Sunday, October 19, 2008

On the Campaign Trail

SO this is the rental car that PL1+2 got while ours is being fixed....PL2 said IT IS HUGE and she is not used to driving such a big car but they had to get a hatchback so we could see out the back....... She drives at about 3 miles an hour because she says she feels like she is really high up and she can't see the front,back or sides of the car( oh that is just GREAT) but we had to get in it with her because we had to do a little campaigning for our candidate today...

It is a typical fall New England day....crisp,cool with a little snap to the air..good apple eating and leaf peeping and campaigning weather so we thought we would go back to Jamaica Pond.....
Here is some foliage(which came out overnight it seems like.....)

And so we began our campaigning........

We weren't really sure what was the best way to get our message out to everyone.......

But then we figured it out...PEE MAIL!!!!!!!
Here I am standing attention at the flag...I am feeling very Presidential here....

Here I am reading some other kids opinions on the issues......
Archie is joining me here...this kid has some GREAT ideas....

We were discussing what message to leave here...
Pee mail really is the best way to go.....

Here I am with my little Jackie Kennedy smile while I am campaigning.....Archie has his ears flapping in the wind like Jack Kennedy at the beach(well we do live in Massachewsitts...)

This was a tough spot..Archie really had to think about his message here...
Archie is trying very hard to look as serious as he can because voting is a very important thing(of course I still have my Jackie Kennedy smile on here...)
And then we came home and Archie conked out.....
Only a short more time everyone!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to vote!!!!!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Are we first??? Wahooooooooo! First of all, Aggie, Toffee told me some of the flirtin' tips ya gave her (for Eric...) WOW...ur smokin' Girl!!! I noticed that Toffee was workin' on wiggling her Wag...figurin' that would work on that Wiry Wag Wiggler in the UK...hmm..I feel dizzy just typin' that...

And the Red Sox...WAHOOOOOO!!! You guys go...we'll be routin' for ya!! Er Go Pirates...oopsie...Pirates are looooong GONE! I noticed that Archie saw that I had a date with Butchy. WOULD THAT POSSIBLY SPUR HIM ON TO ASK ME OUT???????????? I mean...

Hi Archie!...(Lacie smiles sweetly while coqetishly turnin' her head to the side)'ve been busy lately...I mean I haven't heard from ya...I mean for a date er..blush...(Lacie turns and pinches her cheeks to make them red.)

Gotta run!

Love and kissies...Laciegirl

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
I am sure everyone got the message!
You did a great job campaignin!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

You guys had a tough day, that is a lot of thinking and peeing!

the many Bs said...

hi A&A, you are doing such a great job of campaigning. we are voting for your candidate for sure! pee mail is definitely the way to spread the word. we read quite a bit of it over the weekend and it all said the same as yours.


Asta said...

Archie and Agatha
I sooo admiwe youw dedication to ouw cause..I've been campaigning awound the West Village too..of couwse hewe it's not hawd to get the wight wesponse..I'm leaving all the pee mail cowwespondence to Petey fow the neighbowhood
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You guys are doing such a great job..
The trees are just beautiful. Tell your mom thanks for sharing.. We don't have those pretty leaves in Texas.. They just turn brown and fall off. Sometime is just freezes and they fall off green..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus said...

You guys look great. With such stunning representatives, how can people resist our candidate. (plus, he gots Bruce Springsteen!)

Muzzer says when we got the gussiemobile, she felt pretty much the same as your mom. Now she loves it. Except the part about the back. It does take us a lonnnnng time to back up.


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Guys....

Fall and the cooler temperatures are arrivin' all over.....lovely scenery....

great peemail shots...ya know my Mom can pretty much pee the same way I do....she lifts the whole back of 'er body and lets it we leave peemail in pretty much the same spots....Toby, ya ask ???? Well, he is only now startin' ta leave a bit of peemail on walks....what a doofus....oops....I'm always tellin' Joey he shouldn't call Tanner that.. 'n there I'm doin' it...

We can't vote but Gram and Pap can and they will vote's important and a privilage fer sure....

Dewey Dewster here......

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, you both sure put in a lot of hard work campaigning! Keep up the great work! *grins* I love the Jackie Kennedy smile too...*wink*


Noah the Airedale said...

Good campaigning A & A. Hope the word sinks in!!!! Not long now woo hoo.


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Me likes your campaign scarves. Moomie campaigns too but she doesn't let me help like you got to do.


Dandy Duke said...

We just love your Presidential pose! What a fun day with awesome foliage! We love autumn!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You doggies look great with the scarf. :) Nice walkie you had while campaigning

~ Girl girl

Princess Patches said...

We kind of like your WFTmobile! Our mom drives a Chevy Tahoe and it is ginormous! She does fine with it as long as she is going forward. She says she lacks the gene that allows her to back up without hitting something (especially mailboxes). Looks like you had a great day of campaigning! Pee mail is definitely the way to go!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Faya said...

Véronique is like me, she could look at your pictures all day long... you are the best therapy !
Kisses, Faya

The Musketeers said...

You guys did a great job ! The bed is just too small for me to squeeze ! Or are they just too fat ? BOL !

Loves !

Amber-Mae said...

Well, big car also mean bigger space! My hooman M should get a bigger car someday becoz we all are like jamming in there all the time. Kinda annoying & stuffy! You both look nice with your bandannas on.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

All that campaigning sure looks like hard work! I think you deserve extra treats or something! J x

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

What an exhausting day. All that thinking and pee mailing. Mom loves the leaves. She voted today-it was the first day of early voting in Texas.
Come by our blog, we have a butterfly (or flutterby) award for you!
Hugs&Hi 5s

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Archie and Agatha,
The scenery on your walkie is so lovely... look at those colors!!
You guys did a great job campaigning!!

Sophie Brador said...

Kids! Good work on the campaign trail. I really wish I could come back and visit Jamaica Pond with you. It looks like Archie is doing great.


P.S. Not sure what to make of your rental. I miss your Subaru!

BrandytheGreat said...

We are back A and A!
Can WE vote?

Dexter said...

I like you posing with the flag.

Good job getting the message out there.


Eric said...

Way to go guys!!! Great work on the campaingn trail an the leaf peeping trail too. I enjoyed it all, specially the photie of you standing to attention...I'm sure I heard you signing at the same time too....certainly more entertaining than some man banging on about Jo the plumber who's not a plumber at all, he,he.

Ooooooh the phoies of you on your playdate at JPond were pretty special. Too many bootiful things to look at ..Twinny, Toffee,the bootiful scenery,a racing Riley and a handsome foxy boy! What could be more pawfect?

Wiry Wags, Eric x

Jake of Florida said...

Great campaigning pals!!! Our humans voted today and found lots and lots and lots of fellow Dems in very long lines!!!

If you live in Flori-duh, it's best to vote as early as possible!!

Loved that Jackie Kennedy smile, Ms. Agatha!!


Jake and Just harry


Woof Agatha and Archie

New England in the fall. It's just so beautiful. And it looks like you had good weather to campaign in. Anyway, we are so sorry that we haven't dropped by in awhile, as usual we're gonna blame Mom. Hope all is well.

Desert Pups

Niamh said...

You two are great citizens to get out there and rock the vote! Thanks for doing your part. And you both looked so nice in your bandanas.

Your friend,

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


If only all the presidential candidates were more like Agatha and Archie, I think the world would be a better place for sure!

Woot Woot! You guys got my vote! Keep on campaigning my friends!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley