Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Archie thinks he knows how he may have gotten injured!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Arch is on the injured reserved list and listed as doubtfull for Sundays game,but he can still give Coach some tips.He walked his usual morning and midday walk(total 35 minutes) but still hasn't done an"atomic walk"quite yet and won't go up stairs but is doing well going down(He always had trouble going up and now we all think it is because of his knee)We are booked for a holistic appointment for Friday and PL2 said she is going to have to rob a bank for this one.Will keep you posted!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
What to do if you are a shut in with your brother.....
You all will be happy to know that today Archie took a 10 minute walk.PL1+2 felt so badly for him that they gave him his 5 minute walk yesterday and he did so well that today....10 minutes!!!! And he did well, no limping,and you should have seen him prancing down the street!! He also stopped at EVERY tree and had a LOT of peemail to catch up on. Now as he has been posting alot lately you may be wondering what I have been up to....
Friday, January 25, 2008
Still in the flipping kitchen update
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
We interupt this medical update.......
Well I am no longer the model patient.I am done,had it, need to break out AM SICK OF THIS PRISON( if you would like to send me a cake with a file in it maybe I could open the gate.I saw that on *!@*#& HBO in a Jimmy Cagney movie) It is day 2 off of anti inflammatory and PL2 is WATCHING ME LIKE A HAWK to see if I am limping.....GEESH....give it a break.. But enough of that,because in all of this hub bub PL2 forgot to show you the MOST wonderful gift she received from our pal Lorenza, the cutest dachie in Mexico.
First of all look at the beautiful box it was in........(the flowers are to help us think of spring..)
And look at Lorenza's stationery!!! Fabulous!!!!
Pl2(who is not artistic at all,and a bit of a klutz) was so impressed that she made it and thinks that Lorenza's Auntie should open a store!!! So thank you Loerenza and her Aunt!! It was just what PL2 needed to cheer her up!!! And Agatha is in love with it also and wants to borrow it, and told PL2 that when would PL2 wear it, carrying me down the stairs, but she is going to Asta's with the girls shopping and it is just the thing she could use,and PL2 said NO WAY it is for me and has hidden it from Agatha......girls.........
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Day 6 of Captivity
Archie here.....I just want to thank everyone for your kind words and thought I would tell you myself how things are going for me as a prisoner in the laundry room .First of all I feel MUCH better but PL2 said that after tomorrow will be a trial because I will be stopping my anti-inflammatory(whatever that is)but I must continue in semi exile for another week after that,and then I will get to begin my mini walks(and I am talking mini,like 5 minutes for the first one!!!!!!!!!!)
My sister has been taking this fairly well but she says it is very trying and she is exhausted herself(that is her crashed out below) PL1+2 have not let her go the bomb shelter because that room is one of my FAVORITE rooms because I can go on top of the shelter and look out the window and bark at everyone,but she is taking it well. They were afraid I would get (as we say in Boston) WICKED jealous cause I would see her from the laundry room .Actually they will have to do a little remodeling in there because the girls( my nursing staff of Lacie,Asta and Koobus) while ahem playing in the bomb shelter put a barbecue pit in there and blasted through the wall........)
But best of all we have been able to stay together(except a few times when I tried to get Agatha to chase me and run only I didn't exactly know where I was going to go because the whole place is shut off to us...But it is good to be with her..........
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Day 2
Although the girls are all here and we have been having a lot of these.........
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Day one of captivity

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
DISLOCATED KNEECAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PL1 wants to know what gangster Archie made mad enough to dislocate his kneecaps.....

Archie is afraid to call Coach Bellichik and tell him that he is grounded for the rest of the season so I am going to haveto call him later..... That's our update!!! I have to go get more ice for the girls.......Agatha
Arch Update and Help is on the Way!

There he is,my poor brother.....He hasn't really gotten any better,and in fact PL1+2 think he is worse. Yesterday,while PL2 was working PL1(IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BLIZZARD! What a guy!) took him in for an xray(and he got the same covering DR who he had the day before....yep, the one he really wasn't too pleased with!) She still didn't have any answers. So today,PL2 is off. Boy oh boy,she took charge alright!!!!!(What a Gal!) and Arch has an appoinment with an Orthopaedic Surgeon at 1pm.....SURGEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I will not be able to come with them on that visit.....I can see why Arch didn't come with me with I had to go with my ahem pee problem... THIS IS VERY NERVE WRACKING!!!!! What if he needs crutches!! Can you see him with crutches?????? I have been trying my hardest to entertain him,parchesi,poker,movies,I even brought out a few toys from the bomb shelter!!! But to no avail.....
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Call for Nurses
Oh boy,I need some help here.It started last night when PL1+2 noticed that Archie was letting out a yip here and there but otherwise he seemed fine. PL2 gave him some Arnica( homeopathic medicine for strains) and PL1 said this morning he was fine and was even playing tennis........BUT as the day wore on Archie got wussier and wussier and wouldn't stand on his rear right leg. PL1 got a little worried and called PL2 who was working at the hospital) and she said you better take him to the hospital(no not her hospital,the doggy one) Well PL1 did and left me at home( with about 12,000 toys ,cheese, a chewie, a sweet potato ,and some cookies .Although I do hate to admit this I have never been left alone before despite all the advice people gave PL1+2 about doing this before!! You will be happy to know that PL1 said I did fine(I was pretty busy)Now there are a few differences between my brother and myself(you may have noticed some ...)If I had my leg hanging off,I would probably say wow my leg is kind of hanging off in true terrier fashion. Arch on the other hand is a wee bit of a drama queen and this makes it a little harder.To make a long story short, at the hospital they didn't really know if it was a sprain,strain,torn ligament etc,but they did say to keep him quiet for a few weeks.A FEW WEEKS???!!! said PL1.Now it isn't too hard tonight because he doesn't want to really do anything and is not putting any pressure on it....but how about when he feels better??? Oh boy.And they didn't do an xray(PL1 told PL2 that it was an intern and PL2 just really rolled her eyes.....Mumsie will appreciate that one Lacie!!) So.........PL1 put him on the bed in the morning and we both stayed with him so he wouldn't jump(which he wouldn't have because he didn't move for 4 hours) PL2 is fretting because we are expecting a HUGE Nor Easter with 12 million inches of snow and where will he go to the bathroom? And I am fretting because I don't know if I can handle being a 24 hour duty nurse and be at my post and watch for squirrels.Now I know that Lacie is in her second year of nursing school, and Asta and Koobus have practiced all over the world so I am wondering........PS Archie would like me to tell you that he hurt himself at the last Patriots Game helping Tom Brady and Coach with some of the finesse moves. He tried to "walk it out like Coach said but..........
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Phone
While listening to PL1 program the ring tones on his new mobile phone Agatha and Archie express thier opinions
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
More Awards!!!! andFollowing the Sun by Archie

Now it has been very very warm for January in Boston .The other day it was 65degrees!!!!!!We have been taken advantage of EVERY minute because it is going to snow again next week.Here is Archie following the sun in his bed(one of 5000 beds that we have)
Monday, January 7, 2008
.These are the questions
1.) If I were another kind of animal- I would be a _____ because__
2.) My most-favoritest song is ____.
3.) If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in because _
.4.) If I were a famous movie star or personality, I would be ____ because ____.
5.) I should be the spokesman for ___(product name)___ because_____.
1.) If I were another kind of animal- I would be a fox_____ because I would like to see how the opposition thinks.
2.) My most-favoritest song is _Hey Bulldog by the Beatles___.
3.) If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in_Astas apartment___ because could you imagine the fun!___.
4.) If I were a famous movie star or personality, I would be _Jacky Kennedy___ because _I look good in hats___.
5.) I am the spokesman for Archie because__I think that's obvious.___.
I have to go run back and ask Archie how things are going in NH.............
Sunday, January 6, 2008
WOW!!! A double award!!!

Goodnite everyone,I am going to crash in my bomb shelter...I am so emotional over all of this.....
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Reporting For Duty

Thursday, January 3, 2008
What's on the top of your frig?????
ONE OF OUR COOKIE JARS........................................
Now what this is is our toy box.It used to be on the floor but now it is way high up on the shelf becasue we would get into it and then fight each other for the toys(we still have to play separately because we do get a little possesive)