Saturday, February 27, 2010

HE IS AT IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So PL2 is learning to knit....She learned a few years ago when she wrecked her calf and had to stay home for 4 months on crutches in the winter, but all she learned how to do was scarves....So she thought she would expand her horizons....She has a friend at work who is a top notch knitter who is her mentor. She gave PL2 this pattern because she said when PL2 takes US out she can throw it on and keep her neck warm!! AND you have to do it on circular needles which PL2 has never done.....

So we went to the knitting store and bought this color(see my nose? I am approving the color) and we bought circular needles (WHICH WERE A LITTLE PRICEY) remember that, it is important to remember later on in this story.....

Look...isn't she doing a nice job??? SO she and PL1 went some where the other day and all PL2 wanted to do was come home and do her knitting......

So she went to go get it( this is a reenactment because it happened in the living room on the couch.. and not for anything but after all this time shouldn't PL2 know better?? Just a question that I can not believe I said out loud...)(Oh and Moma this is not a real quilt but a fake one..) Hmmmm she said I think I have lost the little green tip that covers the end of the needle.I only see one........ and she picked it up.......


And if that were not enough LOOK AT HIM!!! THOSE ARE HIS FEET!!! RIGHT NEXT TO THE KNITTING!!!

LOOK AT HIM!! HE IS TRYING TO THINK OF A WAY TO GET OF THIS!!! GO AHEAD LET'S HEAR THIS ONE!!!!!!!(You could kind of hear a LOT of HBO words now from PL2 mostly because she really wanted to just sit and knit....)

haa haa I ah thought it was my knitting???

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! THAT IS ALL YOU CAN COME UP WITH????? (I am attempting to remove the evidence here because every time PL2 sees it she lets a little HBO word slip out.. and of course I would NEVER EVER do something like that.......

does anyone know how accurate that teeth analysis evidence stuff really is?? just asking....


Dexter said...

Miss Agatha! I am afraid that you will be questioned along with your brother and could be considered a suspect. After all, you were one of the last two doggies to see those knitting needles intact. Better make sure you have an airtight alibi.


Niamh said...

Oh that Archie! Using new knitting needles as a chewie is probably not the best idea that he ever had. We know that you would never do anything like that Agatha. You are innocent! Stick to your story.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

I think Archie had the perfect 'did I do that?' look on his face. Sorry about your mum's delayed knitting project, but ya know fiber is very important in a pooches diet.
XXX-BRD & Hootie

ps-we're playing catch up on past bloggies today.

Gus said...

You guys must have Very Big Mice in that town.


Clive said...

Oh dear, eating knitting needles is not good!

Love your blog!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

Eric said...

It's awfully difficult to knit when you have paws isn't it twinnie? Or step? A little adjustment of the needles is entirely justified in my opinion.

Infact PL2 should consider herself lucky she didn't get metal knitting needles. The bill for falsie pearly whites after chomping on them would have been sky high.

Mom sais she is liking the jiggery pokery pattern. She does the jiggery poking thing too. Even jib jabs ME with her knitting needles when I get to close.The meanie.

Wiry loves and squillions of kisses Eric xxxx

Sophie Brador said...

Ags, Just tell them you were with me. And then tell them that Archie saw Pablo chewing on knitting needles on my blog and that's where he got the idea.


Dandy Duke said...

PL2's scarf is coming along beautifully! What a bummer that her needles got gnawed on! We just know that neither one of you could have done such serious damage!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

doyle and mollie said...

work on the eyes i tell you it works every time arf arf aarf

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha!
Archie did it again!
Sure PL2 is not very happy right now!
I know about those HBO words and they are not funny!
I had never seen circular wood needles!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Hmmm I wonder if Archie swallowed any of the needles?? Your pinky could do a poopey analysis....eeeep

Noah xx


Hi Agatha and Archie,

OMD! Do you have any idea what splinters can do to your tongue? Either do we, but we hear it aint pretty!

Riley and Star.

Asta said...

ummm, Agatha, I think you might considew a twip to my house ow Lacie's ow something. ow a sudden vacation on a lovely island, fow when that analysis comes back...just sayin, hehehehe
Tell PL if she comes to NY Mommi will give hew ciwcoolaw needles(it's a bwibe)
smoochie kisses

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hello, Agatha I hope you or your brother didn't eat the metal tip. Somebody might have a trip to the vet's, or perhaps Mr. Endoscope. I think you should have a DNA analysis done, or maybe you should get Martha or Baily to defend you.
Sally Ann

Koobuss said...

Oh, no!!!

Boy, can my mom relate to that! Several years ago a woman who worked with my mom taught her how to knit. It wasn't long before she became hooked (haha) on it and all she wanted to do was knit. She'd spend several hours a day in the rocking chair knitting, leaving all her other chores and interests behind. She made sweaters for everyone she knew. Then she got her first computer and that was the end of the knitting.

Anyway, eating knitting needles, while very upsetting to some people, is not that much fun for a dog. There is really nothing to them and they are rather pointy. I would not recommend them as a snack. The good news here, Archie, is that the problem is repairable and PL2 does not have to lose all her work. However, she does have to buy a new set of round knitting needles, hopefully something less appetizing.

Good luck PL2 in your knitting endeavors.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Mom

Bobby said...

I think Archie is innocent, Agatha is the guilty one she was trying to knit. Archie would have destroyed the whole thing.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Oh!! We would be in so much trouble over this!! Our Mom does have one little suggestion - no more bamboo needles - she swears by Addi Turbo Needles and is spoiled to them - we think, although we have never tried it that they might withstand teeth a little better.

Also we have another theory - does Archie want to be the only knitter in the house so maybe he sabotaged PL2?

Hope you made it back to the knitting store before it closed for the evening.

The Rocky Creek Gang

Oskar said...

Perhaps it was the Scarlet Puppynickel that came into your house & ruined the knitting needles!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Agatha we sure you were framed. It probably was some other hungry dog that just happen to wander into your house and chew them up. Hey if you need bail money just let us know!!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said...

Hmm didn't I see Archie wearing a new knit scarf? huh! Anyways Archie is doing PL2 a favor.. he knows she'll "start" knitting again and then never finish. He's just giving her a good excuse this time. You are the best archie... always thinking of others.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, since the alternative is to have your teeth pulled so your mom can't do a bite analysis, we think you should deny, deny, deny. And take the punishment anyway.

Deetz said...

My mom just fell out of her chair and has tears rolling out her eyes and body is shakin violently, I don't know if she is lauging ...or ...worried about Archie going to the pen.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

well I have only one thing to bark, how many horizons has she knitted ;0D

love and licks, Marv xxxxxxx

oooooh think it was probably both of you in the frame there btw!

TwoSpecialWires said...

So. Did anyone ever find the green cap? Now THAT may be the undeniable evidence.

And. Do you remember that fancy footwork you saw when I was playing with my new squeaky ball? Well. Imagine that footwork with a big skein of wool yarn. All by myself. Alone. In the bedroom. I was just trying to make the skein into a ball. But Moma didn't believe me. Probably 'cause it didn't look much like a ball when she interrupted me.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Right?
Love ya
Jake (and Fergi)

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Um, Archie...I think you are in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!!

Why in dog's name did ya chew up the needles? Did ya think those were the kinda needles they use at the vets for SHOTS??? UM...NO.

Archie...if PL2's neck is warmer, she might walk you longer? And take you to the Arboretum more often...btw how are the coyotes there? Perhaps they'd like a custom made little scarf???

As for toofer analyis, Bruvver actually got a ruler out and measured Scruffy's fangs and then mine to figured out who BIT HIS PRECIOUS STANLEY...based on the bloody fang marks on his large Dale head.

He said it was Scruffy...that's how reliable those toofer things are...heh heh heh...


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Teeth analysis, I'm the expert.
But you need to send me your tooth sample, the more the better.
Do you have any cat in the house, cat loves to play with yarn, blame the cat!
Wait a minute, is it a white asparagus that PL2 use to knit her scarf, hehe!
I'm bad but I'm back!
I miss you so much A&A, I want to promise that I visit your blog at least once a week and blog more frequently.
I'll come back to see you soon.
(You don't notice that I have been out a long while, do you? (choking back tears! sob sob!)
Love ya lots!