waaaaay up locked up somehow.
Here is a link about it:
Do it for all us fur kiddies.
And...if it's not good for us, it's probably not good for you either. Just a hunch.
Kisses to poor sweet Archie and his family, we hope he gets through this ok.
I'm glad you didn't get sick from that nasty stuff. My human woman found out something scary about Dairy Queen Dilly Bars and it also may be in their ice cream (we don't know yet) but go to the gimpydog blog and read about what is in dilly bars and why dogs shouldn't get any of them:
Oh Archie dude, you are BAD!!! eesh buddy, lay off the gum, try some sunflower seeds next time you need at little oral fixating!
Agatha! I think that you should consider a shnoodle trim to show solidarity with the long suffering Archie. Just a thought.
Nice to see the little guy home again.
What ruff way to teach a lesson. We are soooo glad Arch seems to be doing well. And we want you to know. Because of you we informed someone who had gotten sugar free Peeps for their dogs for Easter ... just in time. The peep ate the Peeps and the dog watched. Safely. At a distance.
We hope your weekend made a turn-around for the better. We sure were glad to learn that you are all together, at home, again.
Love you as a pair,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Your name badge is ready to picked up on my blog.
Sally Ann
we just LOVE you two kids! and your PLs!
we laughed and laughed at Archies SCHNOODLE LEGS. please don't tell him that. we think he looks ADORABLE, but his little leggies are so SKINNY without all of his fluffy fur. we're glad that both ankles match and really, it could be a fashion statement. all of the WFTs will be asking their PLs to shave their legs to look like SCHNOODLES. in face, Bailey, the King of the Schnoodles, may request that trim himself!
we are soososososososososooooo happy that Archie is okay and everything turned out okay for everyone. please Archie, stay away from gum, dude.
that must have been a long and sad night with Archie in the hospital and everyone else at home. poor Agatha. if you two are ever separated again, just let us know and we'll come stay with you to keep you company.
but we're happy cuz you and your PLs are happy. life is good when the 2As and the PLs are all happy and Archie is a healthy - not to mention LUCKY boy. see, all of that poodle power and the power of the Bs worked.
I am so glad you are home in one piece. I was so worried. You see I love to chew gum too but it's pieces spit out by teenagers. Hmm I think you'll have some life with this event. Everyone missing you and worried. Might be good for some extra toys or treats if you know what i mean. wink wink. or hot dogs
OMD...I'm so glad Archie is scawie! take good care of him, OK!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Yeah, I think you need to just stick to "hamming" it up with that witty humor of yours!
So glad that you are safe and sound.
we love you.
Holy bubblegum, dude! This isn't a story we want to hear about - let's not do anything like that again, okay? Take it easy for a few days and get Agatha to cater to your every whim! That should make you feel tons better.
Remember - Just say NO to bubblegum!
Your buds,
Sam and Pippen
OMD! What a traumatic time for the family. We're happy to hear that Archie is home safely. Hope his liver is OK.
Hi, Agatha and Archie -
What a scare you all must have had. We are so glad that Archie is feeling better. Thanks for letting us know about the gum - Mama doesn't like chewing gum.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Oh My Dog Aggie
I am beside myself/..why didn't you tell me..I would have wushed home to help nuwse the little and youw Pls must have been wowwied sick..i bet that night lasted a kajillion houws..what a goofball..tell him to just buy a bloon and attach it to his mouf(it will look like he blew a gweat big balloon)silly boy
Thank dog fow the happy ending..!!!!
I love you all and am wowwying in wetwospect
smoochie healing kisses to all youw tickews(fow neaw heawty attacks) and to awchie's poodle legses(they awe quite a fashion statement...he was always so fowawd in his tastes)
OMD! We sure hope he's okay! We've heard about the dangers of those chemicals in gum. Fortunately, we never have gum in our house.
Penny & Patches
Oh, Archie! What a scary story! I think you should just stick to food and treats made especially for dogs from now on! I hope you are feeling better!
Guess what? I am hosting a GIVEAWAY contest and I hope you will join us! The winner receives a PERSONALIZED PET PORTRAIT! I bet your mom would love the artist's beautiful paintings so come on over for a visit! April & Daisy
Honestly, Archie...I hope you switched over to Lifesavers or somethin'....
Mumsie found some gum hidden in the drawer yesterday...yeppers, that's gonna go into the big trash can...not the little terrier accessible one...sheesch...
I bet Aggie's tired after organizing PL2 to get off to work this's so exhausting to get them to move in a forward direction...'specially when they're sleep walking...
Now Archie, have a nice snack awaiting PL2's return home tonight...and an ice bag for her headache that she can also use for her me I know all the tricks...
OMD, we are SO happy that Archie is all right. What a scary thing to have happen!
My people don't eat much gum, but they are going to be sure to tell the teenage boys not to keep gum around here!
ARCHIE! I am glad you are okay. I heard that hospital is a really good one and I'm glad they took good care of you. You even got that pawesome haircut.....(hee hee ahem)
HOWEVER Archie - now my mom does not think I am so clever. I did the same thing to my auntie a few years ago - I unzipped her backpack to get her gum and eat it and my mom thought I was so smart to be able to unzip zippers. Now she thinks this is a common occurence with WFTs. (At least the clever, handsome ones like us two!) You have ruined my reputation, man!!
My auntie cheers for the Yankees so she deserved to get her gum stolen.
But I'm really glad you're feeling better.
Your friend, Lenny
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