Well we have a confession to make....You are not going to believe this......after all of our signs,disguises and conferences to get rid of the trainer kid he finally came back...and we REALLY like him!! Well, we also did like everyone said which was to do everything he said so he would leave...but he had LOTS OF GOOD TREATS!!! so it was really easy to do what he wanted.We had another conference and decided we could do this as long as we get those yummy treats.....We will keep you posted...... Today was a cold,windy almost winter New England day and PL1+2 said Hey! Why don't we go to the beach??Well you don't have to twist our paws!! So off we went...........to...Revere Beach which was the first public beach in the country!!!!and not very far from us at all.....

And the surf was getting strong.........and the wind started to blow........Here is a little movie for those of you who don't live near the ocean.......

I have to tell you..there is SERIOUS stuff to smell here............
Look at what they have here?????!!!!!!!!
I told PL1 to lift me up so I could get a closer look..IT IS!!! Tin Tin,Milou.....US!!!!!We love this beach.....

Not only are there serious smells here but you can get in some SERIOUS digging as well and you can dig for HOURS!!!!!!!!!
Archie was trying really really hard to look across the water to see if he could see Jackson,Eric,Molly and Taffy or Blue...........

He thought he heard Jax destuffing a toy but he couldn't really be too sure.......

Then we had to get back and investigate........
Can you see the razor clam??The long SHARP shell??There were alot of them today...
And PL1 found this teeny weeny snail shell........
You can see the clouds...........
And the surf was getting strong.........and the wind started to blow........Here is a little movie for those of you who don't live near the ocean.......
I have to tell you..there is SERIOUS stuff to smell here............
Not only are there serious smells here but you can get in some SERIOUS digging as well and you can dig for HOURS!!!!!!!!!
Archie was trying really really hard to look across the water to see if he could see Jackson,Eric,Molly and Taffy or Blue...........
He thought he heard Jax destuffing a toy but he couldn't really be too sure.......
Then we had to get back and investigate........