Sunday, December 30, 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007
Our Favorite Place in the Winter
Well we finally dragged PL1+2 off of their behinds and made them take us to our FAVORITE place in the whole world the Arboretum.Now we have shown it to you in the summer so here it is in the winter(We can't wait to show in the spring because that is when all the lilacs come out and it is so pretty!!) Archie was in a bit of an artistic mood and wanted to start out by having you listen to the babbling brook. For some reason it is sideways but that's my brother...
You can see some of the snow we have gotten. A lot has melted but we are supposed to get alot more on Monday!!
This is the trail going up to the woods.......
Here we are deciding which way to go.........
No blog on the Arboretum would be complete without me digging away..........They made me stop because they were afraid something might come out.HAH! As if that would scare me!!!
It was so pretty and quiet by these trees.......
This was very very weird and creepy. WHAT IS THAT FLASH OF LIGHT COMING DOWN?It wasn't there when we looked in the camera?????????????
You are now entering the twilight zone)
We thought we should brush up on practicing for the Ididerod incase we ever go to Alaska
Look at Archie! He is so exhausted he can barely keep his eyes open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And no surprise, this is what he did when we came home!!!!He said he was dreaming of Joey and Tanners sleeping bag!!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sweet Potatos gone bad
Oh brother,PL2 tried something and we are hoping it is her first and LAST attempt. Butchy and Snickers Mom had a post awhile back with some FABULOUS pictures of food she had made for the holidays INCLUDING sweet potato chews which WE LOVE!!! She posted the recipe and Pl2 was very excited because they are very expensive and we can go through them quite quickly.
So, she went to the super market and bought these........
GENORMOUS sweet potatos...oh yeah this is looking good........
She cut them up and put them in the oven just like Butchys Mom said and after 3 hours they were still alittle soft.PL1 said Maybe they get hard if you leave them out? So she did and they were still soft ....so she put them back in the oven and one of the pieces(unbeknown to her) had jumped ship off the cookie sheet into the oven. Within 10 minutes there was a little smoke from the oven,so off it went. And the results???Guess which is the one she made and which is the original Sam's Yams.......
PLEASE WE BEG YOU.......BUY THEM.....PL2 here,I am going to try again despite what you guys say..This time I will cut them the long way,put the temp a little higher, and perhaps clean the oven befor the next batch)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
PL1's Birthday
This is the front of the museum designed by I. M. Pei and it overlooks Dorchester Bay.
If you look closely you can see an outline of a boat.It is JFK's sailboat and it is kept right there(in the nice weather) outside facing the ocean
Look closely and you can see the outline of Boston...
They had a lot of new things one of which was this picture of some of the Kennedy's....
Look at this phone!!! Hard to imagine(and remember).......This was Bobby Kennedy's when he was Attorney General....
Jack + Bobby.......
They made this hall look just like the White House Hall.......
A replica of a campaign office.....
This is a replica of the Democratic National Convention in L.A. that nominated JFK for President.(PL1+2 were at the Democratic Convention here in Boston in 2004 but that is another story....)
Now look closely at this picture...Do you notice what dog is in the left hand side of the picture???!!!!!! A Wire Fox Terrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few sage words from the President(from his acceptance speech in the convention..)
So PL1+2 are regenerated with values to carry them through one more year,they went on and had a fabulous steak supper,and we would like to wish all of friends and their families a very Merry Christmas !!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It Came!!!!
We would like to thank all our friends for your kind words,they have meant a lot to us and to to Carters Mom.Well we went to the mail today and guess what was there.....OUR CALENDAR!!(the one PL2 didn't know she could submit a picture to.......)Well on every page there is a picture of our friends!!! FABULOUS!! And then as we were admiring the photos and we were dictating what to type to PL2 she noticed tha we were no longer looking at the pictures and that she was hearing some noises which do NOT come from the likes of us! Then she looked to the right and saw this.............
Now where I am on a search and find mission(it came out a little dark...) is EXACTLY where PL2 heard noises that were NOT coming from us. Well she put 2+2 together and came up with MICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA!!! COULD WE ASK FOR ANY OTHER KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! The weather had been awfull and very icy and we really can't do a lot except chase each other around the house 12,00 times, beg for cookies,how many sweet potato chews can you eat, and how much of Oprah can you watch??? BUT THIS??? ENDLESS entertainment!! And if PL1+2 had been interested in repainting the wall,well ask no more!!! Agatha here at your service!! Two jobs for the price of one!!Since my time spent at the wall we haven't heard any more noises. I told PL2 we won't have to go to Earthdog trials this summer becaseu WE CAN HAVE THEM RIGHT IN THE HOUSE!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
A Sad week for us
This is a picture of us and our "foster " mother Carter.Miss Carter passed away this week and we have been too sad to even talk about it. Some of our WFT friends know this story because PL2 shared it with them on their WFT email site and we would like to share it with all of you. We are going to let PL2 write because we are a little too sad to even type.
When A+A were wee little pups of 4 months PL1's Mother passed away and we needed to place them somewhere because we had alot of things to do,but we didn't know where to put 2, 4 month old puppies! Our dear friend who is a Holistic Vet(and owner of Carter) said she would be glad to take them in her house, but she wanted to see how Carter would do meeting them because she didn't take to many dogs.It was love at first sight and A+A became the puppies she never had but always wanted .The only dog we ever met who could control these two was Carter and we quickly named her their foster mother!! You can even see it in this picture!! Archie is looking ot her to see what he should be doing...Agatha is ,well being her independent little self!!)Our friend called us last week to let us know that Carter was doing very poorly.She had developed kidney failure and was becoming very ill very quickly.She asked if I could bring A+A over one more time for the 3 of them to say their goodybyes to each other.When I arrived at the house Carter was in the bedroom and A+A hadn't yet seen her. They were being their playful selves and investigating everything. When Carter was brought out to see them, in an instant they both stopped,and sat down one on each side of Carter and became very still and quite.Archie inched over to her and very very gently nuzzled her on each side of her head and then lay his head on her shoulder.I truly have never seen anything like this,because they truly knew and were saying their goodbyes.Miss Mary Ellen Carter lost her battle and she was only 6 years old and I learned a very valuable lesson. Dogs are the smartest most wonderfull things in the world,and I could only wish that humans were as wonderful as they are. They are my best friends and I love them to pieces( although they do have their nudnik moments!!) So go and give all your pups an extra big hug and smooch from me, we always think we have all the time in the world...... and raise a toast to Miss Mary Ellen Carter and to all of our most wonderful best friends...Diana AKA PL2
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ready for the Ice Skating party!

Friday, December 14, 2007
Tally Ho!!!!!!!
Archie also remembered this GREAT game we played last year called snort in the snow and then lets go crazy................
Another thing we had forgotten as this is only the second year we have ever seen snow ,is how tired you get playing in it..........
Archie is getting REALLY worried because he has heard that we are getting another storm this weekend and it could be as much as 2 FEET of snow.He is worried that he will get buried but his biggest fear is how will he be able to go to the bathroom(it's not easy being his sister)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Poor Archie
(Lisa and Lisa from the Pet Cabaret also told us that they are going to soon have a web site where you can ORDER STUFF ON LINE!! How cool! So all you guys can get stuff from there too!!!!) When PL1 heard that PL2 was going there he said,oh boy this ought to be good.......You always spend tons there(WELL WHAT DOES HE THINK?????)And then he showed PL2 the oil bill we got today and said that was it, the heat was going off and then he was mumbling about the price of oil and something about George Bush and a lot of swears that we can't repeat....So,,,, Arch and I decided that we would have to wear our scarves INDOORS.
We won these scarves as a prize for 2cd place in a photo contest from the WFT email list for this picture........entitled
.....Where did you put that provolone?? Anyway here's the loot( I went without Arch because he was really tired from going to the Vet so I chose all this stuff.........(and the girls had ALOT of new stuff so PL2 WENT NUTS!!!!!!!
One funny thing about Holistic Vets.Sometimes you can't understand really what they are talking about and the one Arch saw was covering for our regular Vet. She examined his head and said she thought(or this is what PL1+2 heard)that his head was weak ...(HAH!! You didn't need to go to the Vet to know that!!!!) First PL2 thought she said his head was melting(his brain more likely) but she KNEW it couldn't of have been that) so she bought LOTS of chew things(that I picked) to strengthen his head( it''ll take more than this but...)
These chewies are made from fish and are good for joints(if you have arthritis) and good for your breath( what fish breath is good???)
Look at these fabulous cookies.....
Another chewie thing made from carrots and parsley.....
A chewie toy that smells minty and is good for your breathe( wait a minute...)
What the heck? How did that get in there????????(I will tell you if this works...is supposed to be calming for those terrier times........)
Well I do have to say she did spend a bit and now she is mumbling about flipping cold she is and she can't feel her fingers because the heat is down and now she will have to work a million hours a week because oil is so expensive and she is saying a lot of swears too......