Friday, October 12, 2007

Some things to know about Salem

First of all we want you all to know that we are very excited aobut this party!! PL2's brother in law is a Gloucester fisherman and he is going to get us all lobsters!! WHOO HOO!! and Agatha is going to make a vat of clam chowda( she uses Senator Kennedy's mother's Roses recipe,and it is delish!!) We may also make some Joe Froggers( those are cookies that originated in Marblehead (one town over from Salem) and of course Archie will whip up a pot of his favorite Boston Baked Beans .Tanner and Joe and Ruby will love those ,get it!!) Bring your own air freshener! Now about Salem..........( put your paws over your eyes Scruff and Arch)........
Now surely all you pups and hammies know that Salem's biggest claim to fame is the hanging of witches that were here in 1692......... This is a picture of Gallows Hill with a list of those that were hung...

In fact here is the gravestone of one of them.......

And to this day Salem still has many witches in town including Lori Cabot the official witch of Salem who has her own little shop in town....( Lacie you can get love potions there....)

There is a Witch House(which was the home of Judge Corwin who presided over some of the witch trials ....

Here is a smidgeon of what is happening in Salem RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Terror Trail Nightly: 10/1 and 10/5 -10/31. Check our web site for updated schedule information (reservations required). Tales of local haunted houses, spectral assaults, and grisly murders "highlight" this one hour and 15 minute candlelight walk. Tours are limited in size and are by advance reservation only. Candles are provided. Daily in October. For information or to reserve spaces contact Derby Square Tours at 978-745-6314. Adults: $12 Children 7-17 $5
Festival of the Dead: Annual Psychic Fair and Witchcraft Expo 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.Every Day in October! Gaze into the future with a psychic reading and make contact with the Spirit World at Salem's longest-running psychic fair! Hosted by Christian Day and the Salem Witches, this popular Halloween event features the Witch City's most gifted psychics. The Annual Psychic Fair and Witchcraft Expo is Salem’s premiere gathering of Psychic readers and spirit mediums! Museum Place Mall, 176 Essex Street, Free Admission

More to Follow.................


Stanley said...


SOunds like the pawty of the year! Can't wait to get to Massa chews its to hang out with you guys. Thanks for doing all of the planning, by the way.

You know, Agatha, you really should take Archie to all the locales a couple of times during the day and some at night to desensitize him to all the spookiness. Maybe he can up his spook tolerance before the party.

Goober love,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooooo, that witch is kinda scary! I think I might spend the evening of the pawty with my paws over my eyes too! J x

Dandy Duke said...

Oh my! This is going to be one scary pawty but with excellent food! Maybe Mitch and I should have a bennydrill to stay calm before we take off aboard AireRuby!

Love ya lots,

Harry said...

Wow, all that food sounds delish! Look forward to sampling it.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh man after reading this post, I started shivering in fear. This Salem sounds soooo scawie! I hope nothing bad will happen to any of us. I don't wanna be possessed by any of those ghosts that are in Salem now... I think there are a lot of them there! I hope I will survive when I'm there celebrating my barkday with others. By the way, after celebrating my barkday there, I will have to leave very early in the morning again to celebrate my birthday the 2nd time in my country at the training grounds. It will be very tiring I know...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

Yeah the lobster and clam chowder sounds fab but what's with the festival of the dead. I read that out loud and Tess & Willow took off out the room. Hee hee, they've got the jitters already.
This pawty is going to be fantastic. You two are going to a lot of trouble with the organising. Good stuff!!

Gus said...

yummy lobster! mmm...forget the witch stories. Bring on the food


the many Bs said...

Hey A&A, Salem sounds like such an interesting place, but kind of scary too. since we live on the west coast we our mom doesn't tell us about that kind of stuff. i guess she thinks it's too far away. we would lovelovelovelove to visit Salem in person and sniff all of those witch ghosts. is it spooky though? 'cuz Bailey is kind of scared of ghosts and Benson is just a little twerp and is sometimes a little scared of the dark.

Bogart H. Devil said...

My mama used to live in Boston (she LOVED it there) and she was telling me about Salem and how spooky and wonderful it is :)


Joe Stains said...

My Mom has been to salem and went to the witch museum before, she took a boat through Gloucester bay too and saw some statue of a fisherman. Her sister used to work in um Danvers I think its called.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
That info about Salem is very interesting... and scary! I really hope we all will be ok there!
Yummy food! Sure we will hava a blast!
Have a good night

The Black and Tans. said...

We are looking forward to ths scary party wiht all the delicious food, hope the ghosts and ghouls don't eat it before we all arrive!!

Molly and Taffy

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

The food sounds scummy I've never had lobster @ clam chowder before but my mouth is watering thinking about it.
We have a party on halloween to go to. Apparently there is going to be lots of dressing up and the people are going to town on the decorations.

Asta said...

OOH THAT IS THE BEST MENU EVEW!!!!I love lobstew!!!I love clam chowdew!!! and thebeans,hehehwe'we going to have fiwe wowks..some of the boys toot a lot!,heheh I think I need to put my paws ovew my eyes too..and I'll need some comfowting snuggles!!!
Awe you ,Agatha ,and Lacie getting love potions??maybe I should get some too!
I can't wait! This is going to be tewwific!
smoochie kisses

Sophie Brador said...

I bet Halloween in Salem is the best ever!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... lobster sounds yummilicios. I hope that it's not too scary.. I gotta hide behind some of the bigger dogs if it gets scary..

~ Girl girl

Mango and Party said...

We love the pumpkin picture (and the food!) What a great treat!

Mango & Party

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, Salem looks a cool place! We had heard of it, but it looks very creepy too!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
ps we have chowder tonight for our tea!

Lenny said...

It sounds like we might have to put our paws over our noses rather than our eyes, with all those beans! I won't be scared as long as there are no loud noises.

My mom is soooooo jealous because lobstah and clam chowdah are her favorites.

Your friend, Lenny

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh, Agatha...sorry it took me so long to read ur post...thank you for your inquiries regarding my health. I'm still sore enough that I won't go down stairs...I make Mumsie come up and get me. Asta told me to put Vit. E on my incision to prevent scarring...I'm concerned about my bikini.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! You two have been the best...while I have been languishing on my laurels, you've been doing all of the work...clam chowder...lobster...oh...was wondering if the lobsters date...they are rather attractive. And baked beans...clothes pins for all...PPPPPPPPPUUUUUUUUU!!!

Appreciative lakie barks!!!!!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

That does it. I'm not coming. NO. Too Scary. Scruffy

Urban Smoothie Read said...

talk about lobster and clams....ur making me drool..

Koobuss said...

Oh Boy!!!

I can't wait!!! I am so excited!! I can't wait! I am so excited!!! You know how I get. (See mailman video.)

And lobsters and chowder and all the other foods!!! Oh boy!! I can't wait!! I am so excited!!! I can't wait!! I am so excited!!!

This is going to be the best pawty EVER!!!!

I can't wait!!! I am so excited!!!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Liza said...

YUMMO!!! Me and mom hang out in Salem all the time because that is where our boat lives during the summer!! My Dad dives and brings lobster and scallops up from the ocean too!! Very cool guys!!

ave a good week - Love - Dory