Tuesday, August 26, 2008

By the sea by the sea by the beautiful sea

Well,Pl1+2 are having new windows put in the back of the house and they started today and will be here for 2 more days. PL2 had to work so PL1 was here with us ....and the workers.Now the guys do alot of banging....aLOT of banging......so guess what we did(maybe Archie a little more than me but I did my fair share) And they were here from 8am until 5 pm...and we barked that whole time.....This will be another post....but PL2 is frantically trying to think of what to do with us tomorrow.....Pl1 is banging his head against the wall for some reason saying....I have to get out of here...so...we will take you back a few days to Sunday....pre window instillation.... a lovely lovely day..... Archie was trying really hard to think of something to do......

And he came up with this....The harbor Walk which is behind the JFK Library...(PL2 is still a little sniffly after seeing Senator Kennedy give a speech at the Democratic Convention last evening,in the middle of his cancer treatment,but that is also another post...)

It is beautiful and it was a PERFECT day for it!!!! This is the back of the museum..and this is President Kennedy's sailboat............
Here is the ocean and it smelled soooooo good........

We took a quick walk onto the dock...and peeked out at the ocean....

Isn't it nice??
Archie is deciding which way we should go(well it was his idea after all.....)
Way over there on the other side is Boston.......
Here it is again....
Just a pretty shot during our walk....

This is the back of the museum/library......

While we were walking we met a black lab....and her owner told us that up ahead there was a little beach where we could swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!You know me and water!!!!(but I really have not actually been in the ocean yet..)
Here is a short feature presentation of my brother and I at the beach.......

I gotta tell you there were some RIPE smells there!! FABULOUS!!!! Like fish and clams and snails,,,it made a girl(but funny not a boy) want to ROACH RIGHT IN THEM!!!!) Note how quickly my neck is SNAPPED back by PL2 as I try to roach in the delicious fragrance..

I am trying to figure out the waves here...

I am looking across the ocean thinking of Jackson,and Eric and Molly and Taffy and Blue on the other side.....

SO they DRAGGED us out of there and we continued our walk and found this lovey gazebo...

We were getting a little pooped..all that walking and swimming and fish roaching... so we sat for awhile.....

Archie I said..look out across the ocean and send a telepathic message to all of our friends.....
(HELLOOOOOO you are looking the wrong way???)

PL2 found this shell so we will have a memory of our walk....... Archie thought it smelled great..like the sea....

I sort of tried to eat it.....

While we were walking back to the car PL2 looked around and noticed that it was like being at the Cape(Cape Cod )with all the plants and then she realized that it was done on purpose because that was President Kennedy's favorite place......

So that is the tale of our wonderful day adventure on Sunday....before the guys came to the windows....before we barked for eight hours straight...but that is another story......


Rudy said...

So that's what the sea looks like! My people haven't taken me there yet. I'd sure like to go someday.
A few years ago Mom had all our windows replaced. Sure was noisy and lots of banging too, but it was just one day thank goodness, I think we all would've gone nuts.

Good luck with that!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoa! Those are great photos of your awesome walk! I wish I could get to the sea too...Mom said maybe some day, but I'm not sure when that will be!

Hope you are not feeling any sore throats from all the barking...8 hours straight barking is kind of taxing on the throat,I think. *wink*


Lacy said...

w00f's A and A, watt a fabolous walkie u had...and got to go to the beach..u iz 2 lucky pups...and me wood fur shure bark at the men hoomans iffin they wuz messing around me house tooo...

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

That was a MOST wonderful walky. I can't imagine water RACING at me like that, I'd crap. So tomorrow when there is a lot of banging around, if you get treats the ENTIRE day and are chewing, you can't bark!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a nice day out to enjoy the breeze by the dock

Cassidy said...

That looks like a great spot for a walkies. I haven't ever been to the seaside. My sissy Lottie lives near the beach though, so hopefully I can visit her soon.

Cassidy x

Niamh said...

You two get to visit great places. I would love to walk there and go in the ocean. Too bad you didn't get to roach in dead fish.

Hope you don't have laryngitis from your barkfest with the window people.

Your friend,

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello Agatha and Archie

We loved reading about your day out by the sea. We adore the sea and jump in and out of the waves. It is such a shame you are so far away over the ocean but it was very kind of you to think of us. We are going to the west coast in September so we will be sure to bark acrooss the waves to you. Hope you will be able to hear us, although you two certainly seem to be the Supreme Terrier Barkers at the moment!
Could you ask your workman to hammer quietly do you think? Just a thought!

Molly and Taffy xx

Gus said...

another lovevly archie and agatha walkie...we are sooooo jealous. And, I'm guessing you guys barked all day. That is what me n Teka would do.


Sophie Brador said...

So clearly I have to come back for that walk.


P.S. You two could wear ear muffs while the window guys are there.

Jake of Florida said...

Barking all day because of noise? Right up our alley. We would have done (and have done) the very same thing.

But then that wonderful walk -- it looked like so much fun, with all those good sea smells.

(Our Mom got emotional listening to "Uncle Teddy" the othe rnight too.)

Wirey love, pals,

Jake and Just Harry

Stanislaw said...

Wow! So fun! I wish I could have played in that water! My folks will sometimes sneak me into Lake Michigan very early in the morning but I'm not 'normally' allowed on the human beaches. Hee hee.

Patience-please said...

What a wonderful walk you took us all on, A & A!!! Thanks!
Did PL2 hear about Senator Ted's KIDNEY STONE right before his speach? He is one tough dude.

Did you guys get to meet the workers and have them give you superbly yummy treats? That helps with us.

wags from the whippets

Patience-please said...

Oh and if it doesn't help, you still got the superbly yummy treats!


Dexter said...

What a lovely day. You were very brave going in the ocean. The waves were almost as big as you.

About that barking stuff, maybe your PL's could get you ear protectors so you don't hear the banging - or maybe they could just get themselves some so they don't hear the barking.

I mean, its up to you guys to supervise, right?


Faya said...

It is beautiful ! You live in a fabulous place A & A ! And the sea....is it realy salty ? I cannot imagine my lake salty....beurk...
Thank you for those beautiful pictures, Véronique and I are great fans for new places to discover...
Kisses, Faya

Wired for Mackie said...

Pretty! You know alomst two years ago we had a lot of work done on our house and mom and dad started taking me and Ollie to the grandparents everyday...even when the work was done, we kept going! heheheh! You should get your pawrents to take you to be puppysat...it's so much fun!!

Deetz said...

I have never been to the ocean or sea....how terrific it must have been. I hope I get to go someday.
I can't wait to hear about the banging and barking.

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day maties,
Those pics are great. You sure picked a lovely area to go walkies.


Toffee said...

What a fun day you had on Sun-day...ha! I made a rhyme!

So...are you a little horsey (neigh) from all your barking?

the many Bs said...

that's a beautiful ocean. we have never seen an ocean either. did you taste the salt water? was it yukky, like we've heard? did you float? we bet the fragrance was divine - fish, seaweed, and all other kinds of glorious stink.

that was quite a scenic walk that you had. it looked like a nice day too.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmmm...wondering if PL2 survived yesterday...and who is in charge of you two today??? Could be a long day!!! Bet the window workers loved you guys!!!!!

Wow...so you were in the ocean...with shells and snails and LOBSTER? Scruffy begins to salivate....mmmmmmm!

You guys go on the best adventures...

Oh Archie...have you talked to Lacie? She was pretty mad at ya....

Wiry barks with drawn butter and a bib...

Kess And Her Mama said...

Couldn't pick a more beautiful to go by the sea! What a great outing!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh the sky is so blue at your side..... I wish I can go walkies with you doggies

~ Girl girl

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh what a pleasant walk. I enjoyed every picture and clip. Both of you did have a lot of fun spending a day.
I loved the president's sailboat too.
Thanks for your kind words about the pawlimpics entry, I'm still mad at my mom.
Do you know Snowy&Crystal? their blog: http://maltesepaws.blogspot.com
Please visit them to support their mom and to cheer them up.

Eric said...

What a pawfect day by the harbour walk.Looks very pretty and love the Boston views.

But wou need to behave and get off those leads pals so you can roach all you like and then swim right over to see us all this side of the big pee. I got the message from you twinny, pawsome you were thinking of us all. Plus I got the barking ones too since the window men have been in. In fact you both kept me and Jackson awake ALL NIGHT with all that barking, hahahahahaha!!

Wags, Eric

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Agatha and Archie!
Wow!! That place is beautiful! And the sky is so blue and pretty!!
You must have had a great time!
Have a pawsome day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Princess Patches said...

I think we might have heard you barking all the way in Georgia! Or maybe it was our neighbor dogs getting a new roof. Either way, it was a LOT of barking! I hope they are done with the windows by now so you two can get some rest.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dandy Duke said...

What a great walkie you guys had by the sea! We thought of you guys more than once while we were on Nantucket! We missed you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
I hope you are doing well after all that time barking!
You have great places to go walking there! Yes, I am envy!
Kisses and hugs

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hi guys, Hope you're having a great weekend. Love the pics. When our Mom was a pup,she lived in Bedford,MA. She remembers Minuteman Square in Lexington(I think it was Lexington) And Plymouth Rock and Old Ironsides. Old Ironsides still in the harbour?
(Our Mom was a pup a long time ago) Her Dad was AF and stationed there. (Don't know if the base is still open-trying to remember the name -arrghhoh Hanscom Field. I imagine it isn't open anymore. And yep-she does remember Pahk Yah Cah in Hahvahd Sqwuah-without the parking lot-heh.
Come visit us sometime!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

You have so many lovely places to visit nearby! I'm feeling quite jelly! J x