Ladies and Gentlemen,doggies and kitties and
hammies,This came in the mail.........

As most of you know this is what I live for......EARTHDOG TRIALS!!!!!! OOOOOHHHHH boy!!! For those that don't know,Earthdog trials are games for dogs that were bred to chase rats, and other vermin off of farms .So we have it in our genes....Of course PL1+2 don't exactly live on a fact they live in the city....SO WHAT IS A DOG LIKE ME SUPPOSED TO DO?????well here ya go....Earthdog trials!! They are tunnels that are dug and get increasingly more difficult as you go along and at the end there is a rat or too( in a cage of course.....) You have to follow the scent and then go through the tunnel( in a certain amount of time) and then when you get to the rats GO NUTS!!!!!! So you can practice doing it and then there are competitions......where you are timed and stuff.....This is from my very time I ever went...Can you see the little tunnel?I had to go through it( Archie went to but he doesn't like it as much as I do)

Here is the very first time I ever met a rat(well an earthdog rat that is....) Notice how the camera shot is a little blurry? PL2 could barely hold the camera and me because I was NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This happens at the the very first time you learn how to do you can get pumped( I didn't need ANYTHING to get pumped(Archie was just worried that those rat kids were too cramped in there...)

I am sure that some of you remember that last year I went to a trial ,a junior Earthdog trial( I passed the first ring of the ladder) and I got a J...That is half of a JE which stands for Junior Earthdog.Now Archie was my trainer and he did a really good job.....but I was a little short in the timing or something.......

LOOK!!! I GET TO TRY IT AGAIN!! And Pl2 said she is going to try to take me both days each weekend........and some training sessions before....

This is the list of last years dogs that got titles and stuff..........they don't put you down if you only got a J........

Oh look there is another sheet attached to the newsletter........

If you can't read it it says......Our dearest Agatha,As the entire club and actually the whole world are aware, you should have been on this list of winners for your
JE.Of course we all know you will win your J this year and really what is a J amongst friends anyway? We all know you are the huntress supreme...Love the
GBACt PS Your trainer is the best one ever. Do you still use him? It is still
Archie right? He rules........ It is a l
ittle amazing , and I know that some of you(PL2 included) are
thinking WOW that this persons handwriting is VERY
similar to mine. and to Archies funny, isn't it?........ So here I go again in the quest for the elusive..........

Maybe I can get one these little
blingees if I get it.......

Here is my trainer......He said as soon as the snow is done(you can figure out why.....) we will start outside training.......

Here I am at a trial last year......
Picture by my pal Toffee...........