ALMOST A MONTH?????WE HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IN ALMOST A MONTH???? Geesh,although not a lot has been happening here cuz it has been FREEZING.We thought it was warming up and we have seen crocuses and daffs's little heads poke up.. and then today it is 23 degrees..... SO we have not been our usual active selves.. We thought we would fill you in what we have been doing this last month....
Archie loves to help out PL2 with the chores and told her he would help with the laundry |
Happens every time..... |
We like to help out in the kitchen and of course do ALOT of taste tasting when PL2 cooks.... |
Well.............A girl needs her beauty sleep |
Apparently so does a boy.......We look like little brown puff balls as we need a bath and we need a grooming but they say they are waiting for the weather to warm up a little( yeah right..) |
I am always on the alert for outside activities |
Arch thought he would catch up on a little reading this winter... |
And really tried to digest it...... |
I need ALOTof beauty sleep.. its isn't easy you know... |
Apparently he does too.... |
A good stuffie always helps.....
He always likes a good stuffie as well........
Hopefully it will start to get warm soon.... And very soon baseball is going to start and.. THE BOSTON MARATHON(we aren't running this year.......) Happy Spring dear pals.......