Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Big Dog Show

So it's that time of year again..................THE BIG BOSTON DOG SHOW!!!!!!!!!

I got all dressed and ready to go but PL2 said she hated to hurt my feelings but I wasn't allowed in......... Does this make sense????A dog not allowed into a dog show??! What is that about??But when I heard that humans put it together and not dogs I was OK with not going but I made PL1+2 promise to take lots of pictures.......

Imagine PL2's surprise when she first entered because she thought MANGO was running one of the booths!! But she said it wasn't him......
Now they had ALOT of shopping(but PL1+2 said not as much as there used to be..) Look at these STUNNING wire fox terrier ties.....We have NO idea why PL1 did not get one to wear to school.....

And look at these lovely purses......

These have Lorenza on them........

Oooopps ...don't worry they didn't eat there........

Oh PL2 took these FABULOUS dress shots for Asta and Lacie to see.....(Lorenza already has about 4,000 stunning dresses of her own..)

Look at these salt and pepper shakers!! Aren't they wonderful!!!! Did they buy any??? No.....

CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!! We have heard of this OUTSTANDING store and here it is!!!! And it is from Vermont!!(and isn't the name just SOOO catchy and adorable??!) PL2 got us cookies there that had no wheat in them and they are all organic and she got a coffee mug there as well....... We have to tell you these cookies RULE..........

PL1+2 love watching this and fantasize that I would like to do it...ARE YOU KIDDING ME???I would faint on the see saw....terrible fear of heights but the rest looks fum......

Now for the show dogs....PL2 had about a million pictures but wasn't left with too many.....Here are our counterparts..the smooth foxies......This kid is trying to figure out how to get out of there.....

Oh yeah these kids look really happy........ (Archie wants to know why they don't have cookie crumbs in their beards and dirt on their legs from digging..)

But not as happy as this one......

Well here they are in the ring..nice butt shot ....And here are 2 little shots of the foxies in action(there were not very many of them...)

Here they are trying to get them to spar..ARE YOU KIDDING ME??Archie and I could win first prize here!!!!
Out of all the Airedale and welshie shots this is all PL2 could salvage(the flash thing remember?)

This kid is quite adorable and had a little attitude..........

Here are some JRT"s in action........

So tomorrow after all the best in breeds have been chosen they will pick the best in show....and they will win this trophy.........

And they will get to pose here.........
But they won't have half as much fun as we did here...........(the chairs and stuff are all strategically placed for Archie to practice his football maneuvers...........


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Sure PL1 and PL2 had lots of fun there at the Big Dog Show!
My mom would kill to go there and see all those pawesome things! She loved the purse! And the dresses, and the coats... and everything!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Aggie and ARchie
Wow I think you had way mowe fun than those poow wiwy kids having to stand awound being towtoowed, and fow what..and empty cup???I bet it's not eve full of Wagatha's cookies..I'm glad you got them !!!
I can't believe youw PLs wesisted the tie and the salt shakews and stuff..well I guess going home to the two weal WFTs is bettew than a silly soooveneeew.
Thank you fow the cootoowe's nevew too eawly to get mowe pawty dwesses fow the season, hehe
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi pals,
The dog show looks great. There's so much to do there. D would have come home with loads of stuff hee hee.
The cookies sound delish and very healthy.
I wonder which breed will win?


Kess And Her Mama said...

I can't believe they didn't allow you to go to the Dog Show. There sure were lots of goodies there!

PS. Swing by. I've posted a Christmas card to wish both of you and your humans a Blessed Christmas!

Faya said...

I don't like when Véronique goes to such show dogs because she smells other dogs when she comes back....beurk ! How did PL1/2 smell when they went back ???? Food or dogs or both ?
Kisses, Faya

Amber-Mae said...

What big big dog show! So sooper cool & the terriers there look great!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

What a shame that you guys weren't allow to go! It makes no sense at all to us!
We hope you score a treat or two!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

I liked your obstacle course. I tried the show ring a few times but it wasn't my thing. You have to stand still for so long. All your chasing looks like much more fun. But those cookies sound delish.

Your friend,

Unknown said...

Ouch! Just looking at how closely stripped those WFT show dogs were makes my coat hurt. Glad we have personalities instead of just good looks. Although that dog show looks like fun!

Where were the Cairn Terriers? The AKC standard (very outdated) says that the males need to be exactly 14 pounds and the females 13. I once weighed 27 pounds and Mommy said I could compete as 2 dogs! (I'm now a slim and trim 22. Sorry AKC, but us farm dogs have gotten bigger with good good and healthcare. Adjust!)

Looks like you two had a divine time home alone!

Your pal,


Gus said...

Oh man...did you see the guy whip out the comb and torture that poor wirey fella right in front of all those peoples? Poor doggie.

Glad your parents resisted the salt shakers. Wooof! Lots of money to pay for a container for stuff that is not good for you anyway.

(I feel different about the cookie jars, though)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Helloooooooo at long last, Agatha and Archie, long time no bark.

Calling in to say thank you for your barking welcome on my new blog.

Your pictures on here are amazing and the videos are such fun!

My editor is a lazy so and so, I apologise for being so long in getting back to you both!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Joe Stains said...

How COOL! We sure wish we could taste those Wagatha cookies. The foxies sure look like they went to the salon and got the star treatment. I couldn't imagine being THAT clean.

Dexter said...

A&A -
My Momma went to that show today! Maybe you saw my brother Floyd! He was there and so was my nephew (my other relatives are blonds).

Momma agrees that the shoppeing wasn't as good as usual. She got lost on the way home and went to the airport! Hee hee. Then she had to pay $3.50 to go through the tunnel. Grrr...

Agility is fun to watch, but you are right that some of it looks scary. You two seemed to have fun at home.


Eric said...

Twinny and Step, you did the right thing staying at home and having fun. Those wireys with nooses round their necks don't looking wagging happy and didn't see them get Wagatha's neither.Dog they are soooo white. When I was meant to be having my 2 baths a week for my itchies I wasn't ever that white. Don't tell the vettie but Mom only gave me 2 baths once,he,heee!!Felt sorry for me...HAAAA. Wrapped round my paw or what?!!

Wiry wags, Eric xxxxxxxxxxx

Rudy said...

Oh wow, your PL's got to see the show! I'm glad they got to see some of the agility. Maybe they saw my cousin Titus, my Boston Bedly relative! I had a blast this weekend at my agility trials, got a new title and 3 ribbons!

Hey Mom says the website to find the video is I'd just look on WBZ's site under Collections/Video, and the pic is one of a Pug in a crate with the title Web Extra: At the Boston Dog Show (on Dec. 4th). Looks like they have some new video on the dog show too! Anyway in the video the owner says Titus' father was from my breeder's kennel in Virginia -- he was my mom's brother! Small world, we Bedlies seem to be related in some way.
Yeah, I didn't enjoy dog showing as much as doing the fun things. I was very serious and didn't do much but stand around and pose.. yawn!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Wagatha...those pics were amazin' of those wiry foxes...ya know compared to Scruffy, (who is hooge...not fat...just really tall and all legs) those WFT look sooooooo teeny. Dewey Dewster looks little like the show wires do...Scruffy musta taken too many vitamins as a puppers or something....

Those dresses were devine...did you happen to see if they were Prada or Chanel??? Oh my...

You'll hafta let us know who wins the show tomorrow, Kay?

Are ya freezin' there yet? It's 9 outside as I type dilly dallyin' for us tonight! The silly groomer cut my pad or rather between it when she was groomin' any ideas on what to put on it???? Let mumsie know! It's really sore and if it's not better by tomorrow it's off to the vets for me...Ka ching!!!!!

Barkies and kisses to both of you...

Wacie...I'm likin' this W thing....

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow....aren't yer P's lucky ta see such a nice show....that was Peter Green judgin' the wires...he bred 'n raised 'em fer years...probably still that's a ton of wire stuff P1 +P2 found at the show....didn't buy much though...ya should see all the stuff Gram has...its pathetic, I tell ya...pathetic...

Too bad ya had ta stay home...

Dewey Dewster here....

Poopsie aka Blue said...

What a brillent day out!

A WFT joinded yesterdays Whelsh Terrier Walk - will be posting later.

Love, pats & pets

Harry said...

The dog show looks interesting. I have never been to one with Cassidy as I am not allowed as I am not competing, boo!

Toodle pip
Harry x

The Musketeers said...

Look at all the stuff ! It looks like fun to be there !

Sophie Brador said...

A&A, Football practice is way more fun than a dog show any old day. I would so be hanging with you guys. If mom ever takes me back to Boston with her. I really want to go to Boston again.


Toffee said...

Mom is soooo upset that she did not realize there was a dog show on this weekend!! She must be under a rock I say!

did you see on Mango's blog that the Hooge animal that you saw was probably his relative!!!

we want to see you if possible before hanukah/christmas. We can travel out there on the green line and meet at a local park...

Bae Bae said...

What a fun event. No fair you didn't get to go

~ Bae

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Who is Duddy Kravitz??? We know it has somethin' to do with PL1...

Honestly, Aggie...this whole gettin' stuck thing has been blown outta proportion....

And do you realize the question that NO DOG has addressed is obvious.

I had two male terriers within 2 feet of me...did either of them make one even tiny move to dig me out? Ya woulda thought their legs were made of stone the way they just stood there with their stoopid mouths open....

I KNOW if you or Asta had been there, I woulda been untrapped in 2 seconds flat...boyz...

I was tryin' to make a tunnel to an outdoor bomb escape from that stoopid Dale who lives here...sigh...


Stella said...

Aggie & Arch!

I'm glad you're not show pups (since you don't want to be) and that you can dig and get dirty and run like the wind practically whenever you want! I'm not knockin' show pups, I just know they have hard work to do for their shows.

Your mama & dad sure are pup crazy, but that's not new news. I liked all the pup photos they took, and I am intrigued with the idea of Wagatha's biscuits.

Just so you know, Agatha, I posted today about something diva-ish, so come by to see it when you can. You can give me your diva evaluation and feedback. I know I'm still in training.

Goobery goodness,
Stella Bean

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Very cool. My mom told us she went to the Boston show about a hundred years ago when she was a small pup. AAaaannnddd that is where she met Sgt. Preston of the Yukon and his dog King(a hundred year old tv show). Mom remembers it even. It was benched then. Man-she is older than the hills...

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

pee ess mum says she used to be in LOVE with Peter Green when he still handled terriers stead of judging them. Even though if he was in the Best in Show ring with her, she never beat him!