Well really,it has been none stop over here.....We think you should really have a birthday more often than once a year.....We wanted to thank all of our dear friends for all of your birthday wishes on our chox box, and the lovely birthday concert card from Molly and Taffy, and the beautifull card from Blue, and the worm singing card from Tula and the cute party card from the Schnoodles and the wonderfull Jackson card from Lenny and the outstanding poem from Gussie and all of the other birthday wishes you guys gave us!! We also want to thank Eric,Lacie and Scruff and BabyStan,Toffee and Riley Hootie and Lucia who were very naughty and sent us lovely lovely presents even though we are spoiled brats( I didn't want to write that but the secretary got in here somehow) So here we are at the begining of the festivities...You may be wondering why Archie is looking alittle glum.....Well you see Eric sent us a package and in it he sent us some PARTY HATS!!!!!!

See like me....You can even wear it on a jaunty little angle.....

HA HA!! And Archie knew he was going to have to wear one!!!!! Look how happy he is!!! He was mortified and will be even more mortified because I told him I wouldn't put this picture up!!!hee hee..... He said that although he loves Eric this was pushing it.......
I told him to get over it.. it was a BIRTHDAY hat..and be bon vivant about it.......
See like me....You can even wear it on a jaunty little angle.....
Eric sent me this.............
I couldn't believe it.........I am going to hang it up in my bomb shelter as soon as I can figure out how....

And then he sent us this.......oh boy..... We had never seen this......
Here is Archie giving a demonstration of how to use this fabulous toy. He may be little over boistourous but we think that is a sign of a good toy, or it just may be a sign of Archie.....
Grrrrrrr...blogger is being whacky so no video.....

Archie ate his standing up......

And I sat down and really savored mine....
We are having a bit of trouble downloading in Blogger just now so we are going to divvy this post up as it is taking 12,000 hours to put anything up..We are sure you are ging to want to see the foot that Scruffy sent Archie and the Red Sox Jack in the Box movies and of course Archie with now his very own Santa Vacca Cow from Lucia,the flattened chicken from Hootie, as well as the cow that crackles from Toffee...so we leave you on pins and needles..........
And then he sent us this.......oh boy..... We had never seen this......
Here is Archie giving a demonstration of how to use this fabulous toy. He may be little over boistourous but we think that is a sign of a good toy, or it just may be a sign of Archie.....
Here I am playing with it...For our birthdays we each got a bath and Pl2 even washed all of our 12,000 beds so that is why bed # 11,998 isn't made yet....
Grrrrrrr...blogger is being whacky so no video.....
Archie ate his standing up......
And I sat down and really savored mine....
A&A! I just cannot believe that I missed your birthdays? Holy doodles! How did that happen?
I sure hope you had a great time. Mom still hasn't posted about those Red Sox peanuts. I think she's scared that Joey will come beat her up if she does. I sure wish they had some Expos peanuts, but if they did, they'd probably be pretty stale.
Looks like a lot of fun!!
Blogger is giving us fits today so we'll be back later to further check out all of your pictures/videos.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Woooohoo! Isn't it fandabiedozee to be a spoilt brat?!Twinnie you look so festive with the jaunty angle pawty hat (unlike Step)and yeppers I go bonkers with the wobblers too.Can't wagging wait to see the flattened chicken and the Eetalian buffalow..or the Jacks in the box the carcking cow and the FOOT??? from Scruffy. Does it have a Ugg boot on it and look a little errr Flakie? CRICKEY. Archie did you faint??????
Worried wags. Eric xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You two are having sooooo much fun! We're having blogger problems today, too!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
OMD....Archie...you look completely adorable in that hat!!!!! That Eric has such foxy taste!!! Aggie...does the E he sent stand for Eric, Earthdoggie, or elephant????? I'm thinkin' it's ur E...Oh Aggie...he's just the best, isn't he???????
We're still at the Beach...it was rainin' bananas in the pool today...someone was tossin'
'em off their balconies...the hotel goes up 26 stories...coulda been knocked unconscious by a banana...sheeeeshch...thankfully our groomsmen had already left so Mumsie wasn't havin' a heartie attack....
Love ya, Dogs!!!
Hi, Agatha and Archie!
You had a party with hats and all!
That blue toy sure looks interesting!
Glad you two had a pawesome time!
Kisses and hugs
Aggie and Awchie
You lucky dogs, hehehe
That's not being spoilt..just loved to bits and you desewve it!
Loved the pawty hat..agatha you have such gweat style!! and wo That wobblew fwom Eric is stoopendous..I saw one at Petey's and it's the best!!!
I'm dying to see all the othew vewy intewesting sounding pwessies..isn't it gweat to have such cweative , cool fwiendz?
Keep on pawtying!!!
smoochie kisses
pee ess..Awchie..I hope I didn't huwt youw eyes wif that stone, and ummm, what bump???hehehe
Eric gave you pawsome gifts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the party hat! You guys deserve all the gifts. I'm so glad your birthday is more like a birthmonth.
What great gifts - there is no such thing as a spoiled Fox terrier - looks like you had a good birthday - can't wait to see the other gifts
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Oh no, I think I missed your Barkdays too! I am SO bad!! Those pressies are great. Malaysia sells those fishy jerkies & we had a few of those already. We LOVE it!
Solid Gold "Actress"
Woohoooo... Pawties are the best!! Oh we have those fishy treats too and we love them (can't say that mom likes the smell much though).. Heehee...
Archie looks pretty good with the pawty hat!
The ocean treats look so yummy!
We absolutely love those pawty hats! They are so cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
G'day maties
Sounds like you had a pawesome birthday. Love the video too.
I think blogger needs to buy bigger servers because they sure can get pokey.
Archie does look mortified. Such humiliation.
Agatha & Archie,
So very very sorry I missed wishing you happy birthday!! It sounds like you had lots of fun and got many pressies which are always the best!! My dad is away at the cabin this week, so I get my mom all to myself (and daddy's side of the bed too) hehehe! Hope this next year is full of lots of fun and mischief!
Wirey hugs from your friend Merci
Sweet Agatha & Archie Boy!!
Happy Happy belated birthday, buddies!
I am STINKIN' excited that you two were born & that I have had the privilege of knowing you both! You parents are lucky peeps to be living with you, let me tell you.
If I could, I'd be right there with you squeaking and wrasslin' and playing bitey face all over your house, but since I'm not, please accept the truckload of goob smooches I'm sending you guys!
Goober love,
wow! birthdays are THE BEST. that's why we have FOUR of them. today is BENSON'S, next week is BAXTER'S and the week after that is BRODY'S.
we love that party hat! it's very pawsome on Archie's head. and you, Agatha, have a stylish way of wearing it. everything looks special on you.
that toy looks like a lot of fun.
now we want to know about the foodables - did you get cake and ice cream? those fish treats look yummy.
Dear A&A--
Congrats on the fine birthday celebration. I wish I could have helped you party and would have gladly worn a pointy hat.
Ms. Alpha has me so busy with lessons and training lately and I haven't been such a great friend...no time to write! I take more classes than a college student! At least I've found time to cheer for the Red Sox and Big Papi. I am glad he found his homers!!!
Your pal,
Happy Birthday A & A! You don't look a day older.
Eric sent me one of those blue pyramid things too and now I have my dinner in it every night. (I'm a bit of a gobbler and Mommy thinks this slows me down - HA!) Archie my boy, you need to work on your technique. A simple batting of the paw will set it spinning and dispensing treats while you build up your biceps. I can now shake out my 1/3 cup of kibble in about 2 minutes.
Can't wait to see Aggie's E-xcellent technique!
Your pal,
omdog ok I just read about Sophie and the Red Sox peanuts and there is a post about them coming?!?! argh. Anyway, those fish jerkies look like they are SUPER tasty, I wish I had some.
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