Saturday, February 9, 2008

A sucker in every crowd

PL2 is a sucker when it comes to buying us stuff and to stuff she sees in catalogs. Take for example the following items......This is supposed to be a dog pillow so when you go to sleep in your crate you can lie your little head peacefully on it and have lovely dreams. Now of course she got us each one. The directions said place it in your laundry bin or in your bed so it smells like you and then when your pet is asleep gently place it under their heads so they can see what it is. OK here's how it really went. First of all, do you see 2 pillows in the photograph below????

Only one right? As soon as PL2 gently placed Archies under his head so he would have nice dreams he immediately woke up, grabbed the pillow in his mouth and shook it violently destroying it in 2 1/2 nanoseconds.As for me????Well you may notice it is not in my crate. I dragged it out to my bomb shelter whilePL2 was looking and gently placed it in my mouth........
and then proceded to bring it into my bomb shelter where I violently shook it and destroyed it in 1/2 of a nansecond.
The following item is another thing she got suckered into. We have a lot of wood floors and they get REALLY dusty REALLY fast and she is sick of dusting them CONSTANTLY.What ,she thought, could possibly make this easier to do? and low and behold she found THESE in a catalog.........

They are funky slippers that look like..........MOPS underneath!!!!(please note that my brother is in the left hand side of the picture)...

So you walk around normally and while you are walking you are MOPPING THE FLOOR!!!(PL1 just shook his head when he saw these on her and burst out laughing )Archie was very interested in these slippers.......

And right after the next picture he GRABBED one, made a quick dash down the hall( the mistake was he did not wear the slipper to dust but rather shook it VIOLENTLY and)...well you can guess the rest of the story. We have no pillows to rest our heads on to have sweet dreams,PL2 is back using the swifter wearing one green shoe and can not do it with Archie around because he wants that other shoe BAD, and PL1 just waits for the next package to arrive in the mail......


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Agatha & Archie,

That is a funny story, that pillow wouldn't have lasted in our house. Humans are so silly.

So sorry to hear about your cousin. Deepest sympathy's for your loss.


Lacy said...

woofies A and A, mama wants to nos where ya got da shoes...heehee lots of fun times at ur likied da pillows too...

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

Do you guys have ginzu knives and that funny pancake flipper thing they have on the infomercials? I wish our Mom bought cool stuff for us to destroy!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

The pillows woulda lasted here...the slippers...NO WAY. I single-pawededly chewed up 3 out of 4 slippers this week...a tough job, but necessary. Both Lac and me sleep on stuffies as pillows...we want one of those sleep # mattresses for out luck so far.

So Arch is that clueless, Aggie?? How many dogs does he think Lac knows in Boston???? This is gonna be hilarious. Lacie is not exactly patient. To say the least. Mumsie came in from work tonight and sat in Lacie's lifeguard chair. Lacie jumped in her lap...Babystan TRIED to snuggle his Dale head ...he almost lost most of his face...quick reflexes for that big boy...good think Lacie's reach is short....Ya think Arch knows what he's gettin' into...ask him if he knows what "henpecked" dog pecked....literally....

Kissies to PL2....


Koobuss said...

Oh boy!! Those are the best slippers I have ever seen in my entire life. I love them. Please send my mom the address where you got them so that I, er she, can have a pair. I can't wait to get my teeth onto those babies. She has dusting things made out of that same stuff and I "help" her every chance I get. I, rather she, would love to have a pair of those.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Patience-please said...

hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!!!

wags from the whippets, the Servant is laughing too hard to type!

Asta said...

Agatha and ARchie
That's pwetty much the same thing that would have happened hewe..obviously the designews of this stuff don't know a thing about tewwiews.
smoochie kisses
pee ess. so glad to see Archie up and about

Amber-Mae said...

That's a funny looking slipper...I think Chloe will enjoy killing those stuff too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Hey you two. Nice to meet a couple of pals in the Commonwealth (and not the wild western part either).

What's up with your momma? Those were clearly fuzzy invaders that needed to be taken out as quickly as possible. Glad to see you guys were up to the task.

You all going walkies this morning? Even though its wicked cold, I got gyped out of walkies for two days in a row, so I am going to make sad cute face and demand we go out. Bundle up!


Cassidy said...

Me be laughing lots at this post!

Cassidy x

BrandytheGreat said...

Thats a cute slipper Agatha!! No wonder Archie loves it so!! Funky green is the IN colour, huh??

BRandytheGReat and Gang.

Dandy Duke said...

Mom thinks those slippers are just the coolest things! She hates to dust so anything that can make it fun is a good thing in her book! Neat socks too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sophie Brador said...

Ha ha ha! My mom's a sucker too. She doesn't have the slippers, but she sure did buy me a pillow. It's just like your's only bigger for my big head. Pretty much moments after paying for the damn thing, she realized that my pillow does pretty much the same thing for me that my big blue stuffie dog does. Except the stupid pillow doesn't squeak. But I have to admit, I do use it. It's in my box all the time.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey, that mop slipper really suit my owner.... she's such a lazy person that walking while mopping the floor will be a great idea for her...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooo, that's so funny! J1 bought me a lovely velvet green bone-shaped pillow for my head with "Jackson" embroidered on it. As you can imagine, I like it very much but sadly it's now kept up on a shelf out of my reach. It's more of an ornament . She hasn't quite resorted to those slippers yet, but she's not far off! J x

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I love slippers! And those look really interesting!
Kisses and hugs

William Tell said...

Hey, you were just shaking the dust off them, right? ;)


Noah the Airedale said...

G'day A & A,
Those lovely pillows wouldn't last 5 minutes here either. Never mind, you might get more in the next parcel delivery. Paws crossed ay!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy