Well,we have been like crazy people all day( hard to imagine I know) We kept bugging PL2 to go on the computer to see if there was an update on Jackson and PL2would say to PL1 I wonder if he is out of the intensive care and we were all driving each other crazy worrying about him. We are THRILLED to say that
WOOOOOOOOT!! Well we were so anxious before we heard this news we will show you how we all spent the day........
There is something called shopping therapy......Being dogs of PL1and2 we have become very good at it,so we all decided to go to our favorite place THE GIRLS!!!!!! and shop.........

We were TOTALLY OUT OF EVERYTHING so we got a HUGE HAUL........(please note the sweet potato bag please,need we say more?)Also check out the biodegradable doody bags......PSYCHEDELIC COLOURS!!!!! We will be the hit of the block!!!!!

This is one of the kids who OWNS THE STORE..

I really didn't know how much longer I could just sit here BY THE BONE CAFETERIA.......

So we shopped till we dropped and then we decided that we HAD to drag PL2 back to the Arboretum(yep she hasn't been back since we saw Wiley Coyote) SO WE TOOK HER THERE!!!

We feel funny going without any of our
DWB pals now!!!!We did ask them to put up a sign saying that the famed Lenny and Sophie had been here but we didn't see it yet... We went in the back entrance because we were going to do the woods part and the part where we could swim.........

I may not have my "E" but I can dig a mean tree.........

Even Archie got into the act...We had to get rid of this extra energy we had worrying about Jax....
Then we decided to go for a double dig.Now this often does not work because then we want each others holes and you will notice that the film got cut short because we were about to ahem GO AT IT..(his hole was better than mine.....)
Ha Ha!!! Look at Archie!!!! He snorted up so much dirt he was sputtering.....

This is the woods part.We have to say that PL1+2's heads looked like they were going to snap off because they kept looking to the left and right for WILEY the COYOTE....PL2 said she wished she had her suit of armor on but then she would have had trouble going on the trails.....(and I think she would have been hot too)

After all that hiking and all that digging we were ready for the next(and my favorite)part. swimming.This was like doing a little triathlons....shopping,hiking ,digging and swimming....

And then PL1 said he wanted to show Pl2 WHERE WE SAW THE COYOTE!! PL2 said she didn't really have to, and didn't we have to leave and go do something....BUT WE DRAGGED HER UP.....

When PL1 saw him he came out from the right....RIGHT HERE..........

And then he darted over to THIS SIDE WITH THE GOODS(a
raccoon in his mouth)

Archie DID NOT have on the right attire(his cowboy boots,hat and 6 shooter) so he was standing there saying Come on out Mr Coyote,if you dare...MR COYOTE????oh he is going to come running now I AM SURE......Needless to say we did not see him( which we think is a good thing or she really would never come back)

SO now we are POOPED ,and we came home and read the
wonderful news about our dear pal over the seas.....So before we crash ......raise your glasses in a champagne toast to our dear
pal,the leader of the
wirey clan,(and head of the substantial wires club also and KING of
destuffing a stuffy)JACKSON!!!! PIP PIP HOORAY!! PIP PIP HOORAY!!!!! WE LOVE YA MAN!!!!!(and everyone keep on doing what you were doing to help speed up his healing time...)

Love,A very very happy A+A