Saturday, August 15, 2009

Boston Tour is now leaving for Concord Part One

Concord Massachewitts...The start of our nation's

revolution...The shot heard round the world...Paul Revere.......It all happened here...right in our little state of Massachewsitts..PL1+2 and Archie and I decided to go to Concord.We love it there as it is a beautiful town,chock full of political and literary history which we all love( and they have great farm stands too.....) Now this will be in two parts..Part One the History Part two the literary...
Here is a map depicting where it all happened....

And here is the entrance to the North Bridge where the American Revolution started.......

If you can biggify this it will tell you about the bridge..

I was reading it but then thought I heard cannon fire so I had to duck under...

Here it is THE BRIDGE where on 19 April 1775 the American Minutemen tried to stop the British from finding their hidden ammunition ..... This is considered the beginning of the American Revolution (or the War of American Secession, as some of our British friends call it, right Eric?)

The statue of the Minuteman by Daniel Chester French

It has a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "By the rude bridge that arched the flood,/ Their flags to the April breeze unfurled,/ Here once the embattled farmers stood,/ And fired the shot heard round the world!'

Archie thought it must have been a very big gun to be heard around the world!

The Bridge still spans the beautiful Concord River....

but instead of Minutemen, there are artists.....

And canoe-ists......

This is the quiet heard round the world!

Archie said he was getting a little confused...

He said he didn't know which side he should be on as he is British by descent but he lives in America....He refused to read this sign..

And he paid his respects by the graves of the British soldiers who fell here....

Here we are on the other side of the Bridge..

So pretty and peaceful..except for my brother who kept yapping on and on...

He made me so crazy with all his bantering I threw myself down to roach but couldn't....Which side should we be on??? Pl1+2 said we didn't have to choose sides..It was history... and this was just teaching us about what happened....

Then he told me that he was SURE he heard canon fire........

Directly next door to the Bridge is a beautiful famous house.....

Two very famous people Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne lived here, but not together.......

This is a garden that Henry David Thoreau made for Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife, Sophia, as a wedding present, and no, Archie, it is not the original plants and no you cannot eat them!
Can you see the double-decker bird house??

Then we went down the road into the main area of Concord.This hotel The Colonial Inn says that it has two haunted rooms and people LOVE to stay in these rooms and some have seen the ghosts!!(Archie said he is pretty sure that there would be no way, no how he would stay there. In fact we had to walk on the other side of the road..)

While we were walking we decided that we were hungry and Arch found this place..(actually all he really saw was the ICE CREAM)

So we went down this little alley..

And we waited with PL2 while PL1 went to get us PIZZA.....

I told Arch not to get so excited and sit patiently like I was...

Then I told him to sit under the table and act as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening....

Only I was too excited thinking about the pizza to do that...

SO we all had our pizzas(some of us did not have quite as much as we would have liked) and we were walking on...and Archie starting yapping again about which side should he be on..... and he saw this sign of a minuteman...

And he was feeling very contrary and rebellious... and ..well you can guess what he did next........Let's just say the sign got a little wet....

And on the way home we did stop at a farm stand and got blueberries and raspberries and practically ate all of them before we got home!!! Now part two we will show you some famous literary sites in Concord!!!


Gus said...

Eagerly Anticipating part two. And we love blueberries, especially the ones that muzzer freezes for next year but we get for treats (still frozen) when she is being a good muzzer.


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a neat tour. We've kind of tired after all that walking. Don't suppose you have any leftover pizza?

Noah the Airedale said...

Well well well this is a very interesting post especially for our pinkies. Do you know they have a travel guide called New England....yes it's true and do you know why they have this particular travel guide...It's because they are going there in May and they just flipped out when they saw your post!!!! Humans are easily pleased.

Noah x

Asta said...

Oh My dog Aggie
Anothew gweat his twionical lesson..I soo enjoy them..I think I would know nothing about ouw countwy's histowy wifout you. aftew all you said , I'm all confoosed now too..awe we Bwitish?
I cewtainly don't want to fight Ewic ow myself..
I wish I had one of Lacie's smoofies to help me thwoo
this dill Emma..ow some pizza...ow some boobewwiesOh I wish I could come wif you on these walks in pawson..I'm suwe I could figoowe it all out if I saw it in pawson..I'm to go wead now to get weady fow pawt two
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Thanks for the tour!
Pizza... blueberries.... hmmm....
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, what a great time y'all had. I have learned so much about history. So, if I am a British American dog, who do I support? I am a Welsh terrier, so do I support the welsh or the Americans? Well, I'll ask my big brother, he is very smart. Have a good trip.
Welshie hugs,
Sally Ann

TwoSpecialWires said...

We love history. Especially when it comes with lots of pictures. And food. (Our Girl would've probably learned a lot more if YOU"D been her American History teacher.)

We're looking forward to Part Two. Thanks for making us feel smart.

Barks of love,
Jake and Fergs

Dexter said...

Momma says she has been to that place many times and for a few years lived within walking distance of the Lexington green, but was too lazy to get up and see the Redcoats coming.

I wish I had known you were going to Concord. You could have taken a detour and picked me up. The Pee-Wee is driving me batty.


Unknown said...

A and A
You are the best tour guides! I agree with Agatha.. ARchie let's move past this who's side should I be on nonsense. YOu had better things to think about like what should go on the pizza.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a fun tour...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Joe Stains said...

All I can say is thank DOG that there are no longer guns that can be heard round the world or I would never be taking my thundershirt off! I sure did like the tour, sorry Arch sort of got carried away, but I bet the pee on the minuteman relieved some of the inner tension.

Dandy Duke said...

We wouldn't have been waiting patiently for pizza either, Archie! OMG, the aroma is enough to drive you insane!
What a fun day you all had and very interesting!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

ScrapsofMe said...

I really like the part of the tour than included pizza and rascalberries. nummy num num. gimme some!

The Black and Tans. said...

We thoroughly enjoyed your guided tour and eagerly await past 2.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What wonderful memories this post brought back to Mom. Concord is a beautiful place.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...seems like Archie did choose sides with him peein' on the Minuteman and all...did you see that guy with the pumpkin on his head??? And member when we had the pawty at the House of the Seven Gables??? OMD that was fun...that Natty Hawthorne does get around in real estate, doesn't he???

You guys have all the fair...just kidding Arch..dont' faint!!

Mumsie and Scruffy went and met up with Scruffy's real sissie and litermate, Lacey today...she wore a purple collar and when her mom asked her if she remembered Scruffy she tried to remove his head from his body...good thing I didn't meet her...that woulda been a disaster...Scruffy asked her if all dogs named Lacie/Lacey that wear purple collars are beeotches...don't think it earned him any brownie points...

Mumsie has BRONCH ITIS and SINUS ITIS and started some ANTI BI OT IKS and now her stomach feels like she's partaken of the snak & yak bush...she's always whinin' bout somethin'...

Gotta go and make her some tea or somethin'...

Love ya lots...


Bae Bae said...

That's very clever of you to duck. You never know if a cannon was really coming...

~ Bae

Sally said...

Hi Agatha and Archie,
what a great time, and very interesting.

Nice wuuuh

tula monstah said...

Hey Arch you sure know how to express yourself:) Beautiful place- lots of history, but my fav was the pizza stop. YUM! i sitting under the desk looking the photo right now.. nothing's happening. Gma & Gpa are visiting this week-is Arch available for tours?

stay cool!

Eric said...

It's me Eric. The British one -feeling sort of guilty for those naughty bad leggeds.Thank dog we are on tent cord e al.OOOh

Concorde is lovely. You outdid yoursleves with that tour. Mom wants to live in the Manse House right THIS minute and I want to pee where Archie did. And scarff down some of your dogalicious pizzas.

Um wondering there going to be a test at the end of the two parter tour Twinny and Step?I might do some homework if there is. And yes Brits do call that war that name.Also one more question..where do I leave a tip for my wickedly good guides??

Wiry loves and brit kisses Eric xxxxxxxx

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Hi! Thanks for coming to visit me! My homunculus has been a fan of your blog for a while; even has it in her Googly-Moogly Reader. I'm so jealous of all the fun you guys had: cool sites and PIZZA. Yum.

Lizzy said...





Huskee and Hershey said...

Dear Agatha and Archie,
Thanks for sharing with us the history and scenery of this beautiful place! MMmm.. Pizza...

Unknown said...

Archie and Agatha!
Hey my sweat is sweating! It was 86 degrees LAST NIGHT! ridiculous. I went swimming. What else to do.

Archie- you could probably make a sidewalk recipe... anything you can cook in the sun?

Asta said...

Aggie,um,you know I would love to see youw handsome bwuvvew dancing down youw hall wif his stwaw hat..I bet he whistles pawfectly in tune.
I do love deb on aiw boyz

Aggie I haven't seen you in ages..we have to do something togethew soon
smoochie kisses

Princess Patches said...

What a great tour! We especially like the haunted inn. The pizza looks very yummy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hello A&A....we're back....and it feels soooo goooood! Wow....what a great post to return to....we do love a good history lesson and Agatha, you deliver it so well! Tell Arch to stop his fussin and take a chill pill (did he by any chance faint when he thought he heard the canon??) Alfie loves that he got the sign wet though....good man! And you got pizza...what a bonus!
We look forward to part 2 :D
Slobbers xx

Koobuss said...

Hi Guys!!

Thanks for the tour of Concord. It was great! My mom, a retired high school American history teacher, really enjoyed seeing the pictures! Nice job!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Pizza is one of my favorite things. I'm glad to see that they have that in Concord.

Unknown said...

Archie. and Agatha
I fried an egg on my head today. No sidewalk required.
my sweat has sweat. How about you? Ags come out of the bomb shelter?

Life With Dogs said...

So much to take in - and this is in our old neighborhood, so it's a great sentimental visit! :)

Fenway said...

Very nice tour! I've driven through Concord but didn't even get to stop and leave you some pee-mail.

Hey! I've got a Red Sox collar that perfectly matches that leash of yours!


Unknown said...

now I'm boiling like a pot of pasta. I can't breath.. it's too thick outside. What are u two doing to beat the heat?

Deetz said...

Thank you for taking us on your history adventure, that was really cool stuff, especially the pizza part

Lacy said...

w00fs, enjoyed me lesson on history...loved the wood like sum pizza or ice cream..

b safe,