So PL1 and2 decided they were done done done trying to groom me... Hee hee it seems I have developed a little AVERSION to grooming.... even brushing( lets see WHY WOULD THAT BE???) and I seemed to have developed a little "thing" about even being brushed( hee hee if you let a terrier get the upper hand you lose buddy) My BROTHER who is a little namby pamby LOVES getting groomed.. and stands there all smirky and stuff... and wags his tail( I always tell him he is not a REAL terrier and was left on the doorstep...but I can't say it too much or he starts to cry.... So this new joint opened up around the corner from where we live.... It is called Dirty Harry's... Yep it is a do it yourself wash your dog place. THEN she gets this thing in the mail that says.... We do hand stripping..... I tried as hard as I could to hide it,,,, BUT IT DIDN'T WORK...... She went to talk to the groomer Mr Andre... and he used to have a terrier.. and he said I couldn't be as bad as Pl2 said and that he was SURE he could groom me...........DOESN'T HE READ THIS BLOG???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? below are ACTUAL pictures of my day of torture I mean at the hair dressers......
Here I am on the day... anxiously waiting.... paws crossed tapping my feet with nerves...I think my hair do looks FINE thank you very much... |
Here I am doing a little doga before my appointment to calm me down...... |
doing a little meditation.......Pl2 was a nervous wreck It appears that she was more worried that I was going to bite Mr Andre than worried about me... After THREE hours she called to see how I was doing....(couldn't have been that worried she waited THREE hours to call. He said I was doing fine but that I kept flattening myself out on the table...Hee Hee DID HE THINK I WAS JUST GOING TO TAKE IT??? I AM A TERRIER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD........but that he had all of his fingers and both hands...( hee hee not for trying...) |
Well here is the final result.... Not bad really...When he brought me out Pl2 was stunned.. her mouth dropped and she said(and I quote here) "She looks like a show dog!!!" LIKE I DIDN'T BEFORE??? I was snowy white and no gnarls....... |
She kept trying to take pictures of me..... |
I told Archie I told Mr Andre that I was really a Beddlington terrier so he cut my face like a little beddlington.. hee hee A little hairdresser terrier humor |
My nails were not totally dry so I had to put them up( I picked a nice spring color) |
I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought and I am feeling better..... |
OK it wasn't that bad but I am going to flatten myself out every time... I mean really I can't just sit there and just take it... like other people I know.... |
He said I looked great HOW WOULD HE KNOW HE IS SLEEPING? |