FINALLY!!! IT IS FINALLY HERE!!!! TRA LA LALALALALA SPRING HAS SPRUNG and there is no better place to see it arriving than at our beloved Arboretum !!! Look at the buds coming!!!!!!!

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....THE FIRST ROACH OF THE this short feature presentation note Archie just standing and enjoying the wind blow through his ears and his poms poms(hee hee couldn't resist...)
OK here he is with his first roach of the season.....
Color starting to arrive.......
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....THE FIRST ROACH OF THE this short feature presentation note Archie just standing and enjoying the wind blow through his ears and his poms poms(hee hee couldn't resist...)
OK here he is with his first roach of the season.....
Here is the face of one happy little puppy......

Archie was so happy he THREW himself into a sit under this tree and DEMANDED that PL2 take his picture to mark the beginning of spring!

Archie was so happy he THREW himself into a sit under this tree and DEMANDED that PL2 take his picture to mark the beginning of spring!
Here I am taking time to smell the flowers....(note Lacie they are purple)


WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LILACS ARE COMING IN!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! That means Lilac Sunday will be coming soon!! That is when all the lilacs(and there are a GAZILLION of them here) come into bloom and it is a special day just for them....We can not even begin to tell you how delicious the smell is..As you all know Arch has been working for years on smell ovision so you can smell it,but just can not come up with the right formula.....
As there are a million gazillion people that come on that day we come a little early and have our own day....

My training has been delayed a little as my trainer was a little shall we say under the weather? but here he is picking out a spot for me....

Another face o f a very happy puppy........( a little dirty but who cares?!)

This is our neighbors garden in the front of the building.We thought it was equally delightful.....

For those of you wondering, the RETAKEOVER of my bomb shelter is coming along nicley..I have dragged my little bed almost totally back under and have put it in an even better position..Stretched out I can touch the top of the bed...This is a great yoga position.... Next will come the gradual reentry of all of MY toys.....
This Monday is Patriots Day in Boston( a special Boston Holiday(don't read this Eric) marking of the beginning of the Revolutionary War...and it is the Boston Marathon,and an 11 am Red Sox Game...WHEWWWW we are going to be busy...AND Toffes Mom and Dad are running in the Marathon and PL2 is making a sign and is going to cheer her on!! Pictures to follow!!! HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE Love and kisses A+A
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LILACS ARE COMING IN!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! That means Lilac Sunday will be coming soon!! That is when all the lilacs(and there are a GAZILLION of them here) come into bloom and it is a special day just for them....We can not even begin to tell you how delicious the smell is..As you all know Arch has been working for years on smell ovision so you can smell it,but just can not come up with the right formula.....
As there are a million gazillion people that come on that day we come a little early and have our own day....
My training has been delayed a little as my trainer was a little shall we say under the weather? but here he is picking out a spot for me....
Another face o f a very happy puppy........( a little dirty but who cares?!)
Two happy faces......APPLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the entrance.......Look at all the people taking pictures!!!
Here is the entrance.......Look at all the people taking pictures!!!
This is our neighbors garden in the front of the building.We thought it was equally delightful.....
For those of you wondering, the RETAKEOVER of my bomb shelter is coming along nicley..I have dragged my little bed almost totally back under and have put it in an even better position..Stretched out I can touch the top of the bed...This is a great yoga position.... Next will come the gradual reentry of all of MY toys.....
This Monday is Patriots Day in Boston( a special Boston Holiday(don't read this Eric) marking of the beginning of the Revolutionary War...and it is the Boston Marathon,and an 11 am Red Sox Game...WHEWWWW we are going to be busy...AND Toffes Mom and Dad are running in the Marathon and PL2 is making a sign and is going to cheer her on!! Pictures to follow!!! HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE Love and kisses A+A
Hello Agatha & Archie,
I am ashamed to admit it but I've never been to the Arboretum at Harvard University which is embarrassing since I live 1/2 hour away (in Manchester) from you guys! I've been to Harvard (but not as a student, I'm afraid) and I love Cambridge so I'm going to bring Daisy (our coonhound) out there soon b/c she's never been to the big city! We should have a play date & then blog about it! Wouldn't that be fun?
I loved your videos and it's fun to see your cute little selves in action! I don't know why you have sunshine and we don''s cold, dark, and gray here in Manchvegas! Have a nice weekend!
We're lucky here in Victoria - we hardly get any cold weathers and most of our spring has already sprung - the cherry blossoms were out about a month ago! Your Arboretum looks very nice and looks like it has lots of good smells to roll in - that's even better than flowers!
Sam and Pippen
Pom Pom boy looks great. Is he going to keep that look for the summer do you think?
Great to finally get back to roaching and digging at the Arbor Eat 'em. Momma has to totally work on Patriot's Day. No marathon for her.
Twinnie n Step! Now it really does feel like spring seeing you two in the Arboretum! Though of course you two were far more interesting and prettier than the plants and flowers. You know that video of you digging Twinnie ? For one minute I thought it was ME!! Er,,,till I remebemred I don't dig.Don't tell Circus boy or he might want me to do the whole yaawwwnnn earth dog training.
Cheer my supperdooper TM on Monday for me won't you. Sob..
Quintillions of love n kisses Eric xxxx
Oh My
Happiness!!! Spwing in youw bootiful awbowetum!!! And woaching ..OOOH, I love youw big smiles and Awchie's pawfect sit undew his twee!!1
Pleez tell him that I unfowtunately didn't find a pastwy ow cake named aftew him in Pawis although I looked and looked is a gwave ovewsight on theiw pawt. I think he is tewwibly bwave to be thinking of youw twaining Aggie undew the ciwcumstances..such a selfless boy!!!!!
Can you pleez make a sign fow us too and help cheew Toffe and wiley's pawents fow us??
I think this will be a faboolous week fow you!
Huwwah again!!
I wish I could be thewe to smell the lilacs wif you!!!
smoochie kisses
Yep, spring is here!
If you noticed, we returned to our old template. The Blogger in Draft cost Jan two weeks and nothing but stress! She even had to change back the one for the Humane Society. She thought that one was working until she went to look up something and found all her links were gone and her slide shows didn't work. So two out of two have been reverted, so if you do change your template, we suggest changing header or colors or something on what you have. We like your header.
Keep working on that smellovision, Archie! We are counting on you! Your Arboretum is sure beautiful in the spring!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Patriots Day sounds like fun. Good luck to Riley & Toffee's pinkies running in the Boston Marathon. Cripes it sounds like hard work.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Sure you had lots of fun there at your Arboretum!
That first roaching of the season was pawesome, right??
And what to say about the digging?? Wow!
Kisses and hugs
OK,since we live in South Florida, where the roaches get really really HUGE ... when mom read about Archie's first roach -- she said, HUH? I'm not going to look at that... then she realized what a DUMBKOPF she was being -- so we got to see and enjoy him having a good old time!!!
Loved the flowers. And the roaching.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
(We'll talk later about that cable thingy...)
What a fantastic day! My mom has decided that you guys are her second favorite breed of dog. She can't get over how cute you are!
Hi Agetha and Archie,
Thanks for brightening up our day with those beautiful pictures! It rainy here and yucky!
You two are so adorable as usual.
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
oh my, I loved, loved the videos you put on here, made you feel so real to me!
Plus, yes, at long, long last after the worst winter here for 30 years, we feel Spring is in the air.
Three weeks ago we were suffering snow blizzards and this week it has been hot and sunny!
Our lilac trees are in bud too, but we so far, in our garden only have white lilac, there is some purple down the road though.
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxx
Hi A and A
It is most beautiful out now! I'm glad you are back to the Arboretum. But I can't believe you are not an all year round roacher.. come on!
We're gonna cheer for Toffee & Riley's mom in Wellseley tomorrow. I'll email her to find out what she's wearing.
PS roaching is either action or entertainment! hee hee
ummm...where did you find that sunshine? That WAS sunshine wasn't it?
mom cannot wait to see your PL on Monday!!
Hi A+A!
What beautiful pictures! We're so glad spring has arrived here too-but our winter here in Ohio probably was mild compared with yours-keep enjoyin'!
Please keep a close watch for a very special "link" coming on my blog soon-I know you will LOVE!
Your buddy,
The Arboretum looks really nice, and isn't it great to have spring and a summer to look forward to.
we love your bouncy spring curls!!
Oh everything is so beautiful. Great job with the pictures mom.. Happy Roaching.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie have lilacs almost? Khyra has TONS of them...I think they've been banned here in da Burgh this year...we haven't seen even one!!!
Oh Aggie...that roachin'...ooch, eech...scratch here...itch there...on my...such a relief after NONE all winter!!
And the tree base diggin'...I SO bet you were sorest the next day!!!
Go slow, Aggie...just take it easy at the beginning!
Hey, we have some pix up of Katie Pups first pawty...and you're in them!! Come and see!!
Oops...sorry...we're watchin' the game three...
Hey...we met two stoopid Goldens on our walkie today and we um well DON'T LIKE GOLDENS...and their owner was on his cell and COULDN'T HEAR OVER OUR BARKIN'...(our care-o-meter just flatlined...) and he YELLED AT US TO R E L A X...just cuz his stoopid dogs were winding around his legs like macrame and makin' him look he blames us...
Does Lacie EVER SHUT UP?
Hey Agatha and Archie!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my 'transgression'! No real tummy ache to speak of - I could still wrestle Pippen - but mom watched me like a hawk! She wants to know why these things always happen to me and never Pippen! I should tell you about the time the groomer snipped off a bit of my, er, personal boy part... there's a day we won't soon forget!
What a delightful day! Yeah for Spring!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star
I just can't believe that I am being denied access to your arboreteum. I keep asking, when can we go to the arboreteum and all I hear is, the arboreteum is in Boston. Blah blah blah. I sure wish I could roach with you guys.
The colors of spring is so very pretty where you are!!! Enjoy the lovely scenery and the great weather...
What a beautiful place! We just love all the blooming flowers and trees. Okay, our mom isn't too thrilled with them at the moment...all the pollen has given her a major sinus infection. We're glad to hear that your bomb shelter is getting back to normal, Agatha!
Penny & Patches
Just so you know. This post sat on our 'puter "minimized" (whatever the heck that is) for days. Ever since you first posted it. We think we finally convinced Moma that it was gonna be WEEKS before our lilacs are in bloom, and that she didn't REALLY need to keep the arboretum pictures waiting and ready for a spring blossom fix. Course, we know the truth. Moma just keeps picturing our wirey selves poking about that magical place of yours someday. Maybe we'll even learn to roach.
Now. To clear something up. You dig. We don't. Eric gets a totally black snout in the mash. We don't. We are feeling much too conservative. We think it might be about time to do something about that. (I AM beginning to wade in marshy water ... is that an okay starter?)
Looking forward to summer school. Wow. Ivy League! Maybe I can wear my preppie sweater. Oh yeah. Bad idea. It's gonna be hot.
Jake (and Fergi)
whew ARCH for a minute i thought the wind was blowing you around! if that's your first roach can't imagine the next.. yikes! and i swear i saw this same thing on Eric's bloggie! dirty mugs and all...
must be a terrier thang,
just sayin
hey kiddos! your arboretum is absolutely beautiful in the spring. our mom loves lilacs - now she wants to buy another one for our yard. we already have 4!
we're so happy to hear that you are getting your bomb shelter back together, Agatha. and we're also happy to see that Archie still has poodle legs! hee hee! we know he just wants to look like us - now if we could only get our groomer (aka our dumb mom) to groom our legs like that! we would be stylin'.
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