cute happy new year 2011 pictures
HELLO dearest pals!! We are here to wish all of you a happy healthy and peaceful New Year. We have missed all of you dearly and will be better in the new year. Archie and I hope that this new year brings all of us many lovely treats and toys and new beds and stuffies and WAIT A MINUTE............We better think this through or PL2 will butt in and say something about thinking of others and stuff... We are thinking of those who have crossed over to the Bridge and we miss them a lot, and we are sending prayers for all of our pals who are ill, and of course we hope for a world full of peace and joy and happiness....and really is it so awful to wish for just one stupid little stuffie and maybe a few cookies? (she just said that was ok and she said to tell of you that she loves you to bits and wishes all of you the same...)
HAPPY NEW YEAR PALS!!!!!!!!!! from your pals A+A
Whew glad woo didn't let PL2 butt in.. geez she'd want World Peace & stuffs fur effuryone & then she'd want me to have your cookies and other tings too. :)
Happy New Year pals! Wishing woo all the bestest!
Hi Archie & Agatha,
We wish you and yours a Healthy, Weslthy, Happy New Year full of joy.
Now can we wish for treats and a squeaky.
Licks Bobby
Thats Wealthy, and we wish to the whole world peace and health.Chance would be a fine thing.
Happy New Year buddies! May 2012 may more fruitful than 2011 :) Stay healthy, happy and may your 2012 be filled with lots of toys and treats :)
The Musketeers
Ah, Happy New Year to you both! And your mom too. We hope 2012 is a better year for all.
Happy New Year to you, too, A+A, and to your peeps, too! We hope you're around ALOT more in 2012-we miss your tours of Boston, your antics, etc.
And...we hope you have good news to report come this November...We remember how depressed you both were after the last special election (you both had taken to your beds, hadn't you:-) - Ha!
Happy New Year, Agatha and Archie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy New Year to you guys, too. Glad you liked my poem. It worked. I got a fresh supply of bully sticks today. That will keep me happy at least until the middle of February. Threats work, even with Santa Claus. Wink. ; )
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Alright Ags...I will be joining you and Scruffy in the New Year's Swim in the Harbor....I have a purple wool bikini, Stan is wearing a long wool jumpsuit and Scruffy's goin' nekid...good luck with that!! Mumsie and Daddy have to drive to Ohio tomorrow for a wedding and we're gonna come to your place for New Year's Eve and is the bomb shelter ready for
New Year's Kisses,
Lacie and the Boyz
May you have a wonderful new year with as few snow plows as possible.
happy new years to all of you. Hoping there are no fireworks and no snowplows in Boston
gussie n teka
Happy New Year A-team!
Looks like the party's round your place. I think I can make it if I can persaude Gail to drive me to the airport right now.
Toodle pip!
PS Looking forward to another year of your always excellent advice!
Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR
May your New Year 2012 be blessed with peace, love and happiness. Sending our heartfelt wishes with joy that never ends.
Mango, Chubs, and Ximui
Hey wirey pals...we've been away so we haven't been blogging too much these last weeks -- but when we saw Archie's wish for world peace-- well we just had to chime in!!!!!
We wish you both and the PLs a happy happy new year -- and, well, we'll just have to talk about baseball later!!!
Tummy rubs all around...
Jake and Just Harry (and Mom)
Hiya Agatha and Archie, it's searingly hot here in Adelaide, but we celebrated the New Year in fine style. Wishing you and your peeps a Happy New Year too!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
Happy New Year Darlings!!
lotsaluv and many Marvin kisses xxxxx
Happy New Year to you both. We hope you have a fabulous 2012, lots of new toys and tons of treats.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Agatha and Archie! I do wish you had a fabulous 2012. An all-year round of fun and blessings! Hugs!
Dog Fence
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