Well another fabulous adventure in the action packed life of A and A great safari hunters of Boston.Our PL's took us to Lars Anderson Park a beautiful area that was once a very rich Boston Brahmins estate which he left to the town of Brookline. Guess what our PL's heard from a golden retievers PL.......COYOTE SIGHTINGS( this park is close to the Arboretum so in stands to reason)Archie has decided to get to business and get a little safari hat and net( despite the fact that I told him a net might not be quite the thing to get a coyote) PL 2 was freaking out because she kept saying We live in the city,what are coyotes doing here,and PL 1 kept saying he felt sorry for them and that we were doing this to them as we were getting rid of all the land for greedy business men.While the 3 of them were all freaking out over various and sundry things I Agatha the greatest safari huntress of them all( I did catch a skunk once you know) went into action, scanning and being on high alert but evidently the coyotes know of my reputation( word of attacks on skunks travels fast)and wouldn't show their faces while I was there.If you are interested in seeing our safari park I have enclosed a site to visit. Have a nice Saturaday!! A and A