Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Boston Marathon

What a running weekend.Fisrt there was the Marathon trials(to read all about that you must go to our new pal Toffe's page Toffee lives IN BOSTON!!! and even shops at the same store we do!!! So you MUST go and see the Marathon pics there.......

And Monday was the Boston Marathon(and Patriots Day in Boston).......Well we saw some of it but NOT the beginning because for the last one million years it has started at noon and we stroll up to see the first runners come through(we are about 1 mile from the finish line so they are really close) unbeknown st to PL1+2 THEY STARTED THE RACE 2 HOURS EARLIER WITHOUT TELLING THEM!!! So we missed the winners go through.. oh well .Here are some of the crowds....

Can you see the sea of runners coming in the next picture???

Here we are checking them out......

Here we are across the street and you can still hear people clapping and screaming for the runners!! The runners say they love to hear that ,it gets them going(especially when they get to us because they have run 25 miles...WITH ONE TO GO!!!)

Now this is our good friend Jeffrey who lives across the street from us.In case you can't tell he is a great dane(and we do mean great..)

We had already come back and he was on his way up so I am telling him good places to watch from.

Just a lovely spring shot.......

Then PL2 sat in the sun in the park with us....and here it is...THE FIRST ROACH OF THE SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the many Bs said...

ohhhh that roaching looks good.

do you ever get to run in the Boston marathon. it would be fun to chase those people and play with them? do they let dogs run? that was very inconsiderate of the race organizers to start it early and not consult with you first.


Joe Stains said...

woah cool! I sure would love to hang out with Jeffrey, I bet he can get EVERYTHING off the counter!

Asta said...

Agatha and Archie
I bet you could have won the mawathon..if they just had a squiwwel in a caw ahead of you, hehehehe
That fiwst woach of the season suwe looks gweat!!
Love to see you enjoying youwselves
love and smoochie kisses..Happy Spwing

Lorenza said...

Hi, Agatha and Archie!
Just looking at them running made me feel tired! Yes, I am lazy!
That first roach of the seson sure was great! I wish you two many more to come!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs, wowzers dose runners looks pawtastic...and mama cant run anyware...she loves dose flowers...and u 2 lookies sooo cute doing u 1st roach of the season...

b safe,

Gus said...

Wow, your friend is almost like Travis, cept Trav has a slightly longer tail. Oh, and his Mom Mary is almost as stubby as muzzer, so he looks way bigger!

Looks like a lovely day. And the roach was a good one, I think


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a pawsome roach. Cool that you doggies went to check out the marathon

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

How lucky you are to have seen the runners in the Boston Marathon! Did the two of you bark at them as they flew by on the way to the finish line?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

You got to watch the marathon? You are lucky little devils. Here at the estate, Momma and Master actually WENT TO WORK on marathon day. Imagine!

Getting pretty hot out...


Jake of Florida said...

The first roach of the seaason, huh? We like to roach with the best of 'em -- especially on the nice golf course grass -- but we have a problem with the name 'cause, ahem, the tropics grow very large insects of the same name -- and Mom has a very loud scream if she should happen to see one (not often, thank D-G) -- so we don't know what else to call it -- but not roachin'. Although the only good insect by the same name is one with its legs in the air cause then it has e

A+A, to get on the table, all I need is a chair next to it and then it is hop, hop and I am there!!! (It only works on the outside glass table though and when only the folks are around.) My jumping skill is what has inspired me to find ways to scale that wall!!!

Fun shuts of the marathon and the Great Dane!!

Your wirey pal,


Noah the Airedale said...

Fancy not telling you that the race was starting early....what if PL1 and PL2 wanted to enter. They would have come dead last lol.
Hey that's pretty good roaching.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Toffee said...

My mom told me that they started the race early last year too. The BAA made that decision obviously not taking into consideration a beagle's need to sleep! The reasoning has something to do with the weather being hotter during the middle of the day - early start means cooler weather for the runners. Plus! It eases the strain of having the roads closed by starting earlier. It looks like you had fun Marathon monday! Riley and I didn't get to go cause my mom said it would interfere with her handing out beer to the marathoners on Heartbreak Hill. woof. your pal toffee

Toffee said...

Oh! Don't worry! Tell your PL2 that I will get it next time, promise - although I may need to recruit my Jack Russell Terrible brother to help because I am not sure if Chihueagles know what to do once they've tracked a ROUS other then sniff it and yowl at it. Arizona is wayyyy too far for you to move; plus it would be difficult for the Sox to hear you cheer from there!
your pal,
(thanks for mentioning me in your blog btw)

Deetz said...

I cannot believe they started with you. I bet that was really cool to watch all those humans running though. That grass looked just yummy to roll on. You look so happy.

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Looked like a brill marathon you should have taken part too like you friend he is a big great dane.

Ludo the cool dude

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whew...smokin' HOT...the site of your two undercarriages made Scruffy and me um P A N T....did ya find something really stinky to roll in????

All the better!

Babystan wanted to play with me today and he gave me a Dale nip that was MUCH HARDER THAN I I flew at his head snarlin' and the Big Horsehead tripped and did a complete somersault...forward....Mumsie bout peed her pants...

That Dane is pretty cute, Ags...does he kiss??? Er I mean DATE?

Can't you give ur bruvver some kissin' lessons?

Barkin' at ya,

Eric said...

What were the hoomans running after. Must of been something exciting. Wonder if they caught it?

Great action moves from you Aggs, can see now hoe cute you are on all sides!

Wiry wags, Eric x

Amber-Mae said...

Hope that roaching felt good! I haven't been roaching on grass for some times now. That's becoz mommy doesn't allow...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Roach it up my friend! Roach it up! Did you rol around too! Try out a bunch of different grassy spots! I can see your teefies!!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Princess Patches said...

Great roaching job! Those marathon runners should have invited you to go along!

Poppy & Penny

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, just THINKING about the marathon makes me feel tired. Great roach, by the way! J x

Harry said...

Looks like you had a great roaching session, well done!

I feel a snooze coming on just thinking about running a marathon!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Persephone and Buster said...

Love the last video!

Betcha Jeffrey could run the Marathon and win!


Sephie & Buster

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Hey! How come you guys didn't run in the marathon! I bet you would have been so much faster than those humans!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Patience-please said...

Whew your friend Jeffery is bigger than Jake's race horse we think! Looks like fun fun fun at the people running event. (People running??? Hee hee hee! Isn't that like snail racing? ho har har hee!)

wags from the whippets

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Agatha and Archie!
Wow!! Cool marathon! Our human daddy has signed up to run the San Francisco marathon this year... he's so excited!!
And thumbs up on the roaching!! Great form!
Wags and licks,

Koobuss said...

Wow!! Great shots!! Too bad that you missed the winners. It was very inconsiderate of them not to tell you that they started earlier.

I heard that Patriots' Day is pretty neat. And you had great weather this year for a change! Too bad that we don't celebrate it in the other colonies.

Jeffery is very impressive. He looks like he's a good guy to have around.