Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So we had two days of the most beautifull sun....PL1 and 2 went to the big fireworks and said it was the best they ever saw( we were uhmmmmm in the bedroom with the air conditioner on and the radio on loud and we had a few cocktails if you know what I mean.....have a bit of a fear of the old fireworks....) and we slept through it.....Then we played outside all weekend and went for a gazillion walks( to make up for the entire month of June being rainy.) Then we woke up today and noticed IT WAS RAINING AGAIN.... I mean think of it....us,and Mango and Pee Wee and Toffe and Riley and Tula and Norwood ALL SHUT INS.....

It's too much for a dog to even contemplate...we are running out of indoor game ideas...Archie is even thinking of taking up being a chef as he has been watching so many cooking shows on TV....


Unknown said...

Hop the shuttle to NYC! Right now we've got blue skies and dry weather. I'll meet you at LaGuardia!

Your pal,


Gus said...

Had grey skies yesterday, but clear today. You guys are welcome any time. If you really want lots of sunshine, go visit Joe and Tanner in Azrizona.

gussie d

TwoSpecialWires said...

Until just yesterday, we mighta asked you to bottle some of that water up and ship it to our Gramma. But we finally got a downpour and our Girl went out and danced in the rain. We hid. With the rain came more of those boomers. We can now commiserate.

Hoping for fair weather,
Jake and Fergi

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Please come visit us and bring your chef- Mom would like to take a few days off from kitchen duty.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Kess And Her Mama said...

Oh dear, at least you had 2 lovely days of sunshine. Crazy weather! Hope you get a break soon. Mum loves to watch cooking shows and thinks that Archie would make a very good Dog Chef at Home!

Sophie Brador said...

If Arch wants to come up here and cook, we'd be happy to let him move on in. It's been kind of crappy here too, but I am forced to walk everywhere in the rain anyway. Now with Balto! At least he goes home today.


Jake of Florida said...

It's sunny here now -- but unless you want your fur to curl and expand beyond recognition with the humidity, we hesitate to invite you.

But you are always always welcome to come and share our toys and our kibble and our walkies.

Jake and Just Harry

The Black and Tans. said...

It's raining in the UK now and it can't seem to stop.

We do hope you can both get out soon and enjoy some sunshine.

Molly and Taffy

Allison Walton said...

Rain, rain, GO AWAY!
Let A+A get outside to play!

Gus and Waldo

Lenny said...

I hate fireworks too. Sorry about all of your rain! Hearing the bells in the 1812 Overture on July 4th always makes my mom homesick for Boston and Keith Lockhart! She would say "miam miam" about him!! ;)

Your friend, Lenny

Eric said...

Twinnie and Step. More rain...grrr. Poor you's. You been wobbling with the wobblies to pass the time away? Raining here now too.Let's hope the sun comes back soon.

Lovies and kissies, Eric xxxx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Archie is going to be a chef? This should be interesting. Think of all the goodies you can have. And share.

the many Bs said...

oh it's so sad. it sounds like you are living in seattle (hee hee!) where it rains ALL THE TIME except for now. we are sorry that you are getting our ugly weather. we are not sorry though for getting nice summer weather here. you can come and stay with us if you can get Butchy or someone else to transport you here. we will take you to the dog park and there are lots of places just in our back yard for roaching and digging holes. we even have about 144 dog beds that we can share with you.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
We had lots of rain today morining! My mom was looking for a boat due to the flooding!
And now, very hot and very humid! Hmmm...
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Agatha, we are going to be shut ins next weekend because its supposed to be 115 degrees!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

The weather's been pretty depressing over at our end too. It's rain, rain, rain and more rain.. :( Kinda describes the mood in our house anyway.. mom is still sad ad leaking.

Unknown said...

Isn't it crazy. Today had bad thunderstorms. I hope Agatha shared the bomb shelter. I have an idea! Master a hot dog recipe and you can do a throwdown with Bobby Flay! I'll be the judge!

Hold on! I have to shake my feathers.. oh no.. my feet have webs. What am I gonna do?

Stanislaw said...

I LOVE to play outside in a drizzle when it gets toasty hot outside. Feel SO GOOD! But summer really hasn't arrived yet and it's still way to cool outside for some muddy fun. What gives? I'm stuck inside too!

Princess Patches said...

We wish you could send some of your rain to us! We've had one teeny tiny thunderstorm in about 4 weeks! Of course, you could always come here for a visit...if you can stand the heat and humidity! It's in the mid 90's and they humidity is about 80%. Not fun at all!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my goodness, get yourselves over here to Bonnie Scotland, we have had good weather in my part of Scotland for ages, and ages, in fact it has been too darn hot for me!

I am making your beds up, as I type.

Hurry on over!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxxx

Dandy Duke said...

It's gotta stop raining soon! How much water can the clouds hold! GEEZ!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Aggie and Archie...oh my...so much rain!!! I, Lacie, am in Charlotte with Mumsie dress shoppin' (wedding) for Cat Woman....we're exhausted...I of course try each dress on first...it's rather overwhelming!!!

We hope you guys have dried out by now...had a monsoon here today...going to Asheville tomorrow to look at wedding reception sites...in the mountains...

Love you lots sweet dogs!


TwoSpecialWires said...

We're back. Wanted to make sure that Agatha didn't get hurt, collapsing in a faint from the news. We thought we ought to tell you up front though... we do share a fear of thunder boomers and fireworks in common... but the hunting instincts? Well, we don't think they're there to be retrieved. We don't think they were ever there in the first place. Moma calls it an enigma. We're not sure what that means, but we know she loves us. I guess we'll enjoy hunting vicariously. And from windows in air conditioned rooms.

Thanks for your willingness to try, though.
Jake and Miss Fergi

Koobuss said...

I know exactly what you mean. It's been bad here, too. So bad that our SWB Yankees had to cancel their 4th of July weekend home games, and others, because of a soaked outfield that won't drain. They've had to cancel seven games due to wet field conditions when it wasn't even raining! Now they are playing their home games in other cities far from here. And Mom and Grandpa have season tickets. It's been so long since they saw their team that they don't even remember when they last went to a game! Cry, cry.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,