ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? WE HAVE NOT POSTED IN TWO WEEKS???? Which also means we are a MILLION LIGHT YEARS BEHIND IN OUR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO do that we will( catch up on your lives) and we will quickly catch you up on ours....... SO it rained and rained and rained and rained..and we were a
teensy weensy bit bored( imagine two wire fox terriers SHUT IN....
oooohhh it was not pretty...but the first non rain day we had we went for a 34 hour walk( PL2 said it was to burn off a little energy or something....)And we don't really know why she kept cleaning the floor all the time..something about mud and stuff...So I took to heart all that you my friends had to say about sharing my bomb shelter....I thought and thought and thought... and came up with this (
very very temporary ) solution........
ARE YOU HAPPY???????????? But please note in the next picture that there happens to be someones toy in there and my bed is kind of half way back in there...hee heee he will never figure this out......

Now on to another serious matter..You may remember I worked extremely hard last year with my own
personal trainer/brother to obtain my J.E.( Junior
Eathdog) title.....Whew it was HARD WORK and he is a very difficult
So PL2 and I had a little talk and she asked me if I wanted to try to get MY SENIOR
EARTHDOG TITLE!!!! Only this was is
ALOT harder...You have to go through a longer tunnel with more curves in it and a false spot and the hardest part of
all is that you have to come out by your self( your PL doesn't pick you up out of the tunnel) Now I don't know about you but I an not the best with recall without a rat there...put a rat into the situation???
hmmmmmmmm.... let's think about this.. But PL2 said we could get some training and maybe learn how to do this..... I went to the Fox Terrier page and got this picture..That is the rat in the cage at the end if the tunnel............
Now this has put Arch into a tizzy and he has to change his whole training program..... PL2
happened to find this little pad of paper that he had been jotting notes on and then ripped up in frustration

"Most of the training, which really isn't much, that you will need for Earthdog you can do at home. You can make tunnels of cardboard and borrow a rat to train with. It isn't quite the same as what you will encounter at a test, but it's a good start. And lots of fun for the dog! There probably isn't any other time you will actually be encouraging your fox terrier to bark and carry on! Heaven, from the dog's point of view! "
HOOOOOO BOY!!! WE ARE GOING TO GET A RAT FOR THE HOUSE FOR ME TO PRACTICE WITH!!!!!!( PL2 here.... uhhhmmmm I don't think so Aggie.....)
And so ladies and gentle men,I begin a new summer and new EXTREMELY difficult challenge with my brother at my side and my PL's behind me( wait maybe it should be the other way around....) in the obtainment of my..........

So while he figures out my training plan I will just soak up the glorious rays.......