Look up in the air...what is that a flying saucer????????
No it's the Hood Blimp meaning 1 thing..RED SOX GAME!!!!!(We live near Fenway Park!!)
As we don't have tickets we opted for a walk instead and PL1( PL2 was working this day) decided to take us to the Longwood Mall that has the most stunning beech trees you have ever seen.The sign says they were brought over from England around the early 1800's.
Here we are in front of the sign..notice how someone has scratched off the No in front of dogs...As if ANYONE would not allow a dog in somewhere!!!
PL1 being an adventurer and daring person said" Let's go pupalinis and check out the trees.The sign says dogs are ok!"Tee Hee we love this guy!!!!!
Pretty isn't it??
Noooooooo...is this a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another No Dogs sign????????????/
Surely you jest???????? I ask head cocked to the side....
At this point in our walk I have almost fainted in disbelief and Archie is storming away really mad..and let me tell you you do not want to see a mad terrier...
I can't take it anymore...Look at what they have done to my brother...
Does this look like a face that you can keep out?????????
I would like you all to know that we played a good game of tennis this morning Arch and I ( I will not let my brother be that sad EVER) and you can guess where we played..AND I found a PINK tennis ball and took it home with me.......HA.
Now that's a bit much A&A, those signs can't be for real. Who in their right mind would deny a dog a game of tennis. It is after all good for the health.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Too many No! I am so sorry for that. Maybe next time at a different place!
Great pictures!
Have a good night
Those hoomans have a lot of nerve hanging all of those stoopid signs! Us doggies all need to get together one day and rip them all down! We'll show 'em!
Does a pink tennis ball taste any different? Maybe like strawberry? I've never had a pink one before!
Love ya lots,
oh there are so many "no" signs, but your trees are soooooooooo pretty!
Jeannie saw a car bumper sticker today which read "Squirrels are Just Furry Speed Bumps!"
I hate squirrels, darn rabbits that climb trees in grey furry pyjamas....
I like the red ones though!
love and licks, Marv xxxxxxx
Keep bucking there system A & A! That scary looking tree is amazing.
Where you guys got the energy to walk and play after what we all did at the party, I don't know. But it does look like a neat place to walk, signs or no signs. Congratulations on scoring the pink tennis ball
Hey A&A, good for you on taking that pink tennis ball home. we can't believe all of those 'no dogs allowed' signs. that's just wrong. very very wrong.
Seriously, I would have peed and pooed and left 200 stains in that place!!
Wow. What can I say. I think they don't want any dogs there! Lacie would love to chat bout the pink tennis ball, but she's GROUNDED. Mumsie saw some of the pix from the pawty...well, one in particular. Hey...please copy and post the Invite for the pawty for Koob and A-M. Lacie said the house isn't scary at all. Is that true, Agatha??? Agatha??????
woofies A + A!!!! hmmm all dos no doggys signs...not dey know sumday we wil ruleies da worlds...heehee wont dey b surpriseded....
b safe,
No Dogs Allowed!!! What's the deal? At least you got your pictures taken in front of the signs. hee hee
William Tell
Good for you, Agatha! You had to make some sort of statement and you did. That looks like such a great place for dogs and yet there are no dogs allowed. How stinky. We should protest!!!!!!
I hope your brother is feeling better.
Koobuss Kisses,
Outrageous! All those signs! Are they mad? How can you have a park with trees in and not want dogs. Ridiculous. Now, I can understand keeping children's play areas off limits, and I am all behind the pooperscoop rule (besides, I get a kick out of making Mum have to clean up after me) but no dogs in a park is just crazy.
Hi Agatha and Archie You to look like you have loads of fun.Fancy you not being allowed in the tennis courts,as if they thought you would pinch there balls.
By the way Im Ludo a airedale from germany.
I will look forward toreading what you get up to.
Caz and Ludo
I've never seen a pink tennis ball! I bet it was extra tasty! J x
Good for you, Agatha!!
Who are these hoomans? Do they think they own the place or something?
I love your dad's attitude, though. Whenever my girl sees a sign outside that says NO DOGS, she assumes it means, NO DOGS with irresponsible owners. Since she's responsible, she ignores the sign.
Hey, civil disobedience is a bootiful thing, sometimes.
Glad you took that pink tennis ball. You inspire me, Agatha! You care SO MUCH for your Archie bro, and will go to any length to ease his suffering. You've set the bar high, but I will aim for it (once I get a sissy).
Extra goober love to you & ArchMan!
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