LOOK AT HIM!! HE IS TRYING TO THINK OF A WAY TO GET OF THIS!!! GO AHEAD LET'S HEAR THIS ONE!!!!!!!(You could kind of hear a LOT of HBO words now from PL2 mostly because she really wanted to just sit and knit....)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
HE IS AT IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK AT HIM!! HE IS TRYING TO THINK OF A WAY TO GET OF THIS!!! GO AHEAD LET'S HEAR THIS ONE!!!!!!!(You could kind of hear a LOT of HBO words now from PL2 mostly because she really wanted to just sit and knit....)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Pawtograph anyone??!!
WELLLLLLLL.....imagine our surprise....As you know my brother developed a bit of an allergy to grains which TOTALLY changed the kinds of treats we could have( I don't really get why I have to change my eating ways but PL2 said it was easier for her...geesh...it is ALWAYS about her......) so she searched and searched for grain free treats and was having a bit of a hard time.Then she was reading Dog Fancy magazine one day and heard about these cool people in Oregon who had the same problem with their puppies and decided to make their own cookies( PL2 did try that for awhile but she said it was taking over her life whatever that means.....) So we tried some and LOVED them...So we have started to get them on a regular basis...They are called Stam treats( this is a combination of the names of their two puppies) They come in a few different flavors( our favorite is peanut butter )Here is one of our shipments......
I am not sure but I think this may have gone a little to Archie's head..He is talking about Oprah and the evening news and hold all his calls and tell them I am busy right now.....and stuff like that.......

What I don't get to keep it?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hmmmmppphhhhh..........My brother
You may be wondering what is happening with my bomb shelter.I have decided to find another one as I fear mine is becoming contaminated by my brother's entrances...Here I am checking out under this bed and playing with my food dispenser game.For some reason PL2 was not real pleased about that....
Then in this video you can see that I indeed liked this bomb shelter and OF COURSE had to pee on the floor to let my BROTHER know it was mine( Like that does any good)
As for my old bomb shelter ? Yep it is still blocked off....ONLY NOW SHE ADDED THE STUPID IRONING BOARD......in front of the boxes because HE was knocking over the boxes AND SQUEEZING IN THERE.....and I have NOT been able to get in there and clean and arrange MY stuffies the way they like to be arranged and....WHAT THE #$%^%#$.......WHAT IS ON TOP OF THE BED???
One more thing..We got to go to Jamaica Pond today YEAH we haven't been their since the fall.It was 40 degrees out and just lovely. Tomorrow it is going to snow( sshhhh we are not telling him yet) While we were there Archie sort of fell in love with a little Westie girl and a little mini poodle girl named Sophie( He thought it was THE SOPHIE but I told "WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE SHRUNK????" The best part was they were serving hors derv's.....these little horse manure things....I ate one and spat it out( not to my liking) Archie started to eat one until Pl2 caught on and PL2 just shook her head........All in the day of the life of two little foxies....