Well,imagine my surprise when PL2 called me over and said"AGATHA look what you got in the mail!!!" I GOT A CERTIFICATE FOR GETTING MY E!!!!!!! We didn't know I would get that!! And really the rat and bee stuffie were more than enough and actually more fun than a piece of paper....but it is quite exciting........(Superior was the breeders kennel name..... )

And guess what else!! Archie got a certificate as well for being the greatest coach ever!!!

Well really you can not imagine how excited we both are!!!! Now Archie is trying to persuade me to go the next level......SENIOR EARTHDOG!!!! I will have to look into this ......As for now I am quite content with my little E....( and rat stuffie...)

In case you were wondering about Archie and the nuts......I don't think he actually shelled them.... that was done by Pl1( I mean Arch is good but not that good....) and there weren't any whole nuts left so all he got were the shells....and yes he did have a little tummy ache for a day but nothing else......Will he learn from this???? I'm betting no... Actually he is holding a class today on table top , table and kitchen countertop surfing for the neighbood kids... PL1+2 don't know about it.......
Congratulations Agatha! Job well done Archie! Boy, we could have used the two of you here this weekend when Mica and I discovered a MOUSE living in one of Mommy's shoeboxes. It was very exciting. Mica was on sentinel duty in the bathroom, whilst I tried to chase it from behind the chair. I could have used some pointers from Archie, that's for sure.
Your pal,
You two look right at home in your robes, but, ummmmm. Aggie, you could try a pair of plain black pumps next time to show off your loverly leggies. OK?
gussie d
Congrats Agatha - and we know you couldn't have done it without Archie's superb coaching.
Piper said he'll be right over to do anything he can to assist with the teaching of the neighborhood dogs - he's a fairly good surfer himself!!
Great pics too.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - and we have to agree with Gus on the pumps!
Congratulations on your E certificate and receiving a rat stuffie. I don't know which would be better either. Job well done and I just knew you could do it...
Great job on coaching Archie.
Wow, how very cool you got a certificate Agatha.....and Archie's one is pretty neat too!
Congratulations to you both!
Love the pics, so funny :D
Slobbers xx
Congratulations again, Agatha! Now you can frame your certificate and proudly display it.
And congrats to you too, Archie, for being such a great coach!
Youpiiiiie ! Congratulations ! I wish I could come and celebrate with you with some nice treats and champagne (in fact, I like beer much better....)...
Kisses, Faya
That is a great certificate. I hope your PLs frame it and hang it in a prominent location so everyone who comes to your house will know about your JE. With Archie as your coach, I am sure you should try for your SE.
Your friend,
Now thewe awe sevewal highew degwees in youw house! You and Awchie look gweat in youw academic wobes, but I agwee wif gussie, show some leg giwlie, hehehe
I nevew got a chance to look at the peamuts..Mommi and Daddi ate them so fast. I heaw they wewe extwemely good Thank you!
Awchie is Agatha going to join you in youw tap pwactice? Maybe we could all pawfowm togethew
smoochie kisses
that is a lovely certificat, Agatha. we hope that PL2 will frame it for you and hang it somewhere where everydog and human can see it and admire it. we are sure proud of you.
we should sign up for Archie's counter surfing classes. we just don't find anything on our counters at home.
Hey guys! Thanks for the comment. We'd LOVE to know more about Archie's treatment. What kind of meds is he on? Are you doing a counter conditioning regimen along with it?
We're really worried about anorexia being a common side effect of SSRI meds, since the Stan-Man is thin enough as it is. It's a struggle to keep weight on him, and we're not sure what to do if he loses his love of feasting. We know they have meds to counteract that, but then we're dealing with medications for medications. Yipes!
We're so glad Arch-dude is doing so well!
-Big Pupi
You are our heros! Coach Archie did such a great job with Agatha that we are wondering if you are going to start an E-Dog trainging camp?? Come on over and see what Hootie "un-earthed" the other day. You'll appreciate it Aggie!
Congratulations, Agatha! Where will you hang your beautiful certificate?
And congrats go out to Archie too for a job well done!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
woo congrats, that makes it officially official I think! I sure do hope Archie learned something, but based on his similarity to Tanner and his inability to learn, I would say you are OUT OF LUCK!
Oh how wonderful.. We love you in your cap and gowns...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Agatha and Archie
I can't believe I know you dignitaries. I am humbled. I've only been dignified with an honorary degree from Oscar Meyer.
Sure it was a pawesome surprise!
Congratulations Agatha!
And congratulations to Archie too!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Agatha...that certificate is totally fabbers!!!! Do you get to practice for the next level?????? Is it harder??? Scruffy wants to know if the rats are bigger and he sez if they are he will probably just watch from the very top of the stands cuz he doesn't want to frighten the big rats cuz the bigger they are the harder they fall...(Lacie draws in a humongous breath...her O2 sat just dropped to 60%...something about talking to Aggie makes her speak in paragraphs instead of sentences....) Frankly, I think Scruffy is just scared of the hooge rats...just my opinion, anyway!!
Tell Arch that those shells probably provided even more um roughage than the figs in the newtons....heh heh heh....next he'll be gettin' into the milk and molasses and I don't think he's gonna be makin' cookies if ya know what I mean....
Congratulations :) That is a pawsome graduation photo!
Big licks to you
Well done Agatha. What a marvellous certificate and how fetching you both look in your graduation gowns.
Have a good weekend.
Molly and Taffy
Wow Agatha, the best Earthgirl this side of the bloggies! Big Congrats --all that hard training from your top-notch coach Archie really paid off. Destined for the Earthdoggie Olympics, don't you think??! unless you're already heading into retirement....
you deserve lots hot doggies!
Gee Agatha....
Ain't it great ta get yer own certificate ??? And Archie...what a great coach ya are....helpin' Aggie get 'er "E"....
My Mom has a lot of work ta do on the Senior tunnel...there's an offset entrance ta it and she just doesn't want ta go all the way inta it......she'll try again at the practice this month.
Me ? Well, I'm tryin' fer my Junior title and I hope I don't fool around this year and that I can get it..... I need more practice....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Congrats! Congrats! You sure make Africa seem pretty worthless. She needs to start earning her keep around here. We were wondering if you would mind adding us to your blog list . We feel a little left out and we be so flattered to be on a blog like this! Thank so much!
Africa and Kasha
Congratulations on your E and on your coaching recognition!! You two are quite the team. I'm going to have to go back to revisit the post about the rat stuffie. He may need another look from me. I am so STINKIN' PROUD of you both!
About those table/counter surfing classes... that explains why I found Stella's itinerary for her flight to Boston.
Goober love & smooches,
WOW!! Superdooper Certificates!! Well deserved for you both and I'm liking your new lookie. Plenty of room for rats and stolen stuff under those hats? And wooo same in the gowns?
Archie. I'm gutted I won't be able to attend the coaching. Can you supply notes instead for home study?
Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xxxxx
Thank you for adding us! I think your secretary is doing a great job!
Ciao A+A!!
Agatha, I think a little E is a very big deal! It takes lots of hard work and bravery to take on those cranky rats, and you have done the terrier world proud! Playbows to you, dolce gurrly! Thank goodness Arch was able to pull himself away from nuts, sandwiches and countersurfing training to coach you to success. What a magnifico fratello!
Tanti baci!
first of all congratulations Agatha! A real achievement!
er, can I attend the Counter Surfing classes, I am quite good but could do with honing my skills!
Have a great weekend, lotsa luv
Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Junior E-Dog! We are so proud to be friends with someone (someones) so honorably titled (and talented!) And we're especially glad it all worked out by the day of the trials. You had us worried for a while with the training (or goofing around) injuries a few days before.
We're realizing we'd better start honing our own skills. I've been working on the table surfing stuff (check out my birthday behaviors) and Fergi has had her nose to the ground a lot more on her recent walkies. We may be needing some of your coaching here in the near future.
Jake and Fergi
Ags- There's a knock on my door right now... All I see if some wirey furdo in my peep hole.
We're heading out to the whisker walk for a little bit. It's a bit hot out so we will grab a few free things then leave..
Hope all is well in beantown. I'll send archie back with his own hot dogs.
CONGRATS!!!!! We think you should go to the next level!!!! You both did GREAT!
Hooray, Agatha! How exciting to get that certificate! Make sure your mommee and daddee put it up on the wall of your house!
Gus and Waldo
Hi, Agatha -
Congratulations, Agatha. You both look spiffy in your robes. We rellay like the picture of you in your cap, Agatha.
Archie, you are a geat coach.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I have "pomp and circumstance" going through my brain...congrats Agatha, Congrats Archie!!...
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