Hi everyone.Many of you have been wondering what is going on with my bomb shelter so I thought I had better update you.

Here is a picture of my ex bomb shelter...A wonderful place with THOUSANDS of MY toys and a lovely bed where I could go BY MYSELF and relax, and a GREAT place for girl parties( Lacie once had 33 blenders going at the same time....HOO boy that was good...And there was one rule really NO BOYS WERE ALLOWED THERE... Doesn't it look fabulous??

A while ago I had even gone on a little campaign.......( doesn't my hair look good here? I will have to go back to that hairdresser)
A while ago I had even gone on a little campaign.......( doesn't my hair look good here? I will have to go back to that hairdresser)
Here is my brother....Now for a while he obeyed me..I mean he wouldn't go in there.. Then a little something happened that started him thinking......
When flat Mango came over last year with all my other friends Mango BEGGED me to go in my bomb shelter.....Really when Mango speaks YOU LISTEN.. so I sort of invited him there( but of course I told EVERYONE this was a special case...) And really he only left a little drool and stuff in there...
And Archie would not let this go..He pouted and cried and said YOU LET HIM IN THERE.. and stuff like WHERE THE HECK ARE MY TOYS YOU HAVE THEM ALL and stuff like WHAT THE HECK DO I HAVE and WHERE CAN I GO TO RELAX and blah blah blah blah blah....Then things started to heat up a little,..HE STARTED TO GO IN THERE..oh no no no no no.......DO YOU THINK I TOOK THIS LYING DOWN??? Fur was flying,lips were snarling, barks were barking, TOYS WERE FLYING ALL OVER THE PLACE..So first PL2 locked us out..LOCKED US I REPEAT US out..ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? THAT IS MY HALLOWED PLACE....OK that worked for awhile..lips weren't snarling..until they would forget to lock the door.....WOO BOY.. ladies and gentleman LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE..OK so they realized this wouldn't work...Then she came up with one of the dumber ideas in her life( excuse me for being a little blunt) She thought she could block the entrances with 400 boxes and the ironing board..Even Cyril got into this.......And no matter what she put there Archie would find a way to squeeze in...and then so would I and then the WWF( world wrestling federation) would start UNDER THE BED......( they do not call us girl dogs bitches for nothing....)
Sooooooooo she came up with this.......SHE TOOK EVERYTHING OUT OF THE BOMB SHELTER AND OPENED THE TOP UP.....My toys are out and so is my bed.......And now Archie still goes under there once in awhile but it only bothers me once in awhile ( what you thought I would tell you all is peaches and cream?? IT WAS MINE ALL MINE YOU KNOW....)

And she pulled out my bed and this is how it sometimes goes.....( don't look at our hair.... It is stripping and grooming time in house of A+A)
Yeah don't worry.. You won't be seeing a lot of this.....He snuck up on me and I didn't smell I mean see that he was there..Well I have been thinking about the whole thing and maybe I was a little harsh and stuff..I mean I did have ALOT of the toys and stuff.....
You'd think PL2 would understand. She IS a girl, you know. She oughtta know what Girls need to make us happy.
We're (I'm) left a little disturbed about the ending ... but am hopeful. If the Subject Line is "The OLD Bomb Shelter", I'm hoping that soon there will be "The NEW Bomb Shelter" sometime in the future. With room for even more girls and more blenders.
Fergi (who has never even considered going under the bed ... not yet, anyway)
Hi Agatha and Archie!!!!
Niece to read your post!!!!
Do you have a wonderful day?
With love
Golden Clo and her human
Agatha ! You rocks man sister ! Hope you guys have a nic weekend ;)
Aww shucks...sorry to hear your bomb shelter got relocated, Agatha. Hope you'll get it back real soon! But then, maybe you could have shared it with Archie? Coz I think he might have felt lonely seeing you having fun in your bomb shelter (when he doesn't). Us boys are easily bored, see? *wink*
Ah its so nice to see you lying together, if you had shared your bomb shelter you might still have it.
A and A,
I wish I had a bomb shelter!! But, it must be a girlie think because me fur mom is under the bed ALL the time! Me? I stay on top of the bed. Do the lasses really have more fun? Hmmmm....me thinks me needs to check out me fur mom's bomb shelter.... Is SHE hiding toys too?
Irish Love,
Every girl should have her own bomb shelter. We're glad you haven't given up on getting one again.
A girl needs to have a special place right Aggie!!!!! We hope you get the whole bomb shelter thing sorted soon.
Willow, Tess & Lucy xx
w00fs, hmmm, me iz wondering y archie cant have his own bomb shelter too...he cood have to top of the bomb shelter and u under it..heehee problem solved..
b safe,
Well we certainly hope it's not the end of your bomb shelter! What would we do for entertainment?
You and your bomb shelter are a hoot!
Luv you guys,
Riley and Star.
I'm proud of you Twinnie giving up your bombie.I know you didn't really get a choice but hey love and peace man. Especially to your bro. And your twinnie when he comes to visit. Wonder if PL2 will get the No Bell Peace Prize for calling a halt to the WWF shows? Shucks. I think I'll miss the old bombie.
Wiry loves and a squillions square kisses Eric xxxx
I am so sorry to hear about all the changes to your bomb shelter. Every girl needs a room of her own away from annoying brothers. I'm glad to see that you are adjusting to everything.
Your friend,
oh Agatha, what a lot of drama over your bomb shelter. we think you should bite the bullet and let Archie inside. he probably wouldn't torment you too much and you could share your toys and be nice friends again. right? you don't think so? we bet it would make your PL2 happy and you would be happy in your bomb shelter, and Archie would be happy too. is that possible?
Hi, Agatha!
I can see Flat Mango came to give bad ideas to Archie!
I hope PL2 gave you a new bomb shelter JUST FOR YOU!
Let us know, ok?
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs
That was a great bomb shelter. You need to stage a protest to get it back.
Oh dear, I fear that I started this whole thing. Really, Archie, that was kind of rude invading Agatha's private rest area and then making snarly face to boot. Now look what you have done! Nobody can enjoy the bomb shelter anymore.
Well, at least we got the update, but it is the end of an era. Sob.
Hmm, this is sounds like an epic battle!
My mom person is in love with your long hair fuzzy look. She kept squealing about wanting to squeeze you!
Honestly Aggie..hasn't she heawd of Viwginia Woolf and all giwls needing a woom of theiw own and stuff??? I don't think it applies to just woolves
the good old days...why does evewything have to change ..tell me that Aggie.????
I want those pawties wif all the giwls and the blendews and haiwdoos and lipsticks and ice cweam and cweam puffs and gossip and NO BOYS!
I wish mommi would stop being sick and depwessed evewy othew day..can I come move in wif you..it's glum awound hewe
smoochie kisses
I love the picture of you by the window with the rays streaming through the window. I can't believe your bomb shelter has been hijacked. Found a new one yet?
We girlies need our own space, Agatha! It's a MUST!
Love ya lots,
A & A: Muzzer says..."when two terriers get together, one is bound to get in trouble sooner or later." You guys will work it out. Have a great weekend.
Maybe you and Mommy could go and buy a toy box just for you, so you could have a box just for you.
Sally Ann
I think the old Arch man needs a butt kicking. He needs to respect you and get the heck OUT OF YOUR SHELTER. eesh.
Aggie...I'm totally confoosed...what do ya mean she took the top off it? Like moved the mattress? Where the heck did she put it and how can you get on top of it if she took it?
Lacie stops a minute to adjust an errant lock of fur...a dreamy look coming to her eyes...
Oh the thirty three blenders...and I still think it was only a SMALL FIRE...sometimes those cords aren't what they used to be...and besides I adore those hot dogs from the fire department...PL2 got her shorts in a wad that time...
Lacie giggles at the recollection...
Honestly, Aggie..we need to do that again...
Now I'm assuming you have your Wheelie photos submitted? YOU BETTER HURRY UP....
Pee ess...
Arrrrrrccccchhhhhiiiiieeeeeee...so you've been standin' up to Aggie Girlie, huh??? Not a wise move, my dear Foxy...
I'm really sorry to hear how you lost your prized bomb shelter, Aggie. You worked so hard getting it the way you wanted it. But, boys will be boys, you know. Now having the top of the bed can't be too bad, although you don't have your privacy like you did in the bomb shelter. I'm glad to see that you have a plan to get your bomb shelter back. And if things go really well, maybe you'll end up with both the bomb shelter and the top of the bed! Hehehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
How funny! Your bomb shelter looks almost eactly like my "secret hiding place". No wonder you passed out when you saw it!
come over and hang out in mine anytime-I like girls to visit:-) !
Dear Agatha
What a traumatic time you have been through. This bomb shelter episode sounds most harrowing. Hope it all gets sorted soon.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty
Sheesch...okay...so I like peed in ten, yes ten different spots on the carpet...BUT, AGGIE..I have a bladder infection...I think I may need some nursing care...
Scruffy puts his head between his paws...pooooooooor me.......
Bacteria Barks,
Those stoopid cyrstals are in there too...
A and A
Hey guys.. check me out yesterday- Archie what do u think? It's that time of year.. isn't it?
oh... don't even think about going outside today unless you wanna take a shower
I have established a small bomb shelter of my own...under the coffee table! I keep my toys under there and sleep beside it so I can dart into it at the first sound of trouble, like ear cleaning, cone wearing or grooming. It's a nice hidy hole.
Thanks for the idea!
Don't forget to get those Wheelie pix to Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please wear lifevests on your walkies tomorrow...it's so wet!!!
Agatha...I think I may need you to come and take a shift...between Stan's paw and Scruff's bladder and my 674 dates this week, I may need your help!
Have you dried off from this awful rain yet?!!
We are so happy that the big yellow thing in the sky has appeared for our special guest this week!
I agree with Eric (of course) who thinks that PL2 should get the No Bell Prize!
see you!
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