We know we say that each place we go is the GREATEST place we have ever gone to,BUT THIS????THIS TOPS THE CAKE!!!! We were all on vacation last week and we got to do LOTS of stuff( well you already saw the football practice..) and WE WENT HERE!!! To New Hampshire to the Kancamagus Highway in the White Mountains
This has to be the most beautiful place in the world..People come from everyone to hike and camp and ski( NOOOO not now....) and just be with nature. And in the fall when the leaves change it is almost like being in heaven.. So off we went....

So there are places to stop and park and trails to walk and hike and that is exactly what we did!!!
Look what we were looking at!!
Further down the trail we hopped up on a bench and looked behind us.....
AT THIS!!! It was so quiet and peaceful and smelled so wonderfull....
Off we walked and we found this little wall...and behind it was this...................

UNBELIEVABLE LAKE..................................
OF course I did TONS of this......
And on to the next stop...
PL2 says these pictures do not really do justice to the beauty of the place...

COME ON LET'S GO ALREADY.................................

Now at this next place I was really taken aback...Pl2 says I had a Zen moment....
First Arch checked to make sure we were going the right way....

We hiked and hiked and then THIS..... WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...
You really can not tell how HUGE it was!!!
I WAS SPELLBOUND!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!! Pl2 could not get me away and I kept staring and staring....... and then she said I had a goofy look on my face....
This was the way down.....
On to the next point which was this.. Now this really does not show you the beauty of the White Mountains and of how high we were..
Next stop......

Off we go!!!

Tra la lala la ..WHAT THE HECK IS THIS???????????????
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? BEARS??? MOOSES???? You must know that of course.. as soon as he saw this? HE FAINTED...
And if you were camping they gave you a demonstration of how you would keep your food up away from the bear....
After he woke up ... OFF WE GO!!!! To a suspension bridge...
Archie thought he saw a fish jumping out of the water..
Well needless to say we were EXHAUSTED with all that hiking and swimming and playing and zen moments and stuff...Archie curled up with PL1's shirt...
I was trying to help guide them home but I couldn't keep my eys open becasue I was dreaming of this....