Sunday, January 24, 2010

HOO BOY......

Well we hadn't realized how long it had been since we posted...You see we have been been a bit depressed....Let's just say that there was an election here in this state and we were not too happy with the all....and then there was a Supreme Court ruling the day after the election that blew us all the PL's and Arch and I have been moping around a bit... well ALOT really as you can see by this picutre....

I was telling Archie that things are really dire now......
But then in his old Archie way he told me a wicked funny joke......

It was REALLY good...and everything seemed OK again.....


Bobby said...

What ever the joke was it sure had you both laughing. Its great you can laugh at such bad times.

tula monstah said...

you said wicked! hahehehehe... i will never get use to that word.

Seriously, what happened? how can a beefcake replace Ted Kennedy! at least the ads and phonecalls stopped. that's the only good thang.

by the way Agatha, you should put a flower on floof exposed in the header pic. being a lady and all:)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Sorry things did not go as good as you wanted!
But sure is great that you are now laughing telling some jokes!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Aren't brothers great to distract us when things aren't going well.
Sally Ann

Unknown said...

You gotta laugh at politics, right? Thank dog we don't have elections! Can you just imagine if Mango or Lacie were in charge of things?

Your pal,


Gus said...

Don't worry guys, muzzer says that someday the Democratic Party will have a majority in the House and the Senate, and will have their President in the White House.

Someday :)

Asta said...

You suwe awe lucky to have Awchie wif his good sense of hoomow awound to make life good again..we awe not happy about that election eithew, and I don't even have a good joke to laugh at, but seeing you laughing makes my day lots bwightew
smoochie kisses

Bocci said...

Ha! I knew I loved you two! You know, I'm hoping that this loss gives us a reason to regroup-it looks to me like it's already happening...
As an aside, Parental Unit just told me that she worked for your late, great Senator in his run for the President in 1980 in Ohio-she was just a young pup herself, then and in college.
Talk with you soon!

Jake of Florida said...

We're glad Archie still knows some jokes because we've all lost our sense of humor after the too too ironic election, the Supreme Court decision, and all the rest -- not to forget the overwhelming situation in our neighbor, Haiti.

Beyond comprehension.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Unknown said...

I AGREE.. that election was not good. Beefcake Brown wins.. boo. huh.. leave it to archie to save the day.

Koobuss said...

The election results are a real surprise. How could something like that happen in MA? I hope that the people there aren't listening to Curt Schilling. Sheesh...

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh it must have been a pretty funny joke. You've really picked up.

Shame things didnt go the way you wanted.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Blue said...

Elections rarely seem to turn out the way you want - we've a General Election to face here in the Spring.

It looks like Archie's joke was a cracker by all that laughter - care to share?

Love, pats & pets

Dandy Duke said...

We want to hear the wicked funny joke so we can laugh too! PLEASE!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

You guys look so cute in your crate laughing it up.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

We were most surprised at the outcome of the election. Yikes! Glad you two could cheer each other up.


ScrapsofMe said...

You let yer brother in yer crate? Puffers is not even allowed to walk past my crate, much less investigate the insides. Sometimes I stash stuff in there and I don't want him stealing my goodies.

I just LOVE the pink cover...I'm going to see if she can find a PINK one for my crate. It just has a beach towel draped over it.

Don't worry so much about politics. In 6 years you can change it if you don't like it.


Eric said...

Sorry bout your moping, thank dog for Archie with his wicked sense of humour. You two made Mom coo seeing you two snuggled up and laughing away together.She keeps kissing the screen saying tooooo adorable.Personally, I think it's like looking in the lirror!!!!

Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxxx

Eric said...

MIRROR!! heck. Mom need more practise with her Mickey Mouse how to type CD....and you think I'm kiddin'???

Bae Bae said...

That must be a really funny joke. :)

~ Bae

Toffee said...

So nice to see you laughing and not crying!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've been so down in the dumps (yep ... the doldrums spread this far west) that we've not even been around the blog world. We figured you were upset. With good reason. (But now we are even considering if REASON is even in the dictionary any more. Nothin's makin' much sense. We guess that makes a good joke even more important. (We'd love to hear it!)

Hang in there.
Jake and Fergi (liberal democats)

Stanley said...

Hey A & A!

I have missed you guys something FIERCE! Bummer about the election outcome. We were pulling for something different. I'd give a lot of my snack allowance to hear what wicked funny joke Archie had to tell.

I'm serious.

I'll be catching up on all of your adventures for awhile, but I'm looking forward to it.

Agatha, get on over to my blog and see how your diva lessons are now playing out with my sissy. Thanks a lot (NOT)!

Goober love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Were those pix of you in the crate FOR REAL????

Aggie...are ya goin' soft in that pointy foxy noggin?

And you're lettin' him in the bomb shelter???


Loved that pic of the sychchonized sleeping...that rocked!

How many days till Earth Dog starts? Need a pawsonal trainer...see our bloggie...

Laciegirlie...the fittest Lakie on the block....

doyle and mollie said...

gosh you look so relaxed on those wonderful tiles
don't let the big stuff get to you ok

William Tell said...

I'll bet Archie has a million of 'em, too! Always ready to lighten the mood. That's a true terrier!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Polka Dots? You've gotta be kiddin' me...I hafta wear polka dots? What color? They better not be girlie lookin' that my beardie is more masculine and all....

The terriers clear their throats::::




AND MANY MORE!!!!!!!!!

Kisses and hugs from the terrier kiddos...

Scruffy et al....

Huskee and Hershey said...

The activity in that first pic is called Synchronised Moping right? Heehee..

Fenway said...

As you know, I'm practically a Massa-chew-sits-an since I spend a LOT of time in your state AND I am named after the MOST FAMOUS LANDMARK!!! Yes, I truly believe Fenway Park is better than even the Old North Church, Fanueil Hall or the Minuteman Statue.

So, my peeps and I were rapt with attention and then horror over that election. I feel for you guys! Yikes!!!! Just cause a guy tools around in a pickup truck he's electable? Oh, and get this....usually the pundits consider MA a "rogue" state and fiercely Democratic. NOW they're saying that MA is like a bellweather or test strip for the rest of the country! We just can't even peacefully watch the news anymore.

Well, I just had to get all this off my furry chest.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sorry mom is so blue guys. Looks like you are some really cute Happy pups though. How can she not smile with those faces?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sorry mom is so blue guys. Looks like you are some really cute Happy pups though. How can she not smile with those faces?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad things are okay now. A laugh sure does make a difference.

Oskar said...

I'm glad you guys can make each other laugh, even when times are tough.

Duffy said...

Really crummy outcome of the election. I can totally identify with your mopy mood. A good laugh helps, though.

Joe Stains said...

Thank goodness we have friends and laughter or Mom would cry every night watching the news.