It really is not easy........ And you also may ask why PL1 and 2 forget that Archie LOVES to table surf...........
Friday, May 29, 2009
It really is not easy........ And you also may ask why PL1 and 2 forget that Archie LOVES to table surf...........
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Best Day Of Our Lives!!!!!!
Archie at this point was hyperventilating......He had been practicing anti fainting techniques because he KNEW he might faint.......Here he is checking out if it is REALLY Asta.......
BUT WAIT.....IF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH!!!!!! We are expecting one more.......Here is the Goob watching for her........
Asta was getting nervous as well and looking for her....( notice how she got her PL to get shoes to match her tasteful...)
Archie and I didn't know which way to look.....
Archie is pretty close to fainting but his new technique seems to be working..........
It was too much for Stanley.......he had to sit for a minute.......
WHERE OH WHERE IS SHE?????????????????????????
Even Stanley could not believe that Sophie was there.....We decided to take a walk around Beacon Hill a beautiful section of Boston that is very quaint and lovely......
Sophie was looking deciding which way we should go....
We met up with this kid who was in a state of shock.. One because Stanley was 800 times her size and two because she had heard that they were coming and knew they were like royalty...( my brother can be a blabber mouth....and he put it in the Boston Globe....)
Here is Archie telling Sophie about the this street where one of our esteemed Senators( Senator Kerry) lives.......
Asta and I were listening in( he might be a blabber mouth but he knows his history.. He learned it all from PL1)
Sophie decided to take a rest outside Senator Kerry's house( we tried to get INSIDE the house but Archie doesn't have that much pull....)
Asta was looking at the scenery....
Sophie was sniffing PL2's pants......
Then The Goob and Sophie sat and had a chat......
Here are Arch and PL1 and Asta's Dad doing a little bonding( we thought this might be a ploy to get Stanley and Asta together alone but to no avail..........We absolutely DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME................. It was a little hot out and we were all exhausted and took a nap after our walk......We didn't even make it to the Arboretum.. so all of Archie's sweeping was......for naught!!( I TOLD him he didn't have to sweep the whole thing but you know him.........
Really, did you think those anti fainting techniques were going to really work?? Fainted....Trying to make it to his water dish .... He sat and thought of what happened yesterday......... He was heard mumbling in his sleep last night..... "My main man,you are really here, are even prettier than I though...Sophie..C'est Va??" So that my friends, is why
Friday, May 22, 2009
Awards, a meme and you can not believe it
Well as we were so busy with our training and meditating and working on obtainment of that E we are VERY behind in posting some lovely things that we were given by our forgive the tardiness
And Poopsie Blue gave us a Meme: Which was ...what have you never bought??? Well this was EXCEPTIONALLY easy .......a cat..( sorry all our kittie friends but....)
I have been doing some serious shopping( I had to get my friends some Boston things didn't I?? ) and Archie?? He is soo nervous about meeting everyone,we have barely seen him. We had no idea what he was doing until he came back EXHAUSTED last night.... And what you might add was he doing?? He said he was sweeping the entire 12 million thousand acres of the Arboretum so it would look nice when we take our friends there......Oh boy..... How far did he get?? The front entrance...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
YES SHE GOT HER E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you , I do not know how much more I have in me here...... I was a nervous wreck(being her coach all the pressure was ENTIRELY on me......)
I will let her take over........ Arch and I didn't sleep so well because we were a little nervous.....and we got in the back of the car and were ready to go..............(ha ha notice how my side has all the nose marks)
Arch thought PL1 was taking too much time .......
AND A PICTURE OF JOHNNY FLIPPING APPLESEED???WE HAVE TO GET GOING HERE....(as you can see our nerves were a little on edge....)
Gulp.....Then I saw the table where you first go........
These people are looking very official and stern......
Archie said we better have one more going over everything before get going......
While I was doing this Archie was checking out the competition.......
Ohhhhhmmmmmmm.......... I am with PL2 at my warm up run waiting for my turn....I was shaking I was so excited.......PL2 said all she could think about was how was she going to get me out of that tunnel without killing herself...)
AND IF THAT WAS NOT EXCITEMENT....who do you think came to see us afterwards?????? Can you see him????? Not sure who it is??????
NORWOOD AKA sometimes Mr Bezerko( a kid after our own heart)
Archie was stunned......IS THIS REALLY NORWOOD?????????
Then Archie saw this STUNNING wire named Bella,,she is a bit of a show dog and wins all kinds of things.......when she walked away( looking over her shoulder at him, Archie started to cry.....) Norwood came to the rescue and dragged us over to the pond for a swim.....
Ok not only did I see Toffe and Riley and play with Norwood and go swimming...BUT I GOT PRIZES!!!!!
I got this lovely glass(the Greater Boston Earth dog Club) which I am going to give to PL1+2 for being such good PL's.....A lovely bee stuffie which I am going to give to Archie my coach.......
Agatha J.E.