Happy Hallowwen everyone!!!! See you at the party!!!!!
Glitter Graphics
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
E less and it is ALL HER FAULT
You are all probably wondering how my earthdog event went ....WELL IT DIDN'T thanks to PL2.You see on Friday I was really in a playing mood and Archie and I were really tearing around the house ...alot.... and that night PL2 claims I was limping and was having trouble sitting for a cookie,ok, really sitting at all. HA....does she not know I am a TERRIER????? WE FEEL NO PAIN...........So she said "Agatha,this is looking a little sketchy here...If your leg/butt/who knows what is still wonky on Sunday, you may not be able to go" WHAT???? I screamed. So I spent all day Saturday pretending it didn't hurt( I didn't limp around but I will admit I was a little wussie and I kept tripping going up the stairs but she is in such a another time zone I thought she would never notice...)SO Sunday morning came and it was pouring at 6:30am(we had to be there around 8am..."That's it" she said "I think we are staying home......I really don't want you to hurt yourself more going into that little tunnel"
That's it??? That is it??? What about my E???? Now I have to wait awhole long time to get it.....so I threw myself into one of my 5000 beds........

And then into another one.......

And then up here( you can see the rain out the window.....big deal)
And then on this one........

I threw myself on the floor and wouldn't even look at PL2.....

And then into another one.......
And then up here( you can see the rain out the window.....big deal)
Did you hear me sigh???
I threw myself on the floor and wouldn't even look at PL2.....
Even Archie was upset..........(mostly because I kept throwing myself around and he couldn't sleep but why should he???)
And then to top it all off THE SUN CAME OUT AND IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY................and because she felt really badly PL2 gave us marrow bones...and Archie got it all over him so he had to get a ......BATH.Ask me how pleased he was about this???? So now he is mad at PL2 too as well. He also has some itchy problems like our poor pal Eric so he gets this stuff( which turns the water a funny color and makes him look like oatmeal breakfast)......
And then this stuff.......

You can see for yourself how pleased he is.....
Ha..is this a happy dog???????
When PL2 took him out of the tub she went to dry him and he screamed "ENOUGH ENOUGH I WILL DRY MYSELF(hee hee he heard me screaming all day so he thought he would give it a go....)

Here is a picture of his nose( he says a lot of blogs have nose shots so he wanted one) and his beard which PL2 FORGOT TO ENTER IN STANLEY'S CONTEST.......
By now the two of us had shall we say a little pent up emotion and decided to do this.......
By this time he was pooped and then he THREW himself into a bed... 
In protest I then THREW myself into a bed and if you look closely you will notice that it is Archie's bed because that is his blanket.........So what?

And then I calmed down and realized that it is just an E,and I will have lots of other times in the spring to try again and maybe by then Archie will be able to join me if his back is better, because it is more fun with him participating as well as coaching, and maybe I was being a little brat, and well,maybe my rear leg/butt/who knows what is a little tender so maybe it is a good thing I didn't go. And maybe PL2 was right and she really isn't so bad,I mean look at how she decorated my crate and all and I did get a bone and an egg for supper.......so my quest for the elusive E shall continue after the winter season.......
You can see for yourself how pleased he is.....
Here is a picture of his nose( he says a lot of blogs have nose shots so he wanted one) and his beard which PL2 FORGOT TO ENTER IN STANLEY'S CONTEST.......
In protest I then THREW myself into a bed and if you look closely you will notice that it is Archie's bed because that is his blanket.........So what?
And then I calmed down and realized that it is just an E,and I will have lots of other times in the spring to try again and maybe by then Archie will be able to join me if his back is better, because it is more fun with him participating as well as coaching, and maybe I was being a little brat, and well,maybe my rear leg/butt/who knows what is a little tender so maybe it is a good thing I didn't go. And maybe PL2 was right and she really isn't so bad,I mean look at how she decorated my crate and all and I did get a bone and an egg for supper.......so my quest for the elusive E shall continue after the winter season.......
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Fall Day with A+A
SO it is a beautiful fall day in New England( it is going to rain later, but that is later and this is now) and we are not going to have too many days left to play in our favorite place the Arboretum,(we have a feeling this is going to be a bad winter) and we haven't posted all week so we thought we would go play there and take tons of pictures...so this will make up for no blog in a week as we have a lot to show you..... And fall in New England is one of the greatest things ever!!!!The colors are BRILLIANT right now!!!!!!! And it will not be long before all the leaves fall off...(boo hoo)
This is the little hill we climbed to get to the woods.......

Still climbing.....
Ta Da !! Here we are!! See a lot of leaves have already fallen....We were really crunching(well PL2 more than us) when we walked.....

I immediately "went to ground" because tomorrow is my big event earthdog day(it may rain and then we are not going but I have mentally prepared myself so I won't get too upset,and Archie said if it does rain we can just stay in and eat popcorn and play board games..)

Little sucker went to the other side of the tree....doesn't he know who I am??? The GREAT EARTHDOG AGATHA "J"(maybe soon to be JE but maybe not........)
OK traveling on in the woods...

Hold on...we have to scan something here.......


WAIT OVER THERE...............A COYOTE?????????????????? Nah........
Traveling on deeper into our woods............Arch was fascinated by that tree..who knows why....

OK now we traveling down the woods and are going to end up by the little swimming brook that I LOVE in the summer.......

Before we got there though we found this little plant and the 3 of us were fascinated by it as it was soo different but we don't know what it is.....
Still going down to the little brook.....
There it it is on the right...WHOA there is barely any water in it!!!!!!! We took the great Sophina La Brador there...ah the days of summer..........

Here we are in absolute scanning mode......you have to be really really quiet to scan and listen.....
Still climbing.....
I immediately "went to ground" because tomorrow is my big event earthdog day(it may rain and then we are not going but I have mentally prepared myself so I won't get too upset,and Archie said if it does rain we can just stay in and eat popcorn and play board games..)
Little sucker went to the other side of the tree....doesn't he know who I am??? The GREAT EARTHDOG AGATHA "J"(maybe soon to be JE but maybe not........)
Hold on...we have to scan something here.......
WAIT OVER THERE...............A COYOTE?????????????????? Nah........
OK now we traveling down the woods and are going to end up by the little swimming brook that I LOVE in the summer.......
Before we got there though we found this little plant and the 3 of us were fascinated by it as it was soo different but we don't know what it is.....
Here we are in absolute scanning mode......you have to be really really quiet to scan and listen.....
so then we were out of the woodsy part and were going to walk up this path to go to the Conifer path..and PL2 said well now we can have this..............
APPLE!! Our favorite!!!!!!!(Archie was so excited he is laughing in this picture!!) there was a few problems however...PL2 got apple all over the camera and Archie sort of licked the camera as well so some of the following pictures maybe a little gooey or applely or blurry......

This is the 2 of us after eating our apple....See how happy we are??!!!!
Oh this kid was a RIOT!!! His name was Chico and guess where he was from PUERTO RICO!!! He was only a baby(4 months old) and he was already bilingual Of course did PL2 get a picture while we were chatting??? No only as he was walking away...geesh....
Hold on for another minute.....scanning...scanning.......
Checking out the pee mail(we were about a week behind in our reading.....)

You know what this is!!! We affectionately call it COYOTE PATH!!!!!!!!! Not one sighting since that famous day.......Of course if PL2 meets people here this is the first thing out of her mouth .ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the way out we saw this..and a light bulb went off in BOTH of our heads!!!! THIS IS WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO NEXT YEAR!! But for dogs not people!!! We can show them the best roaching spots, and where the famous Lenny and Sophie walked(Arch is thinking of putting in a golden pathway) and where the chipmunks are and where PL1 saw the coyote!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA!! Archie said we could wear little tour guide hats and everything!!!!! So instead of being sad when we left we were all pumped up!!!!!!
This is the 2 of us after eating our apple....See how happy we are??!!!!
Look at the yellow of this tree!!!!
Checking out the pee mail(we were about a week behind in our reading.....)
You know what this is!!! We affectionately call it COYOTE PATH!!!!!!!!! Not one sighting since that famous day.......Of course if PL2 meets people here this is the first thing out of her mouth .ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
On the Campaign Trail
SO this is the rental car that PL1+2 got while ours is being fixed....PL2 said IT IS HUGE and she is not used to driving such a big car but they had to get a hatchback so we could see out the back....... She drives at about 3 miles an hour because she says she feels like she is really high up and she can't see the front,back or sides of the car( oh that is just GREAT) but we had to get in it with her because we had to do a little campaigning for our candidate today...
It is a typical fall New England day....crisp,cool with a little snap to the air..good apple eating and leaf peeping and campaigning weather so we thought we would go back to Jamaica Pond.....
Here is some foliage(which came out overnight it seems like.....)

And so we began our campaigning........ We weren't really sure what was the best way to get our message out to everyone.......

But then we figured it out...PEE MAIL!!!!!!!
Here I am standing attention at the flag...I am feeling very Presidential here....
Here I am reading some other kids opinions on the issues......
Archie is joining me here...this kid has some GREAT ideas....
We were discussing what message to leave here...
Pee mail really is the best way to go.....

Here I am with my little Jackie Kennedy smile while I am campaigning.....Archie has his ears flapping in the wind like Jack Kennedy at the beach(well we do live in Massachewsitts...)
This was a tough spot..Archie really had to think about his message here...
Archie is trying very hard to look as serious as he can because voting is a very important thing(of course I still have my Jackie Kennedy smile on here...)
And then we came home and Archie conked out.....
Only a short more time everyone!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to vote!!!!!

Here I am with my little Jackie Kennedy smile while I am campaigning.....Archie has his ears flapping in the wind like Jack Kennedy at the beach(well we do live in Massachewsitts...)
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